Lust Knight

Chapter 298 - Old Friend?

Chapter 298 - Old Friend?

Chapter 298 - Old Friend?



Each swing of Neoc’s greataxe creates a wave of wind as Eve dodges Its blade.

Although Eve feels confident about blocking his attacks, she doesn’t want to kill Neoc too quickly.


She dodges the blade of the ax again and slams her greatsword pommel on the belly of Neoc, knocking him back.

Neoc rolls on the floor while getting confused. [How can she still be stronger than me?!?! DAMN!! I’m supposed to have the power of the Sky Realm now...]

He tries to get up quickly, but then Pride materializes in front of him and kicks him on the chin.


"AAAAHHH!!!" Neoc screams as he feels his jaw crack a little and is thrown into the air before falling to the ground and rolling again.

Pride looks at Eve with a satisfied expression. "It seems that even after he uses something to booster his strength, you still have everything under control."

Eve rests her greatsword on her shoulder and looks to Pride. "You mustn’t doubt me. But... I thought you were out of energy..."

Pride looks away, leaving Eve surprised as she has never seen such a reaction from Pride before. And, of course, that makes Eve very curious.

"Finish it." Pride points to Neoc.

"Isn’t it better to interrogate him before? We should understand why they come to this world." Eve responds.

"Your brother..." Pride speaks in a lower tone before trying to speak in her normal tone. "He captured that angel who talked a lot. She must know everything, and it will be easier to interrogate her than this mad guy."

Eve looks at Neoc, who is flying towards her again. It is evident that he will not stop until he dies, so she understands what Pride meant. "Alright."

She prepares her greatsword to attack Neoc, but then Lucien and Amelia fall on top of him.


Neoc is unable to avoid Lucien’s incredible speed and is pierced in the back by Lucien’s naginata. So Amelia quickly strikes his wings with her two short-blades, and his already badly damaged armor doesn’t block the blows, causing him to be pushed into the ground by the impact, creating another crater.

"Take care!!" Eve shout as she fears that Neoc, boosted by some mysterious treasure, can hurt her siblings.

But Eve’s warning is slow than Neoc’s reaction, who quickly turns around, already attacking Lucien and Amelia behind him.

Still, he only hits the wind as Lucien takes Amelia around by the waist and flies upwards quickly.

Eve is also surprised by Lucien’s incredible agility, which is apparently greater than Neoc’s and must be equivalent to her own. But what really amazes Eve is the sync of Lucien and Amelia. [They look so close... what has happened in the past few weeks?]

As soon as Neoc realizes who attacked him, he goes into an even crazier state of fury. "YOUUU!!! You killed my sister!!!!"

"That bitch attacked my brother. Killing her fast was merciful of me." Amelia mocks Neoc as she hugs Lucien.

Eve gets even more confused as she sees Amelia hugging Lucien tightly. [So strange...]

Despite having his wings badly injured, Neoc flies towards Lucien and Amelia. "I’ll KILL YOU!!!" josei

Eve jumps towards them, but Neoc reaches Lucien faster. Lucien doesn’t run away but propels Amelia up while preparing to face Neoc head-on. He feels the golden naginata begging him to defeat Neoc while the golden gate inside it seems almost ready to open.

That second, while Neoc swings his ax towards Lucien, he focuses his senses to the fullest and sees the whole scene in slow motion. The golden naginata appears in his hand, and he can feel Its desire to face Neoc’s powerful blow.

Until then, Lucien has not faced very strong enemies. The fight with Pride was intense, but Lucien had no desire to kill her, and he did not use the naginata.

However, now everything is different. Lucien doesn’t feel much of a desire to kill Neoc but rather to face the big angel head-on, an enemy really worthy of being killed by the weapon made from Aylin’s soul.

Lucien uses all the mix of energies that he got from Amelia and Envy to boost his strength and speed. Then he spins the naginata, preparing the strongest vertical strike he has tried so far.

Neoc’s greataxe goes towards Lucien’s upper body in a horizontal cut while the big angel uses all his strength.

However, his speed is still slow than Lucien’s.

The golden naginata cuts the metal handle of the ax, and while Its head flies away, the naginata’s blade hits Neoc’s shoulder and under Lucien’s strength, begins to cut the angel’s body in half.

The naginata shines brightly as Lucien continues to force it down and cut the body of Neoc, who can’t even understand how he died.

As soon as Lucien finishes dividing Neo’s body completely into two halves, the unstable energy from the pill he took explodes.


Even Eve and Amelia, who are in the air near them, are sent back by the explosion’s force. Still, Lucien is most affected by being so near to Neoc, and he is hit by the powerful white energy that destroys his clothes, burns his skin, and throws hundreds of meters back.

"Lucien!!!!" Lucien hears many female voices in worried tones, calling his name before his vision goes completely dark.

’L.u.s.t?!’ he cannot help but call his closest partner in his mind, but he only hears the lonely silence and his own thoughts.

But then, in that darkness, a bright golden light appears.

"The gate!!" Lucien exclaims in his mind as he looks at the golden gate in front of him.

The naginata appears in Lucien’s hand. He smiles at it and swings it in his hands as he feels more and more as that it is an extension of his body and not just a weapon.


Then everything starts to tremble around Lucien as the great golden gate opens.

Inside the gate, the golden light is even brighter, forcing Lucien to cover his eyes.


Lucien feels his body being pulled forward, and then he feels himself falling on hard ground and rolling several times.

His body moves instinctively, and he rests on his hands to get up while opening his eyes.

[What?!] Lucien notices red scales on his arms and hands, which are also thinner than normal, or rather, those are female arms and not his own.

Then Lucien realizes that he is no longer in control of his body, or rather, that is not his body. [Aylin... I am inside her body again. I somehow knew that behind that gate, there would be more parts of her soul.]

Lucien tries to understand Aylin’s current situation. He can see the edge of a cliff and clouds aside it. [Are we at the top of a mountain?]

There are dragons’ bodies everywhere, some with wings and some not. There are also many human-like bodies with wings that look a lot like the angels he just faced, but their wings are bigger and white, very different from the gray wings of the angels.

Lucien feels his head hurting, his vision blurred, and his body heavy. It is easy to conclude that Aylin just got hit hard on the head.

He hears various sounds of shouting and ’clangs’ at different distances as well as offenses in a language that he strangely understands completely well. It’s like the last time he saw Aylin’s memories: He feels, sees, and hears everything she experiences.

But something is wrong. While Lucien feels Aylin’s difficulty in breathing, he understands what is missing.

Then she raises her hand, and immediately, Aylin’s naginata flies from the floor into her hand.

"My old friend..." Aylin thinks aloud as she looks at the golden naginata.

Aylin’s voice sounds deeper than before, and adding to the difference on her skin and body, Lucien is sure that she is several years older than before.

"QUEEN!!" Aylin hears someone calling her. Lucien recognizes that voice as that of Garen, her faithful guardian, and mentor.


She quickly raises her naginata by holding the ends of Its shaft with both hands and using Its middle to block her attacker’s sword.

Aylin looks up and sees the pale face of a tall man with big shiny white wings and a even brighter armor.

While the man has a shocked expression on his face, Aylin smiles. Lucien can feel that she is proud of herself. And well, anyone would be proud of themselves for being able to block an attack from a person of the late Sky Realm while they’re still in the first layer of the Earth Realm.

Aylin pushes the winged-man forward and starts attacking him with her naginata.


Every time the naginata’s blade hits the man’s sword blade, Aylin hits him with a kick, punch, or the naginata shaft, showing the superiority of her skills and superior agility.

She continues to push that man back with her increasingly brutal blows while she feels her energies running through her body excitedly.

But then Aylen hears a noise on her back and ducks, quickly avoiding a fireball that hits the winged man’s chest.


The man is thrown back and breaks a wall with his body.

Aylin turns around, already blocking another attacker’s spear as more fireballs fly towards her. It is evident that her enemies don’t even mind hurting their friends to stop Aylin.

And she continues to smile as she faces them all. Aylin does not lose her excitement and willingness to fight even when she is hit several times by opponents in greater numbers and stronger than her.

Lucien watches Aylin fight for several minutes with dozens of opponents, who appear out of nowhere. He can also hear Garen fighting close to them as well as other dragons.

Then there comes a time when Aylin is very hurt and exhausted.

She gets up off the floor again, but this time she has to use her naginata as support to keep standing.

Garen notices Aylin’s condition and flies to her side. "My Queen! I will get you out of here."

"W-wait!" Aylin refuses to let Garen fly with her away from the battle.

"But-" Garen tries to insist, but Aylin interrupts him.

"Damn! How are they getting stronger that fast?!" Aylin asks as she sees her soldiers being easily killed by their enemies.

Before Garen can say that he has no idea, a young male dragon, much like Garen, lands in front of them and bows. "My Queen. My father."

Other winged-dragons land around them and begins to block the enemies that continue to try to reach Aylin.

"What did you find out?" Aylin asks the young dragon in front of her.

The dragon quickly reports. "The gods... they found a way to gain power quickly. It’s called Faith, and they use it to generate a strange energy using inferior races."

"DAMN!!" Garen makes a worried expression.

Aylin squeezes the shaft of her naginata tighter. "I see... So in terms of evolution, they are ahead of us... Okay, we just need to learn a way to get stronger faster too."

The young dragon nods. "Yes, my Queen. I’m sure we can do that with your leadership, but this battle is lost. Please, let Dad or I take you back."

Aylin wipes the blood dripping down her mouth as she smiles. "Are you stupid or what? This battle is just beginning, and I’m just warming up."

Lucien smiles as he feels Alyin’s excitement grows. She seems to enjoy fighting as much as he does.

Then she flies over her guards towards the group of enemies with her naginata ready.

In the air, Aylin squeezes the shaft of her naginata, which begins to shine brighter. Maybe she doesn’t realize that because she is so focused on the battle, but Lucien notices a golden energy flowing from the naginata to Aylin’s body.

[This...] Through Aylin’s body, Lucien recognizes that energy as the same he felt flowing through his body from the naginata to the golden gate while he fought.



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