Lust Knight

Chapter 656 Mermaids And Nagas Celebrating A Small Victory

Chapter 656 Mermaids And Nagas Celebrating A Small Victory

The sun shines again over the battlefield as the last living Kraken falls under Saria and Claire's attacks; those Mermaids and Nagas can breathe a sigh of relief; the nightmare is over, at least for them and just for now.

They can finally rest and just stop fighting; Their bodies are dirty with blood and monster entrails, but they don't care; they just let the calm sea waves slowly wash their bodies.

The battle is over, but the healers' work is just beginning; luckily, they have Sophia, who flies across the battlefield, healing Mermaids and Nagas at incredible speed.

After today, not only will Lucien and Eve be very dear and respected by those people, but this is also the case for their sisters.

Claire was already loved by the Mermaids, but now they also love Sophia for being such a good person, Donna for being such a brave warrior, Amelia for being a loyal companion, and Naomi…

Well, the Nagas see Naomi as an absolute protector, someone ready to defend them from anything with her incredible shield. But the Mermaids still fear that they won't be able to stop eating everything when around her.

Of all the sinful auras, Gluttony's influence seems to be the one that left the most impact on them. At least that's what they believe, but soon they'll understand how Lucien changed them in an even more powerful way.

Maya also deserves praise for her hard work; in fact, she was always seen as an ally of the Mermaids and a close friend of Nea, but today she showed unbelievable power and even more powerful determination as she gave all of her to protect the lives of those Mermaids and Nagas.

The Phoenix will become a symbol of protection and hope for those people. And last but not least, there are Lucien's wives; they fought alongside those Mermaids and Nagas in one of the darkest moments of their lives, creating bonds that cannot be undone or forgotten.

That battle showed everyone that Lucien not only has good intentions but is also capable of doing everything he claims he can do for them. In one of the most brutal battles in Blue Star history, not a single soldier died during or after the combat.

And among all those Mermaids and Nagas, Mira and Nea are certainly the most impressed people. The Naga Queen is just more certain that accepting to become his wife was the wisest decision in her life, while the Mermaid Queen still seems uncertain about part of her feelings for him.

"Lucien???" Nea flies to his side with a concerned expression. She analyzes his body, looking for any injuries but finds nothing, and even his wonderful fragrance remains the same.

"My Queen..." He smiles at her.

Nea ignores his attempt to flirt and starts touching his body. "I saw you fighting that monster... I wanted to help you, but I couldn't abandon so many Mermaids to death..."

She seems genuinely concerned about his health, which moves Lucien's heart. So he holds her shaking hands and kisses her lips in front of everyone. "It's alright; I told you to trust me, and you did it."

Nea doesn't try to stop Lucien from kissing her, which shocks everyone, especially Saria, who also feels a hint of jealousy. "What about the other?? Are your sisters okay? And your wives??"

"Your sisters, you mean?" He asks in a teasing tone.

"This is not time for this!" Nea rolls her eyes. "I'm really concerned that someone fo your family got hurt during the battle."

Lucien lovingly caresses her face. "My girls are fine; otherwise, I wouldn't be so calm... I'm more concerned about the Mermaids and Nagas."

"My people are fine; no one got hurt thanks to our family," Mira reports upon reaching Lucien's side.

Ramla also approaches them despite appearing to be confused and concerned about Lucien and Nea's new relationship. "The Mermaids are also fine, none of them died in the battle, and the most injured are being healed by Sophia and the group of healers right now."

"Good." Lucien smiles and holds Nea's hand; he doesn't exactly want to flirt with her now but rather show the Mermaids that they are together to take care of them just like he is with Mira for the sake of the Nagas.

And his action works perfectly to soothe the hearts of those Mermaids. Even Ramla feels safer with them being so close. Yet, she doesn't know how to act in front of Lucien. "I speak for all soldiers here when I say that... well, everyone is grateful to Eve and you... Lord Lucien..."

"You can call me King if you want…" Lucien speaks in a casual tone.

[My King???] Ramla says that in her mind and is surprised at how good that sounds. Yet, she looks at Nea with a thoughtful expression, clearly seeking her opinion on that.

Nea again rolls her eyes. "Just ignore him."

"Hahaha..." Lucien starts to laugh as he strokes Nea's soft hand. "Why are you so serious, my love?? This was an important victory for our people, so why not celebrate?"

She sighs as she looks at the dark clouds on the distant horizon. "I'm afraid it's not yet time to celebrate."I think you should take a look at

"It's," Lucien speaks in a determined tone while also looking at the distant dark clouds. "The war may be just beginning, but we need to celebrate each battle to motivate soldiers to keep fighting the best they can."

"I agree with Lucien." Saria approaches the group beside Claire, and both of them cast jealous gazes at Nea. "Our people need good things more than ever."

Lucien smiles even more teasingly as he looks at Saria and talks to Nea. "See, my stepdaughter agrees with me... isn't that so cute?"

"Lucien?!?!" Saria is really upset that Lucien called her a stepdaughter. "Why are you teasing me like that?!?"

"To see your adorable embarrassed expression, of course." He quickly responds, making Saria blush even more. The other girls don't know if they feel sorry for the cute Mermaid Princess or envy her.

The mood gets really nice, but a worried voice sounds very respectful. "My King..."

Everyone looks at that woman approaching; it's Ritika, the Naga general. She nods several times at Lucien and Mira before pointing to the dark clouds on the horizon. "I fear Queen Nea is right; the danger is not over yet."

"Do you know about Siren's dark portals?" He asks.

She nods. "Yes, these portals are Tanu's work, and I don't think she's near stopping... that woman is more powerful than she looks; I don't think even Tyrion understands her real power."

"Indeed, she is a malicious and treacherous snake!" Nea comments without hiding how much she hates Tanu. "This is an attack..." Nea comments as she looks at black clouds in all directions. "But how is this woman directing these creatures from so far away??"

"I don't think she has as much control over the situation as she seems." Pride materializes her body near them as Eve approaches the group. "These creatures weren't attacking in a coordinated way but just acting crazy... it looks like this Siren is just opening random portals and bringing these monsters from somewhere..."

"It's a dark prison where Tyrion does sinister experiments with monsters," Lucien explains. "The Siren is there, doing her dark magic..."

The girls who weren't with Lucien in the Central Region don't understand how he could know that, but they don't doubt his word, especially Ritika. "They won't stop... this is an attack over the whole Mermaid Kingdom."

"So we have to act quickly!" Ramla can't help but exclaim, concerned with her people.

"We have to act smart," Lucien responds as he looks at Nea. "As far as I know, you've prepared your people for war, right?"

She nods. "Yes, I started preparations for war as soon as Saria and Claire left the capital; the cities are on alert and ready to defend themselves."

"But they're not waiting for Krakens to fall from the sky!" Saria comments, also concerned.

"That's why we're going to destroy these portals," Lucien speaks confidently.

"I'll help you," Maya comments as she joins the group. "I can destroy the whole storms again and again."

Lucien understands that Maya is undoubtedly immortal, yet, he can't help but be concerned. "Isn't that dangerous somehow?"

She smiles friendly. "I can burn my body as many times as it takes; really, there is no problem."

"So we have a plan." Lucien smiles gratefully at Maya before looking at Nea. "We will protect all Mermaids and stand up to anything Tyrion sends us."

"He will also come for us." Mira comments. "This whole war is just for his personal gain, so he will surely come with his army after these waves of monsters... he wants you and Nea... he wants to steal your power."

"Let him come then!" Nea holds Lucien's hand tightly. "We're going to face him here and kill him here."josei

"Together," Lucien adds.

Nea looks into his eyes confidently and then raises their hands, showing them to all the Mermaids. "Together!"

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