Lust Knight

Chapter 182 - Olivias Resolution

Chapter 182 - Olivias Resolution

Chapter 182 - Olivia's Resolution

Olivia stepped in front of Astrid while waving to all of Lucien’s crazy fans who seemed to want to beat her up. "She didn’t do anything to him, right Ravenous?"

Astrid was laughing inside. She really wanted to tell the crazy fans all of the different things she has done with Lucien every night.

But she knew that wouldn’t help their situation, so she raised her hands. "That’s right, I didn’t do anything to him. In fact, I lost him, and he ran away from the city."

Madelyn didn’t quite believe Olivia and Astrid. She could feel that there was something very wrong that was not being said.

But now was not the time to create problems, but to solve their current problems. She motioned for the girls to return to their affairs. "It’s alright, let’s talk more about that later."

The group of crazy fans was furious that Ravenous, the men breaker, spoke in that way about their idol. Still, they knew about the problematic situation and stepped back to respect the Guild Master, who had just returned.

As the group stepped back, Olivia winked at Ghilanna and made a subtle hint towards Madelyn.

The elf quickly approached Madelyn and held out her hand. "Hi, I haven’t introduced myself yet. Tell me more about Lucien, please. I’m very curious."

As Lucien’s main crazy fan and leader of the L, Madelyn would never miss an opportunity to glorify her beloved rogue hero, causing Ghilanna to want to laugh at how she imagines Lucien as a saint when in fact he is the devil himself.

Olivia used this opportunity to quickly contact Lucien. ’Hubby, I’m sorry to bother you so soon, but we have a very unusual situation here...’

Olivia had no way of explaining the overreaction of his crazy fans, so she just let him know about the group and asked how to proceed.

Lucien didn’t care much that the group was done in his name. Of course, he would be surprised to see the number of women, many of them beauties, who praised him as a legend...

This opportunity came at an excellent time because the group seemed very inclined to follow Olivia as their leader and not Ivan. And because they want peace, they would not get in his way.

Lucien immediately responded to Olivia, without losing focus on his current duty, keeping his girls m.o.a.ning with pleasure.

’Just keep them out of the conflict. Also, explain to them that you are going to pretend to be on Ivan’s side because you are not supposed to confront him directly.’

’The best case would be for you to be able to accompany him to a direct battle against Black Hand with as few adventurers as possible, so we can eliminate them together.’

Olivia couldn’t help but feel bad about plotting against Ivan. But just as she was selfishly planning with him against Cassidy, now she would be selfishly plotting against him with Lucien.

Olivia already assumed this was the club for Lucien’s fans that she had told Madelyn to close down, but she was surprised to learn that Ivan has not been a good leader for the adventurers lately, and has been letting those against the war be intimidated by his comrades.

"How many people are currently here?" Olivia asked Madelyn.

Madelyn quickly responded. "Fifteen hundred was what I was told was down here now, but our group has at least another thousand people above ground acting normal to avoid suspicion."

Olivia understood that they had to stop acting publicly against the conflict and just stay quiet while hiding underground.

She couldn’t help but be disappointed with Ivan, who she thought was a good leader for the Guild. But she also understood his hatred for the mercenaries.

Red Lady, Cornelius, and Black Hand always tried to sabotage the Guild in every way possible and did not hesitate to kill adventurers.

But none of that mattered now. Olivia had already made her choice and will only follow Lucien’s plans.

She quickly started planning with Madelyn. "You need to keep all your people down here. I will pretend to be with Ivan and support him, but soon I will end this conflict... with as few deaths as possible, I hope."

Madelyn and her group have complete confidence in Olivia. After all, while Ivan explored the world, Olivia led the Guild most of the time alone, and despite having constant problems with the mercenaries, they could not complain about her leadership.

"I understand, Guild Master. I’m glad you’re taking care of us." Madelyn smiled happily for making the right decision to believe in Olivia.

What she didn’t know was that who would put an end to the conflict would not be Olivia but Lucien, and in no way peaceful.

Olivia smiled and put her hand on Ghilanna’s shoulder. "You already know Glen’s cousin, right? We have a special way of communicating, so I will leave her with you so that we can always be in contact. She can pass on my direct orders to you."

Madelyn, as well as everyone in the Guild, knew the legend of Glen, the S-rank elven archer. And Ghilanna looked a lot like him, and many would even say that they are twin siblings.

"We will take good care of her." Madelyn nodded to Olivia and held Ghilanna’s hand.

"Okay, I’m going to see Ivan now." Olivia prepared to return.

Madelyn approached her and spoke in a lower tone. "He’s in your office. Guild Master, please be careful... Ivan and the others started acting differently after they used some kind of green crystal... they seem to be more unstable, and some of them even seem crazy."

Olivia was curious about the crystals that Ivan was using to make the adventurers stronger. Of course, she didn’t think it was better than Lucien’s marvelous techniques.

"Thanks for the warning Madelyn, see you later," Olivia said goodbye and walked to the stairs while calling Astrid. "Let’s leave before Lucien’s fans start beating you up."

Madelyn was much more relieved now that she knew that Olivia is going to help resolving the situation. She would only need to keep her people hidden while everything would be back to normal soon.

She looked at Lucien’s drawing on the wall as she sighed. "Although he is not helping us directly, our group is only united because of him."

Ghilanna was used to hearing women sigh for Lucien. Still, she couldn’t help but find this situation very funny.

She pretended not to know anything. "Why is he so incredible?"

Before Madelyn responded, a different crazy fan answered. "He killed Brian, the brother of Black Hand, and saved two novice adventurers."

Then other women continued. "And the rumors say he fought n.a.k.e.d."

"Then he killed a Light Empire captain and his group." Another woman spoke, and so on, others continued telling tales about Lucien.

"Then he kicked Mason’s ass in front of Jeanne, his overprotective aunt..."

The stories were always improved when told by people who admired Its protagonists, but Ghilanna knew that those stories about Lucien were completely authentic. And of course, she couldn’t help feeling proud, after all, she is one of his beloved wives.

So when someone talked about Lucien fleeing the city and dodging Glen’s arrows, Madelyn looked at Ghilanna with a curious expression.

"Your cousin... He was in Olivia’s group that disappeared in the forest... Is he okay?"

Ghilanna nodded. "Yes, he is fine."

Madelyn smiled. "Oh, how nice. He was always liked by everyone... Although he was an unusual guy, I would say."

Ghilanna understood that she was strange as Glen not because she looked feminine, but because she was not feeling good with herself. "I think he was just looking for a home."

"And did he find it?" Madelyn asked.

Ghilanna smiled, thinking about Lucien’s warm bed. "Yes, absolutely."


As Olivia and Astrid climbed the stairs, they couldn’t help but comment about the L.

Astrid laughed. "Crazy women. I can’t believe they were mad at me for calling my husband as hubby."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "They wouldn’t believe the truth without proof. And it wouldn’t help us at all." josei

"I see... You looked a little worried there... Did you tell hubby everything?" Astrid asked.

"What do you mean? I... I explained the situation to him. Why would I hide anything?" Olivia made a concerned expression.

Astrid smiled sarcastically at Olivia. "I saw a lot of beautiful young girls there... Also, Madelyn has those cute ears... It’s not too hard to imagine how this will end when hubby sees them."

Olivia tried to hide her insecurities and shrugged. "And what’s the problem? The L is an advantage for us. More people to be on our side. I don’t know what you’re implying."

"Don’t try to pretend, Olivia. My position in his heart is rock solid, but yours... Even though Scarlett tried to manipulate hubby at first, she quickly regretted and accepted him."

"But you... Even if he forgives you, and Cassidy tries her best to accept you, do you expect everyone to forget the shit you did?"

Astrid had no sympathy for Olivia since she chased Lucien and his group when she should have tried to help them.

Olivia knew about her mistakes and regretted them, but she would not bower her head. "I know the shit I did was wrong. But look at me now. I’m here betraying my friend for the sake of our family. I’m doing everything I can to deserve our husbands love!"

Astrid stopped before they left the secret passage inside the pantry and looked earnestly at Olivia.

"I hope things are like you said... Because if you even think about betraying Lucien, I’ll tear yours and Ivan’s heads off. Even if it causes my death."

Olivia took Astrid’s words seriously. The powerful manticore-woman was already strong, but after reaching the Mortal Realm, she has become incredibly strong, and her agility is not much inferior to Lucien’s.

Still, Olivia gazed at Astrid. "We should continue our mission."

"Yes, let’s go." Astrid opened the secret door, and they left in the kitchen pantry.

The L’s underground hideout has other secret entrances throughout the Guild, but one one will take them back to the Guild’s main building faster.

Olivia and Astrid left the kitchen without any problems or drawing attention. Everyone in L acts discreetly and continues their routines without looking suspicious.

There were L members in all sectors of the Guild, including the management like Madelyn and other attendants.

Since L was kept secret even under the management of the smart Olivia, they had no problem keeping hidden from Ivan and his comrades, who are much stronger than they are intelligent.

Olivia and Astrid returned to the Guild’s main building and quickly went to Olivia’s office on the second floor, now also Ivan’s office.

*Knock* *Knock*

Olivia couldn’t help but make a face when she had to knock on her own office door, but she didn’t want to offend Ivan and put their plans at risk.

"You may come in." Ivan was looking at some maps of the city’s north area when he heard the knock on the door.

As soon as he saw Olivia’s familiar mask, he couldn’t help but get up from his chair while laughing. "Oliva, my partner!"

Ivan might be an ambitious thug, but Olivia felt he was sincere and friendly to her. Also, he always respected her.

She couldn’t help but wish he never came back to the city. Now they are enemies...

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