Lust Knight

Chapter 237 - A minute in Hell

Chapter 237 - A minute in Hell

Chapter 237 - A minute in Hell

Although it is evident to everyone that Dawn believes in Lucien’s words, or at least part of them, and is disappointed not only with her generals but with herself, Lucien still wants to make everything clear.

Lucien has no sympathy for Dawn, but he understands that Amelia likes her, so he should not kill her as he will do with all the damn racists of the Light Empire.

"He is lying!! I have never seen this animal in my life!!!" The general, who is still bleeding on the ground, can’t help but keep trying to save his life.

While hearing the general calling his cute Madelyn an animal, Lucien becomes even more furious, but he tries to stay calm.

In fact, since he knew about the effects of the bloody rose in his body, Lucien fears he is not in control of his own emotions.

Well, no one, even under any side effects, can really control all their emotions. But Lucien feels responsible for all his women, and for them to always be safe, he has to be perfect. All his actions have to be smart and well thought out, taking into consideration anything that can influence them.

And after analyzing all this situation, Lucien concludes that it is time to punish that general, and as a bonus, open Dawn’s eyes.

Lucien walks over to the general and looks at him with a disgusted expression. "Don’t you get tired of this shitty performance?"

Everyone there understands what Lucien is talking about. All generals are people at the peak of the SS-rank, meaning they are very strong and robust people. Lucien’s attack, although might, did not cause such a critical wound in the man’s head, and he is just screaming with fear and because of the pain, which is undoubtedly intense.

The general notice Lucien in front of him and quickly starts to crawl backward. "GO BACK, MONSTER!!! Somebody, please help me!! Get this devil away from me!!!

Lucien starts to laugh. "Are you going to start crawling now? It certainly suits a worm like you."

The man uses all his strength to try to get up and run.

But Lucien will not let him escape his wrath.

Again, a part of Lucien’s body turns into a blur as no one there can even follow with their eyes his ridiculous speed. This time is his leg.


Lucien stomps on the general’s shin, smashing part of his greave and breaking his bones, making a loud sound, followed by the general’s agonized screams.

"AAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHH!!!" The man cries with all his lungs capability.

While his screams are music to Lucien’s ears, the other generals and even the troops more than two hundred meters from them are sorry for the man.

Meanwhile, Dawn doesn’t really know what she is feeling. She is having the most influential crisis of her life while everything she believes turns in the same state as that general’s shin, that is, completely ruined.

But Amelia can’t help smiling, as do Lucien’s wives and troops. The soldiers of the Light Empire have already done too much harm in this world, and now, receiving Lucien’s wrath is more than right. It is perfect.

Madelyn feels a little guilty because she is actually feeling good about this situation. But she doesn’t feel good about that man’s suffering, but because while Lucien is extremely kind and loving to her, he is actually a real devil to people like that general.

And there is no way to be afraid when the person who creates the fear in everyone else is her kind husband.

As the general screams and cries tears of blood on the ground, Lucien smiles sinisterly. "Oh, look what happened to your leg. We have to do something about it."


"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHSSSHITTT!!!!!" The man screams again until he is hoarse while Lucien smashes his other shin.

"Yes, now they are more symmetrical." Lucien mocks as he lifts the man by the collar of his plate armor.

As Lucien raises the man’s weak and injured body, his shins sway like a puppet’s legs, totally out of his control.

Despite the brutal scene, no one looks away from them.

Lucien tries to make the general look in his eyes, but the man is too scared and tries to look around.

But Lucien shakes his body, forcing him to look at him. "Look at me, your piece of subhuman garbage! Look into the eyes of the husband of the innocent girl you dared to hurt."

"It wasn’t me!!! Damn, I don’t know what you’re talking about!!! I don’t know her!! You are wrong!!!!!" The man cries and tries to create lies to save his life.

Lucien sighs as he looks into the general’s watery eyes. "Tsk... I will give you a chance to tell the truth now. Say it, and I will give you a quick death."

"..." The general is very confused without knowing what to do. His whole body hurts like hell, and part of him really wants to die just to stop this pain and not have to see Lucien’s face anymore.

Still, anyone like him, who has had a good life, full of pleasures and comforts, when facing death, fears it more than anything and clings to any chance of keep living.

So, despite the general’s mind wanting to say, "Yes, it was me. Now kill me quickly," It wasn’t those words that his mouth spoke.

"It wasn’t me!!! You hav-!" The general tries to lie again, but before finishing his words, he finds himself flying backward as he hears more creack sounds inside his head after receiving another blow from Lucien’s absurdly hard forehead.

"Uh! That must have hurt." Astrid can’t help making a comment, which everyone hears.

*Roar* josei

Oya roar while seeing her Master acting in a way so fascinating to her.

Lucien shakes his head and looks at Dawn with a disappointed expression as he speaks to the general. "I gave you a chance, but you fear death so much that you prefer to continue lying. Well, I will have to do you wish death more until you be willing to admit your mistakes."

"No, no, no, please, nooo..." The general tries to crawl using only his arms as his legs no longer work.

But the man’s screams fail to get any sympathy from Lucien as he walks towards the general again. "Let’s try something."

Lucien takes the general by the arm with such a firm grip that his gauntlet is pressed, and his wrist is crushed, making more crack sounds.

"No, no, no!!! AAAAaaaaaahhh!!!" The general begins to scream very loudly again, not just for the pain, but for the sinister smile on Lucien’s diabolical face.

While holding the general by the arm, Lucien tenderly smiles at Madelyn.

Then he flaps his wings.


Although Lucien does not use even half the strength of his wings in this movement, he creates a powerful wind wave that propels him into the sky and pushes people, even more than ten meters away from him, to back.

While Lucien continues to flap his wings and go higher in the sky, the general screams as a hot and smelly liquid run down his broken legs.

Lucien can’t help but smile as L.u.s.t keeps her body materialized and holds tight to his waist. "F.u.c.k! This is really cool!!"

He laughs while L.u.s.t has fun together. Lucien wasn’t quite sure of his flying ability, but if something goes wrong during the landing, he won’t really get hurt as his resilience is already incredibly high being far beyond someone usual of the third layer of the Mortal Realm.

Still, Lucien comments in a playful tone. "This is no time for fun, my love."

L.u.s.t continues to hold Lucien’s waist tightly. "So what are you doing with this man? I know you’re having fun, so why can’t I have fun too?"

"Fair." Lucien can’t help but laugh while teasing L.u.s.t. "Well, I thought about we try something while flying together later..."

"Is that what I think it is?" L.u.s.t can’t help but smile excitedly.

Lucien smiles at her as he keeps the general away from her body. "You are always thinking about it, my dear."

L.u.s.t makes a lewd expression as she starts to press her b.r.e.a.s.ts on Lucien’s groin.

The general would have been shocked to realize what kind of things Lucien and L.u.s.t are doing while he is torturing him, but he passed out shortly after peeing himself.

Of course, passed out, he can’t suffer punishment, so Lucien lessened the force of his wing flaps, stabilizing his flight and maintaining a position in the air. L.u.s.t dematerialized her body so as not to disturb him.

Lucien grips the general’s other arm and starts to squeeze it slowly. When the steel of his gauntlet begins to deform and tear his skin, he wakes up in agonizing pain.

"AAAAAH-." The general wakes up screaming again, but Lucien shuts him down with a knee in his belly that makes part of his guts go to areas that they shouldn’t inside the poor man’s body.

Then Lucien looks him in the eye. "Let’s make a deal. I’m going to let you fall, and if until you get to the ground, you yell at everyone the truth, I’ll let you finish fall and die in peace."

’It doesn’t seem like a tempt proposal.’ L.u.s.t can’t help but joke in Lucien’s mind.

While Lucien laughs, the general starts to cry again. He can hardly imagine what it will be like to fall from that height, but undoubtedly it will look like hell.

Then Lucien’s expression becomes severe, scaring the general to his soul. "But if you still want to keep this act of being a good innocent man, I won’t let you hit the floor, so we can do it again and again."

The general begins to choke on blood and tears. "Please, please, please, I beg you..."

Lucien sighs. "Let’s go, round one."

"No, no, no... AAAAAAA!!!!!" The general starts screaming as he falls after Lucien releases him.

Due to the high weight of his body added to the weight of his armor, the general falls like a heavy rock from the sky at a very high speed.

His head is a mess as he feels a lot of pain in his broken members due to air pressure. He is unable to scream, cry, or even die.

Although the sensation is traumatizing beyond anything imaginable, he soon sees the ground and a part of him prays that there really is a Light God and that he can make his death painless and quick.

And when the man reaches less than ten meters from the ground, he closes his eyes as he is sure he is dead.


"HUH?!?!?" The general stops in the air, with his head less than a meter from the ground, so a greater dread than what he has just felt fills his heart as he imagines what comes next.

So, Lucien’s charming voice makes some people laugh while others tremble with fear.

"I knew you would want another round."

Lucien can’t help but laugh, harry because he managed to descend from the sky even faster than he made his way up, flapping his wings intensely and also stopping a few meters from the ground, which shows that he already has excellent control over his wings and flight ability.

When he starts flying upwards, carrying the general again, the poor man realizes that death now looks very merciful.

"No, no, again, no!! I’ll say it. I want to confess, but please don’t do anything else to me!!!" The general starts screaming while crying.

"Oh? Why? I thought you liked that." Lucien continues mocking of the general, making his companions fear even his wicked sense of humor.

The general screams with all the energy he has left. "I did that! I really tortured those kids. They are demi-humans, so no one would judge me. I did that with a lot of others, and I lik-"


Before the general could speak further, which would be indifferent as everyone understands what kind of things he did, Lucien breaks his head off.

In that minute, the general suffered a lot, really a lot, and Lucien does not really like prolonged torture. Neither his other women nor Madelyn would want that.

Lucien throws the general’s head in front of Dawn. "You brought your damn racist soldiers here for this. I suggest you go away or watch me and my girls massacre them all."


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