Lust Knight

Chapter 206 - Our Revenge

Chapter 206 - Our Revenge

Chapter 206 - Our Revenge

The day after the big celebration, ​Lucien​ woke up very early, ​he only ​dozed off for an hour before preparing for his morning exercises with Oya.

Still, he didn’t get out of bed immediately but brought Scarlett to his chest. L.u.s.t, of course, moved over ​a little for a while.

Lucien knew that Scarlett had not slept. She was very anxious since she arrived at the Mortal Realm yesterday, because of that Lucien had given her a lot of pleasure and demonic energy.

Scarlett did not awaken a new ability but had a great improvement in one of the most powerful characteristics of the werewolves, which is a very resistant skin.

As a hybrid of the fox race and werewolf race, she had very soft skin and fur, similar to Anne, but her skin, although not as resistant as that of a purebred werewolf, was still an incredible advantage, which allowed her to win many fights.

But now, after entering the Mortal Realm, Scarlett’s skin and fur were still very soft but incredibly tough, even compared to the rare black steel.

That, in addition to the great increase in her physical capabilities, made Scarlett very happy. She always tried to get stronger, and beside Lucien, plus having a loving family, he is helping her to gain the power she so badly needs.

Lucien stroked Scarlett’s fluffy ears while she sniffed his chest. "I will never force you to do something ​or tell me ​anything​ that you don’t want, but I have to say that I am concerned about you."

Scarlett smiled because she knew Lucien could feel her discomfort, but instead of questioning her, he was saying that he was concerned.

"I didn’t want to bother you with this... It’s just that now that I’m stronger, and the mercenaries are all under my control..." Scarlett didn’t want to be a burden to Lucien and make him regret accepting her as his wife.

"Humm..." Lucien just continued stroking Scarlett and showing his support with actions without questioning her.

She could feel that he genuinely loves her, so she ​is​ ​being​ silly, worrying about being a burden to him. Then she started to tell her story to Lucien.

"I was born in the fox-clan, and since I was just a child, everyone ​looked at​ me with disdain and even hate... Even my older brother didn’t like me."

"When I turned twelve, my grandmother, who raised my brother and me, explained ​my parents situation to me."

"My mother was married to my older brother’s father. They were one of the most important fox clan’s families and were at the forefront of the demi-human fox movement to become stronger and more independent."

"But the most dominant clans like the werewolf-clan and the manticore-clan like to keep other clans weak and thus control them by promising protection to them."

Lucien had already read in several books about the hierarchy of Alliance’s clans. Apart from the elves and other small clans that were furthest from the central area of the Alliance, most of the clans were controlled by the manticore and werewolf clans, who always had one of their people as the general leader of their country.

Lucien remained silent listening to Scarlett’s story while her feelings went from sad to angry.

"Because​ my mother and her husband ​ convinced, and encouraged​ the fox-clan and other clans to​ strengthen themselves and not just rely on the protection of the manticore and werewolf clan, they caught the attention of dangerous people."

"The patriarch of the werewolf clan falsely accused my mother’s husband of raping his wife and then killed him after raping my mother..."

Scarlett couldn’t help but be very sad from thinking about the past, tears dripped from her eyes, and slid down her cheeks onto Lucien’s chest.

Lucien couldn’t do anything about the past or say anything that would change her feelings, so he just hugged her tightly against his chest.

Scarlett had already cried a lot in her life because of her family’s sad story, but she easily becomes depressed every time she thinks about it.

But unlike before, when she had to deal with her sadness alone and keep moving on because of thoughts of revenge, she now ​has​ Lucien’s strong and warm arms to embrace her and share her pain.

Scarlett still couldn’t change the past, but ​the​ warm and loving sensations she feels in Lucien’s arms ​makes​ her feel very protected and thus ​made​ her sadness ​go​ away.

She continued her story. "The patriarch werewolf’s wife was fine, and everyone knew he was just attacking my mom and her husband."

"But nobody could do anything. The werewolf clan was and still is much stronger than the fox-clan.

That patriarch was also the general leader of the Alliance at the time."

"He destroyed my family, killed most of Its men, and other people of the werewolf clan r.a.p.ed the women."

"​Because of​ the fox-race and the werewolf-race ​being​ very similar, many fox-women became pregnant by the werewolf-men. Some of them killed themselves because they were very traumatized, but others like my mother held their sadness... at least until the children ​were​ born."

"Our family was desolate. Its women were traumatized with scars on their bodies and minds that would never heal. Also, the rest of the fox-clan turned away from all of the r.a.p.ed women, fearing further violent actions from the werewolf clan..."

Scarlett took a deep breath before speaking very sadly. "My mother took her own life as soon as I was born."

Again, Lucien could do nothing, but the fact that he continued ​hugging​ Scarlett lovingly ​allowed her ​to ​calm down quickly.

"My brother and I were raised by our grandmother, who also raised other children ​from our family without parents. I could see in her eyes that she was extremely unhappy and ​the only reason she didn’t kill herself, ​is​ because ​she knew she is the only one who would​ take care of us."

"​Other children ​and I that were ​born ​from​ ​women​ ​that got r.a.p.ed ​by the werewolf-men, were symbols of the tragedy that happened to our family and the fox-clan in general."

"It was normal for everyone to walk away from us, and hate us... but they didn’t think about how we felt... I hate my father for being a monster and ​for doing​ that to my mom."

"Anyway, time passed, and I kept growing. My brother hated me a lot for everything that happened to our mom and his father. He was very angry with the werewolf clan and wanted to do something against them."

"But things were not so simple. As a purebred fox-man, he was a lot weaker than werewolf-men.

Still, one day he managed to sneak attack ​a​ patriarch werewolf’s son."

"In the Alliance, it’s all about power. People and clans are always fighting to demonstrate their power, but in an organized way in events and public fights."

"But sneak attacks are terrible crimes, especially if it is against someone from an influential family."

"The werewolf patriarch’s son was wounded but ​didn’t die​, and my brother was arrested. Now that patriarch tortures him regularly for fun..."

Then Scarlett looked at Lucien with a determined expression. "I want to save my brother even if he hates me because I understand his pain. Also, I want to take revenge on the werewolf clan, especially the patriarch and his family."

"Yes, we will do it," Lucien said as he kissed Scarlett’s forehead.

Then Scarlett shook her head. "I did horrible things...​so that I could try getting​ my revenge. I attacked Cassidy so I could take control of Portgreen. Then I planned against Olivia..."

"But now, you have given me more power than I could have expected. The Alliance does not attack Portgreen because we pose no threat to them, but now you are the King... The mercenaries are under my control... I don’t want you to get in trouble, so I could- "

Lucien sealed Scarlett’s lips with a passionate kiss. Then when she was silent, he spoke determinedly.

"You are my wife, Scarlett. Your problems are my problems. Politics don’t matter to me, but you and your happiness ​do matter​."

Then he put his hand on Scarlett’s chest while putting hers on his. "Through our connection, I can feel all of your emotions, and you know that."

"Perhaps not everyone in the werewolf clan agreed with what was done to your family, but those who participated in that or at least agreed to that will pay with their blood."

Lucien hugged Scarlett tightly again. "I will go there ​ ​with you, and I will watch you break every bone in this patriarch’s ​body​ until he begs you to kill him, but then he will suffer ​so ​much more before we let him die."

Lucien forgave Scarlett for what she did to Cassidy, he gave her a home, a family, power beyond what she could imagine, love, affection, ​and ​protection...Now he ​shares​ her pain, ​and​ her anger... how could she not love him more and more?

"Hubby !!!" Scarlett couldn’t help shedding more tears as she hugged Lucien tightly and wept on his chest. ​She is​ happy ​that she​ found him, or rather, ​he found​ her and brought her ​into​ his warm embrace.

Lucien continued patting Scarlett’s head. "I know you are eager to rescue your brother and ​to​ have your revenge. Actually, Astrid and I also have issues to deal with in the manticore-clan, just as I need to meet Anne’s parents in the fox-clan."

"But I saw on maps and read in books that we need months to reach the Aliança ​by ​crossing the great forest. Even though it is faster to go by sea, it ​will ​still ​take​ a ​long​ time ​to get there​."

"Even if we are very fast in the Mortal Realm, it is best to wait until after I have resolved ​the situation with ​Amelia. Then at that moment, we will have strengthened wind mages in our group, and we can go to the Alliance much faster by sea."

Scarlett knew how long the journey to the Alliance took. Also, traveling through the vast and dangerous forest is not easy.

So waiting for Lucien to train wind mages so they can speed up their sh.i.p.s is a great plan to quickly get ​to the Alliance and travel to other places by sea.

"Okay, I’ll wait patiently. Knowing that you’ll be by my side when I face the werewolf-clan is more than I could ask from you... thank you, my husband." josei

Lucien smiled as he kissed Scarlett. "Don’t thank me for taking care of you. This is my duty as your husband, and it is an honor for me to have a woman as incredible as you as my wife."

Scarlett enjoyed Lucien’s caresses as she rested on his chest. Being much more relieved of her worries and in the arms of her beloved hubby, she did not take long to ​fall asleep​.

Lucien ​lay​ the cute Scarlett where he was lying. She continued to sleep with a happy smile on her face as she smelled his scent on the bed.

Then he prepared to leave the bedroom, but then something caught his eye. There was a black haze coming out of Olivia’s body as she rolled over the bed, ​while ​still asleep.

L.u.s.t quickly explained what Lucien already imagines was going on with Olivia. "She ​has​ almost reached the Mortal Realm. Her body is still processing the large amount of demonic energy that​ you gave her last night."

"Well, then, I just need to help her." Lucien thought aloud as he took Olivia in his arms and carried out ​of ​the bedroom like a princess.

Olivia did not wake up as her body felt very comfortable in Lucien’s arms. Still asleep, she instinctively wrapped her arms around Lucien’s neck.

Lucien went to the bathroom carrying her while thinking aloud. "You are so cute, Olivia, my dear."


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