Lust Knight

Chapter 307 - Quick and needed separation

Chapter 307 - Quick and needed separation

Chapter 307 - Quick and needed separation

Eve understands Pride’s attitude. She knows that ’their sin’ prevents them from doing many things and limits the help they can receive from other people, especially when that person is someone whom Eve wants to protect so badly.

But on the other hand, Eve’s love for Lucien and their sisters works positively too, allowing her to ’force’ Pride to accept working as a team.

However, that kind of thing cannot be forced quickly. Eve knows that with the accelerated evolution of Lucien and Amelia’s power, Pride will soon understand that they also need Lucien’s demonic energy not to be left behind. Then Eve can go back to having pat sessions with her little brother as they did when he was just a kid.

"Not only trying to boost your troops with my aura, but we can try other things... just not now." Eve talks to Lucien.

"Pride is against it, doesn’t she?" Lucien smiles at Eve but intends to show a teasing expression to Pride.

Eve notices that and feels like squeezing Lucien’s cheeks because he looks so handsome. "Yes, this is all too recent for a stubborn person like her to accept quickly."

Lucien nods. "I understand. Well, we have some time to work things out here before going to the eastern continent."

Then he looks at June, the surviving angel, still passed out on the ground. "But what about the angels? They’ll probably send more troops to here. Shouldn’t we interrogate her now?"

Eve shakes her head. "She saw you and Amelia killing the other angel that way, so I bet she’ll still be in a fury if she wakes up and sees you."

Lucien smiles. "I have ways to calm her down, you know..."

Eve does a fake upset expression. "Damn, Luci!! Can’t you control your c.o.c.k?"

"Okay, okay. I’m sure that you and Pride can get any information out of her without any problems." Lucien raises his hands in defense.

Eve makes a thoughtful expression. "Yes, do you want to wait? I fear that more powerful angels are around. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure anymore if we should separate."

Lucien stretches his hand across the table to stroke Eve’s. "You have to solve your things, and I mine. If we do it quickly, we will be together again soon and able to leave this continent without worries."

Just as Eve needs to assure her image as a Great Queen for the whole continent to respect her, Lucien needs to solve the problems that concern his wives so that they can feel even more pleased with him without having those worries anymore.

Although they could do that together, they are in the Great Forest, meaning the central region of the continent, and if they both follow each other, they would be going in the opposite direction of theirs current goals.

Eve can’t help but think that leaving Lucien and Amelia is a little irresponsible of her, but she has to trust their power.

Pride realizes her concerns and speaks to her mentally. ’Portals between worlds are not simple, you know. That group of angels had five hundred troops, so they spent a lot of resources to come here.’

’So, even if more of them come, it will take at least three months for their leaders to make sure they died and then consider whether it is worth spending a lot more resources on another portal to guarantee the possible crystal mine here.’

Eve knows that Pride is telling the truth, and it really doesn’t make sense for more angels to arrive so fast, but then Pride’s next words surprise Eve.

’Also, the boy’s power is not in his individual strength but in his women... We have some similarities... I mean, he would do well even in facing more powerful enemies.’ Pride definitely doesn’t like to praise Lucien, but she hates lying even more.

While listening to Pride’s words, Eve and Lucien continue to stroke each other’s hands, leaving not only Amelia and Envy jealous but all Lucien’s wives, who can clearly see their pure family love.

Lucien takes a deep breath while looking at Eve with a loving expression. "I want to stay here longer and talk to you, big sis. But I’m afraid your right-hand kills those shit guys before my girls can get some revenge."

Eve laughs. "Hahaha... Yes, Ghalenna got pretty severe after I free her of that abusive elven king. Men are definitely not having a good life in the Alliance right now. So, be careful there not to kill or steal my girls."

Lucien becomes more and more curious about Ghalenna as he feels Ghilanna getting worried. He nods to Eve. "I have my troops too; so, I have no reason to steal your, right?"

Eve looks into Lucien’s eyes. "Ghalenna is a good woman, so keep your naughty hands really away from her."

Before Lucien responds, Envy does not resist making a nasty comment. "As long as she isn’t really Ghilanna’s mother, thus being Lucien’s favored type of woman, she is not in much danger of being seduced."

While Ghilanna feels like hitting her head on a rock, Lucien’s other wives remain deadly silent as he smiles sarcastically at Envy.


While Lucien thinks of ways to punish Envy later, Amelia slaps her head hard. "What the f.u.c.k are you talking about??? Stupid Envy!! You and your poisonous tongue always screw everything."

Eve doesn’t understand what Envy was talking about and pretends she didn’t hear anything while talking to Lucien. "You seem to be having trouble dealing with Envy... What about you letting her come with me?"

"There is no way we are leaving his side!" Amelia and Envy speak at the same time.

Eve takes a deep breath. "Of course."

Then she gets up and orders Luise. "Call someone influential to guide Lucien to Viset and report everything to Ghalenna."

"Yes, my Queen." Luise quickly bows to Eve while getting ready to follow her orders.

But then Elsie takes the hand of her mom. "Wait!" The cute fox girl bows to Eve as she speaks in a respectful tone. "Please, my Queen, allow me to be their guide. Ghalenna will have a hard time believing that we now have a... King."

Eve quickly nods. "Yes, even though my troops are totally loyal to me, this is a significant change. But don’t you want to slaughter the Light Empire people alongside your mother?"

Elsie is living the dream while marching alongside her mother and Eve, destroying their enemies. However, Lucien’s arrival, the way he fought alongside his wives, and especially his relationship with Anne made Elsie think about other things, making her very interested in knowing more about them.

She smiles at Anne quickly before responding to Eve. "I am sure that your majesty will destroy the Light Empire without any problems, and I would like to spend some time with my cousin. I missed her so much."

Eve has no reason to deny Elsie’s request as it really would be better than sending someone else besides Mirya, the cat-matriarch, or another matriarch. "Alright, Elsie."

"Thank you, my queen." Elsie bows respectfully again before running to Anne’s side and starting to act like a usual excited young girl.

Lucien can’t help but smile as he sees Anne conversing animatedly with Elsie. Of all his girls, Anne is the one with the most friendly personality, and it is effortless to become friends with the cute fox-girl.

He looks at Eve with a sorry expression. "Well, I can’t send one of my most loved girls with you, but any of my troops have Ron’s full confidence."

Eve looks at Lucien’s troops as she comments. "Black mark... That was a smart move, Luci."

L.u.s.t cannot resist commenting. "This is not Lucien’s thing. It was my idea, and even though he didn’t force them to accept the mark, they still beg for it. Having a mark as a symbol that they belonged to Lucien is a source of pride for those women."

Envy continues. "And a cause of envy for other women... Everyone wants to get stronger while receiving Lucien’s favor."

Eve and Pride, just like any other woman, cannot understand what it is like to be with Lucien before being with him. Words cannot describe how Lucien’s demonic energy works inside women’s bodies the more they love him.

Lucien walks over to Neola, who remains in front of the troops as a general, keeping them in formation.

He strokes Neola’s face as he speaks to the troops. "I need a volunteer to go with my sister to the Light Empire and then to Portgreen to report everything to Ron."

"..." Neither of the troops shows any desire to stay away from Lucien, which clearly praises his ego. How could they want to be away from their loved master even for a while?

Still, Lucien needs one of the girls to leave him for a while, or Eve could end up doing something similar to the Alliance to Portgreen.

He smiles. "I know none of you want to be without our... training. But I will make up for the lost time. You know, I’m not a bad master, am I?"

Lucien leaves his troops in a disastrous situation. They all want to serve him in every way possible, but they are so addicted to special milk and even the s.e.x that, although rare when happens, it makes them feel like in the havens.

But as he said, they know that he is not a bad master; on the contrary, he is the best. So they know that each day away from him will be rewarded with the special treatment that they all crave so badly.

Many girls step forward volunteering, but the quickest of them is a young bear-girl from the mage group.

Although it seems difficult, at this point, Lucien already knows the name of all his troops; after all, he had s.e.x with them all a few times, and even doing together with other girls, he developed bonds with them.

And well, some girls can’t be easily forgotten like that cute bear-girl. Although not really small, and also not exactly ’thin,’ she has a very s.e.xy figure and one of the most beautiful faces among the other troops. The fact that she is demi-human also made it easy for her to get along with Eve’s troops.

Lucien pats the bear-girl’s head. "Sabrina, you will not regret it. Alongside Eve you will also become stronger, and when we meet again, I will reward you a lot. So, be obedient to my big sis."

Sabrina closes her eyes and makes an expression of joy while enjoying Lucien’s pats. Her cute round ears twitch, making all the other girls, especially those of Eve’s troops, become jealous of her.

"Yes, master! I will behave well." Sabrina nods while wishing the time to stop so she can continue receiving Lucien’s pats for longer.

But Lucien is eager to solve the problems in the Alliance and be able to proceed to the eastern continent, so he takes Sabrinha to eve. "She is a good mage and is already in the middle of the first layer of the Mortal Realm, so if you use your aura on her, you can have a powerful mage beside you."

Eve and Pride begin to analyze Sabrina. Then Eve speaks. "Hmm... We are going to get along so well that she will probably want to stay in my group later. Pride’s aura is really addictive."

[No way!!] While Sabrina keeps her thoughts to herself, Lucien’s wives can’t help laughing at Eve’s comment. josei

"You can try, big sis." Lucien also laughs, knowing that there is no way any of his girls would want to leave his side.


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