Lust Knight

Chapter 242 - Pre-battle Motivational Speech

Chapter 242 - Pre-battle Motivational Speech

Chapter 242 - Pre-battle Motivational Speech

While Amelia answered all of Dawn’s questions and explained more about their situation, Lucien quickly flew back to the beach.

While in the air, flying over the battlefield, he sees the multiple lines of the Light Empire troops well organized and ready to fight.

Lucien can’t help but get excited. While a part of him really wants to kill the shitty racist, another part just wants to fight... use all his capabilities to break bones and split bodies in half.

He always liked to fight, but something changed since he connected Aylin’s golden naginata with his soul. Now he likes to fight even more.

The naginata appears in his hands as he flies as Aylin did many times. Lucien turns the naginata in his hands while thinking about Aylin.

[Maybe this time I’ll get some answers... Aylin...]

Lucien felt a small reaction in the golden gate within his soul when he fought against the groups of Ivan and Black Hand.

And somehow, he understands that he needs to fight much more to open that gate and release more potential from the naginata as well as understand more about Aylin’s soul.

Aylin was considered the strongest dragon of all time and was called Dragonqueen of War, so it is clear that he will understand more about her with wars. Well, Lucien and his big, really big family are not short of enemies for him to fight. josei

Lucien smiles at the naginata in his hands before dematerializing it. Then he flaps his wings, before closing them and descend from the sky at super speed.

Not on the side of his troops, but above the Light Empire’s army.

Many soldiers were watching him flying in the sky and lowered their heads as they see him coming towards them.

"NO NO NO NO!!!" A man began to cry as he remembers the screams of the general tortured by Lucien.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!!!" Another soldier tries runs to the troops’ back, but they are too close to each other, so they are unable to run.

The devil is coming for us!!!


"We are over, all it is over..." A man kneels as his tears soak the ground at his feet.

Then Lucien descends from the sky until he reaches a few meters from the troops and stabilizes his flight and keep going forward, generating a strong wave of wind above them.


The powerful winds waves drive several soldiers to the ground while others just jump on the ground in fear.

Lucien’s women start laughing on the other side of the battlefield as they watch the chaos he is making just by flying above the soldiers, terrifying them to the soul.

But some of the generals, motivated mainly by fear, order their troops not to be afraid and to fight, of course, for them.

That same general who questioned Amelia a few minutes ago points his sword at Lucien while seeing him flying towards him, which is in front of the army.

"What are you waiting for?! He’s alone!!! Fire arrows, spell, stones, or your heads, if necessary, but put him down!!!" The general yells at his soldiers.

But the soldiers keep their heads down because of the fear blinds and make them deaf.

Lucien smiles as he flies towards the general. With each flap of his wings, he feels the soldiers panic below him, and that sensation is addictive.

The general panics as he realizes that none of his soldiers is obeying him. He doesn’t understand why Lucien is able to fly so near to them, and nobody fires something at him.

Then he looks to the side while continuing to shout his orders.



The man had no idea about the incredible speed of Lucien, who pass flying at his side and take his head off.

Blood splatters on several soldiers as the general’s body falls to the ground, and Lucien flies to the sky in front of the army with the poor man’s head in hand, still with a horrified expression on his face.

As the terrible death wind had already passed over their heads, the soldiers look ahead and see Lucien in the air about a hundred meters from the ground looking at them.

Lucien smiles as he extends his hand forward, pointing the general’s severed head at the troops.

Then he uses his other hand to move the general’s chin, making his lips move as Lucien speaks in a loud and strange tone.

"Soldiers!! Attack the damn devil!! For the glory of the Light Empire!!! For the Light GOD!!!!"




Everyone is silent.

No one can express in words what they feel as they see Lucien making fun of them using the general’s head.

"I didn’t enlist for this shit!!" A soldier throws his sword on the ground and tries to run away.

But he cannot move because the soldiers are in a huge formation line, one very close to the other.

Another general punch that soldier. "Are you even a man?! You will have to fight and kill him!! That is the only way to get out of this battlefield alive."

A soldier beside them starts to cry. "But... He’s not a person! He’s the f.u.c.k.i.n.g devil!!!"

The soldiers are so worried about losing their lives to Lucien that they lose all reason. They forget that they are an army and begin to think individually.

But Lucien doesn’t want to scare them so much; after all, he wants a good fight so that his girls can take revenge on everything that the Light Empire did to them and also use the hard-training they had over the past month.

Of course, his broken sense of humor leads him to move the mouth of the severed head in his hand again while trying to imitate the general’s tone.

"Soldiers! Didn’t you hear me?! I told you to march and kill the devil!! You better do that because you don’t want to see me really angry."

"..." Again, no one knows what to say.

One of the soldiers on the front line started to cry like many others. [Shit!!! Does he want us to attack him, so he doesn’t attack us? Obviously, that is not going to end well for us.]

Then another general points a spear at Lucien. "Damn the devil!! Your tricks don’t work on all of us!! Our army will slaughter you!!"

The general’s brave words do not make the soldiers fear Lucien any less, but it begins to transform part of that fear into anger, and of course, as they are in such a large group, many of them becomes confident in killing the devil.

A soldier prepared his bow and pointed an arrow at Lucien while speaking loudly. "Yes, my friends! He’s just a f.u.c.k.i.n.g devil. If we stay together, we can kill him."

Then he fires the arrow that makes a ’whoosh’ sound and flies towards Lucien.

Lucien smiles and dodges the arrow just by slight tilting his head to the side when the arrow is an inch from his face.

He looks at the general and soldier who shot the arrow. "Nice!! Let’s do it then."

Moved by the act of courage of the general and the archer, other soldiers begin to prepare arrows and spells to fire at Lucien.

Even some soldiers from the back lines that were fleeing start to stay because, apparently, they just were deceived by the devil’s trick, and he is not really invincible as many of them think.

But then, Lucien makes a quick launching movement with his arm, throwing the general’s head towards the archer. "Take it."

The soldiers try to follow the flying head with their eyes, but it flies at an unbelievable speed, hitting the face of the archer, who fails to dodge it in time to keep his life.


Lucien used a good deal of force on that move, causing the general’s head to not only rip the archer’s head off, but also both heads to smash against each other and explode in a bloody mess of meat, bones, and brains.

That was not a simple death, but one of the most brutal even for many of the soldiers who have seen many, really many deaths in battles.

As the soldiers nearest what remains of the archer’s body begin to feel sick because of the parts of the brain and flesh that flew on their armor, the brave general begins to vomit.

L.u.s.t materializes her body in Lucien’s arms and kisses his check while speaking in an excited tone. "Headshot! You deserve a kiss for that, hubby."

Lucien slowly kisses L.u.s.t’s sweet lips before laughing. "I’ll let you try it next time, my dear."

As fear, anger, and admiration for Lucien grow in the soldiers’ hearts, he turns and flaps his wings towards his army.

The other generals of the Light Empire began to try to calm and motivate the soldiers to fight. Dawn lost her capacity to lead and was taken by the devil along with Light Envoy, and now the devil is terrorizing them.

Still, running away doesn’t seem possible as they would just be attacked from behind.

Also, how could they explain to their people that the Light Empire’s two hundred thousand soldiers army ran away from a mixed army with less than ten thousand soldiers?

As the Light Empire troops rearrange their lines and prepare for battle, Lucien lands on Angela’s floating magic platform.

He approaches Cassidy, hugs her waist, and kisses her. ’Good job, my love.’

Right after kiss Cassidy, he kisses Angela too. "I am fortunate to have such good wives as you, my loves."

His wives blush a little while their hearts are happy and warm with every praise from Lucien, even though he always praises them.

Then he approaches the back of the platform while having Mia and Ella hugging his waist from both sides.

As the platform is approximately one hundred meters from the ground, Lucien has a clear view of all his female troops in an organized formation right in front of him, while his male troops are behind them, and further behind, the groups of adventurers and mercenaries, led by Scarlett and Olivia who have already retaken their positions after the meeting with Amelia.

Lucien uses his demonic energy to boost his voice while looking to the adventurers and mercenaries. "You must listen to Scarlett and Olivia’s orders, defending the backs of our troops."

"Right now, there Light Empire soldiers flanking us by the west, but don’t worry, they are a group of no more than eight or ten thousand soldiers."

Olivia and Scarlett are really powerful, being almost in the second layer of the Mortal Realm, but in fact, they are now equivalent to people from the third or even fourth layer as their bodies are boosted by Lucien, that is, full of his demonic energy.

Still, Lucien understands that it will be difficult for the groups of mercenaries and adventurers totaling four thousand people to defeat ten thousand well-trained soldiers of the Light Empire easily.

But of course, Lucien’s other wives can help Olivia and Scarlett quickly by moving across the battlefield with the help of Marie, Lena, and Rose’s floating platforms.

Also, Lucien looks at his male troops. "Alden, you are charged with helping them or attacking with my troops if necessary."

Scarlett, Olivia, and Alden nod in agreement while their groups also agree with this organization; after all, they will be facing 5% of the Light Empire’s army while Lucien and his women troops will have to deal with everyone else.

Lucien’s female troops are not afraid; on the contrary, they can’t wait to start the battle.

He can see the excitement in his girls’ eyes. Still, he wants to speak words of motivation as any good leader should do.

Well, other leaders would say to their soldiers fight for honor, fight to defend their people, their home, their wives...

But Lucien is not like other leaders. He will not say empty and meaningless words to his girls.

He smiles at his female troops and starts his motivational speech. "For every racist you kill, one minute will be added to your special reward time."

Lucien’s words reach his girls deep in their hearts, making them even more motivated.

A minute may seem like a short time to others, but they have a hundred and ninety thousand soldiers to face, making it possible that all of them can earn many additional minutes of the reward that their master will already give them.

That is just a perfect opportunity for the girls to gain more of Lucien’s reward, which they love more than everything.

The girls can’t help but raise their spears and naginatas in celebration. "YEAH, MASTER!!!"

Lucien smiles, but his words of motivation are not yet over. "Also, each one of you who succeed in killing a hundred or more racists will receive in additional a great load inside your both love holes."

When the girls thought the opportunity could not get any better, Lucien surprises them again by making their smiles even bigger while their excitement reaches extremely high levels.

They yell again. "F.U.C.K YEAH!! MASTER IS THE BEST!!!"

While the adventurers, mercenaries, and Lucien’s male troops just want to find a hole to hide from that awkward and embarrassing situation, Lucien’s wives can’t help but laugh.

Ella, hugging Lucien’s waist, can’t help thinking aloud. "Poor girls. They can’t even imagine..."

Mia, hugging the other side of Lucien’s waist, giggles. "Yes... I don’t remember the last time I went to sleep without six or seven additional loads inside."


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