Lust Knight

Chapter 276 - Oyas Cuteness

Chapter 276 - Oyas Cuteness

Chapter 276 - Oya's Cuteness

A/N: There are many lines written wrongly in this chapter intentionally with the purpose of generating immersion in this first stage of Oya learning to speak. I am not going to stretch this much, but I thought it would be cool to emphasize that.


Although Lucien is always on guard, he knows that he needs to relax his body sometimes and sleep for at least a few minutes. And well, he can do it without worry, as L.u.s.t and Envy have incredible senses and will warn him of any problem.

So, even though L.u.s.t kissed his lips, he didn’t wake up because his body didn’t feel any danger or anything like that. Obviously, he is already used to his girls kissing and touching his body while he takes quick naps.

Still, after a few minutes of sleeping, Lucien’s body got completely rested, or rather, he is already starting to miss the constant generation of demonic energy.

And feeling soft lips kissing his face more and more passionately, Lucien’s body cannot help but get aroused.

[Huh?] But Lucien quickly realizes that it is no longer L.u.s.t kissing him but someone else, someone with a smell and lips that he doesn’t recognize at first.

He opens his eyes and gets surprised to see a beautiful face in front of him.

The first thing he notices is big twinkling eyes that seem to be constantly changing from blue to green. It is easy to get lost in that angelic look, mainly because the woman in front of Lucien is gazing at him in the eyes.

Upon seeing that beautiful eyes, Lucien immediately recognizes his beloved companion, and then he understands that she was able to use Envy’s copy ability.

"Oya..." Lucien reaches out and strokes her face gently. Her perfect skin is so soft and pale.

"..." Oya opens her delicate little mouth, but she can’t say a word. She doesn’t know how to express the incredible feelings she is experiencing right now.

Lucien runs his rand over her face towards the back of her neck and slowly brings her head towards his, touching their foreheads as the tips of their noses kiss each other.

He takes a deep breath of the wonderful smell of the white tigress. Oya already smelled really good in animal form, but now, in demi-human form, her natural fragrance is even better.

As Oya is on top of Lucien, both n.a.k.e.d, he can see her beautiful body. She actually looks younger than he expected, having the appearance of a woman between 27 and 30 years old.

Her perfectly symmetrical face has several demi-human characteristics that resemble those of Madelyn, but they are also similar to Oya in her animal form, as pointed furry white ears and some white facial hair strands.

Her white hair is huge and long, even touching her big juicy ass. Oya’s entire body is extremely s.e.xy, as her curves are very hot and well distributed.

Starting with her b.r.e.a.s.ts, they are certainly big but without being extremely big, and they have a perfect shape, lively, and with a cute color of pinkish-white, which makes Lucien want so badly to touch and squeeze them. josei

Her belly is very soft but has some fluffy white fur, which gives her a charm that Lucien really loves. She has a slim waist and wide h.i.p.s, as well as an amazing ass and thick thighs.

And of course, Lucien noticed her pink flower, which actually has the most beautiful pink tone he has ever seen, adorned with white short fluffy fur, which he knows smells incredibly fantastic as he can already feel its sweet fragrance, especially because it is dripping love honey on his tattoo.

Last but not least, Lucien can hear a tail swinging excitedly behind Oya. He wants so much to touch and caress it... Oya’s whole body is so damn attractive to him on a level that can only be compared to the attraction she feels for him.

The atmosphere of desire and passion that Lucien and Oya generate just because their bodies are touching makes L.u.s.t horny. She can feel the dense demonic energy being produced and strengthening them all.

And although he really wants to eat Oya right now, which is her desire too, Lucien wants to give her everything a woman deserves, and for that, he needs to go slow; after all, that is very new for the excited tigress, who doesn’t know even speak yet.

The fact of not being able to describe her feelings is really frustrating for Oya as while her Master rubs their noses and touches their foreheads; she wants so badly to tell him that he is the only male she wants and that she is ready to give her body to him.

Feeling his touch on her soft skin is much more pleasurable than on her fur of the animal form, and their lips are so close... She has seen Lucien kiss his women’s lips many times, and Oya obviously wants to try that too.

Lucien smiles as he slowly brings their lips closer.

Just as he feels Oya’s warm breath on his face, so does she. Oya’s heart starts to beat faster while she is incredibly excited to connect their lips finally.

So... their lips touch. The first thing Oya notices is how good Lucien’s lips feel on her lips. He’s kissed her head before, but touching their lips is far way better.

Despite kissing be a usual thing for Lucien, he really enjoys his first kiss with Oya. He slowly starts moving his lips onto hers while their noses rub against each other.

Oya doesn’t know what to do, but it’s easy to follow Lucien’s lip movements and just let him make her feel good. And of course, like him, she loves how it tastes.

Using his hand on the back of Oya’s neck, Lucien pulls her head closer to his while increasing the intensity at which his lips move.

He begins to suck on her sweet lips as their saliva mixes.

Using his free hand, Lucien begins to caress Oya’s body, starting with her thighs, next moving to her waist, and then upper body.

Although he can control his erection, he doesn’t do that, which results in Oya feeling something hard against her belly, and she quickly recognizes it as the thing she wants inside her so badly.

Lucien moves his hand to one of Oya’s perfect b.r.e.a.s.ts and squeezes it tenderly.

"Nh~~." Oya let out a cute m.o.a.n.

So he uses that opportunity to stick his tongue inside her mouth.

Lucien is pleasantly impressed by the flavor of Oya’s mouth. It tastes much better than he expected, and he quickly starts to move his tongue slowly around hers.

Oya is happier and happier as she experiences sensations she could never even imagine. Everything she expected to be very good turns out to be far away better and better.

Although she is still a ferocious tigress, in her Master’s arms, she is just an obedient kitten and lets Lucien lead the kiss as he pleases.

She takes great pleasure in his passionate touch on her sensitive spots while his tongue makes a mess in her delicate mouth as it dances around her tongue.

If it depends on Oya’s will, they can continue kissing like this forever as she simply loves it so much.

But Lucien kisses intensely just for half a minute before slowing the speed at which his tongue moves inside Oya’s mouth.

Then he starts to pull his mouth away from Oya’s lips, which makes her move her head forward, not wanting to stop kissing.

But he moves his hand to her chin and holds her head, breaking the kiss.

Lucien begins to caress Oya’s face and wipes the saliva that drips from her lips while looking at her lovingly. "Kiss."

[Kiss.] The word echoes in Oya’s mind, and she understands that what they just did was a kiss. She really wants to say ’kiss’ to ask to kiss more, but her vocal cords, still fresh, cannot reproduce the sound of the words correctly.

"K-k-k... i-i..." Oya struggles to try to beg for another kiss, but she can only say alone letters in an awkward tone.

Lucien smiles as he sees the cute Oya gets frustrated by not being able to communicate. He knows that he will have to teach her everything; after all, she is still a tigress with a demi-human body.

He smiles and kisses her again, making the cute tigress very happy and more motivated to keep trying to say kiss.

Lucien breaks the kiss again and gets mesmerized by the flushed Oya’s cute and excited expression. He thinks out loud. "You’re so beautiful."

[Beautiful...] Oya recognizes that word because she has heard Lucien calling his wives that many times.

She smiles as her heart beats faster. Oya thinks that Lucien wants her to be his partner like his wives. and of course, she really wants to accept it, so she tries to answer. "B-b-b... e-e... a-u... l..."

Lucien laughs as he sees Oya trying to speak her first words. Then he sends a mental message to L.u.s.t. ’Why didn’t you wake me up before?’

L.u.s.t, who is watching them silently, quickly responds. ’The transformation was difficult, and I thought you would prefer to see the final result. Also, you were in need of a good rest.’

Lucien can’t stop looking at Oya’s big and beautiful blue-green eyes. And he can’t resist kissing her pink lips more and more.

Then he again breaks the kiss and caresses her lips as he speaks. "Kiss."

"K-ki ... i-s-s ..." Every time Oya repeats the word, she manages to say it more correctly.

Lucien smiles at her as he takes her hand and puts it on his chest. "Me, Lucien."

[Lucien...] How could Oya not recognize the name of her beloved Master?

She quickly tries to speak it. "L-uc... ie-n."

Lucien is surprised that Oya can speak his name almost perfectly on the first attempt. Then he puts her hand on her chest. "You, Oya."

Oya also recognizes her name because whenever Lucien speaks it, she feels that he is calling her. Oya will not have a so hard time learning many words as she can feel Lucien’s intention when she says something.

So Lucien keeps trying to teach Oya words. He moves her hand from his chest to hers. "Lucien kiss Oya."

Oya quickly understands and tries to repeat it. "Luc-ien k-iss O-ya."

"Yes, my dear." Lucien smiles and kisses Oya passionately again. This time the kiss lasts more than a minute, leaving the cute tigress even more flushed and breathless while her heart beats faster and her lower body gets warmer.

Also, Oya’s cute white tail swings behind her to all sides, and Lucien doesn’t resist caressing it, which makes her m.o.a.n as they kiss.

Then Lucien breaks the kiss again, and Oya doesn’t waste a second before asking for more. "Kiss! Lucien kiss Oya."

He laughs while seeing how quickly she learned to ask for kisses. Oya already looks like one of his spoiled girls.

"Do you LIKE to kiss, Oya?" Lucien asks, using a different intonation to say ’like.’

"L-l-l.. i-k-ke?" Oya is confused despite understanding a little of Lucien’s intention when saying ’like.’

He brings their mouths together until their lips touch but does not start the kiss by making Oya move her head forward, trying to kiss. Then he smiles. "This is LIKE."

Oya smiles. "Lik-e."

"Does Oya like to kiss?" Lucien asks as he brings their lips together again.

Oya tries to kiss Lucien’s lips quickly. "Like! Oya like kiss!!"

L.u.s.t laugh. "It’s not like in this case, but love."

"L-l... o-v-ve?" Oya also recognizes the word but doesn’t fully understand it.

Lucien strokes Oya’s face. "Love is like like."

Oya strokes Lucien’s hand while rubbing her lips over his. "Oya like like kiss... Oya love kiss..."

"You are so f.u.c.k.i.n.g cute!" Lucien smiles and kisses Oya.

They kiss to the content of their hearts before Lucien breaks the kiss again and just keep their foreheads touching while rubbing his nose over hers.

Then Oya puts both hands on Lucien’s chest and looks him in the eye. "Oya like like Lucien... Oya love Lucien."


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