Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 89 Against The World Law

Chapter 89 Against The World Law

In the private quarters, Elizabeth and Elena spoke candidly, secured by layers of powerful wards and enchantments.

"Don't worry about Fenrir eavesdropping. This place is as soundproof as a tomb," Elena assured her.

"I just don't want to take any chances with my plans," she replied, her tone serious.

"Are you sure about this, Elizabeth? You know the price for completing the medallion of resurrection will be steep. You'll be weakened greatly. Your endless energy will be gone after this. " Elena cautioned.

"I know, but Fenrir will die if I don't do this," she replied resolutely.

"Is there no other way? I trust Evangeline's predictions, but sacrificing your life force to bring Fenrir back is too much," Elena argued, her concern evident from her tone.

"It's alright. If the prophecy is correct, I'll be able to resurrect in the future," she countered.

"You do know that the 'you' that will be resurrected will just be a copy? The "you now " will truly die," Elena reminded her.josei

"As long as my love for him remains, I don't have to worry about that," she replied with a hopeful tone.

"You're a fool," Elena shook her head. Her friend was in too deep to be swayed by reason.

"Tell me everything about this medallion." Elizabeth urge Elena, afraid that she will change her mind.

Elena sighed and leaned in closer, her voice low and serious.

"The medallion you possess is not a simple artifact. It is comprised of multiple parts, which must be scattered far from one another after the spell is complete. Only the base must remain with you."

Elizabeth nodded, absorbing the information but she has some questions.

"But why must they be kept apart?" she asked.

"If the parts are kept close, they will resonate with each other and create supernatural charges that can be easily detected by our enemies. We must keep them apart until the prophecy comes to fruition. Then, the resurrected Fenrir will only need to locate each piece to complete the medallion."

"And what of the medallion Fenrir possesses?" Elizabeth inquired.

"That medallion will be his key to revival. It will absorb his soul and essence the moment he dies in the war. It will act as his catalyst."

"Of course," Elena added with a shrug. "All of this is only effective if nothing changes in the future. We must trust in Evangeline's prophecy."

"You're right " Elizabeth hesitated as she heard her little sister's name. Her mind flashed back to the events that had led them to this moment. The crime they had committed in the name of love.

Elizabeth POV

As I stood with Evangeline in our private laboratory, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of uncertainty. It was a daunting task we had set ourselves, altering the course of fate, but we had to try. Fenrir's survival was at stake, and we loved him too much to let him fall victim to the fate given to him by the envious ancient gods.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, and let my mind drift. The supernatural energy within me stirred, pulsing with a vibrant intensity. I focused on that energy, on harnessing it and molding it to our will.

"Evangeline," I said, my voice steady but resolute. "We have to do this. We have to change the future, no matter the cost."

She nodded, her eyes shining with the same unwavering determination. "I know, Big sister Elizabeth. And we will. Together."

I smiled, feeling the warmth of her support. We had always been a formidable duo, our bond as Originals unbreakable. But now, with our combined power, we were capable of achieving the impossible.

With a deep breath, I opened my eyes, the energy within me radiating outward. "Let's do this," I said, determination echoing in my voice.

We worked tirelessly, pouring every ounce of our strength and energy into our efforts. We combed through ancient tomes and consulted with powerful allies, drawing on every resource at our disposal.

There were moments of doubt, moments when we questioned whether our actions were worth the risk. But each time, we reminded ourselves of our love for him, and we pressed on.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we found a way. A way to alter the prophecy, to shift the future in Fenrir's favor. It was a delicate balance, requiring a precise execution, but we were up to the task.

As we stood there, side by side, our hands intertwined, I could feel the immense pressure building. The task we had set for ourselves was not an easy one, and we knew that it would take everything we had to succeed.

But I am not alone. Evangeline stood beside me, her eyes pulsing with a fiery intensity that matched my own. Together, we channeled our power, drawing on the strength of our bond.

The air around us crackled with energy, the fabric of fate trembling under our combined force. We could feel the weight of the world bearing down on us, as if trying to crush us beneath its weight.

But we held fast, our determination unwavering. We had come too far to falter now. The love we shared for Fenrir, the man who had captured our hearts, was too powerful to be denied by fate itself.

As we worked, we exchanged words of encouragement, each of us pushing the other to greater heights. We knew that this was a task that would require every ounce of our strength, and we were prepared to give it all.

Through the sweat and the tears, we held firm. And as the final surge of energy surged forth, we could feel the fabric of fate begin to shift. We had done it. We had defied destiny itself, all for the sake of our love.

"We did it " Evangeline spoke with a weak but satisfied voice.

We looked at each other, our eyes shining with pride and satisfaction, we knew that we had accomplished something truly extraordinary.

But as we basked in the relief of our victory, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling in the back of my mind. The law of the world, the very fabric of existence itself, had been altered. What we had done was an unforgivable offense, a crime against the natural order.

However, as I looked at Evangeline, and thought of Fenrir, my resolve hardened. The law of the world be damned. For the man we loved, we were willing to face even the gods themselves.

I could feel the fire of our defiance burning within me, a fierce determination to protect what was ours. We had rewritten the prophecy, defied fate itself, and in doing so, we had put ourselves in the crosshairs of the powers that controls fate.

But I didn't care. I was willing to fight to the death, to protect my love, no matter the cost.

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