Lust Knight

Chapter 334 - Third Sweet Voice

Chapter 334 - Third Sweet Voice

Chapter 334 - Third Sweet Voice


’You are on the right path... you must continue like this.’

While sleeping, Lucien has a dream where everything is cloudy, and he can see nothing but a strange gray light, from which a sweet unknown female voice calls his name.

’Who’s there? L.u.s.t?’ Lucien asks toward the grey light inside his own mind.

Everything is silent for a few seconds before the mysterious voice speaks again. ’L.u.s.t? I wonder if I should tell you her real name...’

[Her real name?] Lucien is confused.

’What do you mean? Who are you?!’ Lucien doesn’t like to have a mysterious voice in his mind.

’Me?’ The voice asks and quickly answers. ’I forgot my name a long time ago as well as everyone else who knew it.’

Lucien keeps calling L.u.s.t and his other wives in his mind, but as he can’t hear anyone but that voice, he speaks to her again. ’What is happening here? How can I trust you without knowing who you are?’

The grey light flashes a few times, and Lucien can see the silhouette of a hooded female figure, but his vision is still too limited for him to see anything else about the mysterious woman.

She talks to him again. ’One day, you will understand more about yourself and me. But now you must know something... that is important, so you should listen.’

’...’ Lucien thinks it is bizarre, but he is silent to hear whatever the woman wants to say to him.

’Soon, you will face difficult decisions. So you must continue to follow your heart’s d.e.s.i.r.e, and you must not let others tell you what to do.’ The mysterious woman says.

’And am I supposed to hear, you, a mysterious person I’ve never seen before?’ Lucien speaks in a sarcastic tone.

The voice is silent for a few seconds, then she speaks in an approving tone. ’Good, you shouldn’t rely on random voices in your mind. But I’m just giving you advice and not brainwashing you, as...’

Lucien gets upset. ’What the f.u.c.k are you talking about? Is this about L.u.s.t? If so, you better go. We are connected as deeply as possible, and I am sure she would never do anything to harm me.’

The voice quickly responds. ’The influence of the seven sins is not under their control. But L.u.s.t cannot change your nature because you and she are the same.’

’...’ Lucien can’t help but reflect on the words of the mysterious woman.

The woman seems to notice that and continues quickly. ’Don’t think about it too much now. You must have already understood that you will need the cooperation of all sins to reach your final goal, right?’

Lucien is surprised by how the woman seems to know his thoughts as well as L.u.s.t. Although hesitant, he is curious to know everything she has to say.

’Are you talking about mixing our energies?’ He asks

’Yes... that is the greatest power potential of the demonic race, and no one has ever succeeded it. If you can mix the energy of all seven sins, you will have the most dominant and unlimited power in the universe.’ The voice explains.

Lucien is confused. ’You say that no one has ever succeeded, so does that mean that others have tried?’

The mysterious woman responds. ’Right. Pride and Greed have tried a few times, but they failed because what they believed to be something in common between the sins was wrong.’

Lucien starts to think about many things. If what the mysterious woman says is true, there is a lot that L.u.s.t and Envy know and are not telling him, or maybe they didn’t know that.

’Why did L.u.s.t tell me that never happened anything like that before?’ Lucien questions the mysterious voice.

’The sins of today are not the ones of before, yet they are also the same.’ The woman speaks in an enigmatic way.

’How can they be and not be who they were?’ Lucien asks.

The woman quickly explains. ’It’s confusing, but that is how brainwashing works. They call it inheritance... it starts as a help. A power that you receive without any reason. You use it, and then... one day you wake up, and you are no longer yourself.’

’Inheritance? Did they inherit the power of sins, and did that replace their memory? Is that why L.u.s.t and Envy don’t remember their past well?’ Lucien cannot deny that the woman’s words could actually be true.

’Exactly.’ The woman replies and keeps silent next.

Many things come to Lucien’s mind, and he thinks out loud. ’Just like Aylin?’

The mysterious voice speaks in a concerned tone. ’You don’t want to believe it, but everything has a purpose. Aylin’s soul was not given to you as a gift but rather as a tool to manipulate you.’

’The naginata never forced me to do anything. Aylin isn’t even alive... those are just her memories.’ Lucien replies.

The mysterious woman shakes her head. ’Brainwashed victims never realize what is really happening to them.’

So she quickly continues. ’Aylin’s soul is the most powerful weapon in the universe and also the greatest treasure of the Dragons. They will destroy everything and kill everything to recover it as soon as they find out it is with you.’

’...’ Lucien understands the mysterious woman’s advice about using the naginata with caution.

But she still continues. ’So, why do you think such a treasure was given to a hybrid of dragon and demon?’

’To brainwash me? But how?’ Lucien asks.

The woman explains. ’Do you remember the first battles in this world? You killed those people because they were in your way, and that’s all. But how were the battles after you obtained Aylin’s weapon?’

Lucien tries to think of any significant changes and quickly realizes what the woman is talking about. ’I... I started to enjoy fighting more and more.’

’Exactly.’ The woman speaks in a positive tone. So she continues. ’Aylin’s weapon is making you enjoy fighting as much as she did. Also, you are reliving her memories from her perspective. You are feeling what she felt, seeing what she saw, and even thinking like her.’

The words of the mysterious woman hurt Lucien’s heart. But he still can’t feel any anger at Aylin, and he still feels connected to her. Brainwashing...’

’Brainwashing...’ The woman nods. So she continues. ’Someone wants to make you a dragon, specifically in Aylin. And you’ve already embraced her soul within yours.’

Lucien is shocked that he didn’t realize that something was wrong before. Well, he knew things weren’t so simple, but he didn’t think there were so many people wanting to manipulate him to the point that he is being brainwashed without noticing it.

He looks at the mysterious woman’s silhouette in the gray light. ’Your advice is welcome. But why are you telling me that? Everyone who helps me seems to want something from me.’

The woman nods. ’Yes, and you should be aware of any futurely help you receive. Everything has a price, and many people already want to require you something.’

’I also want something from you, yet you will do it not for me but for yourself and your selfishness, in this case, your family’s happiness and well-being.’ She continues. josei

’I came to give you this warning because I fear that one day, after giving everything to fight for us, you wake up without knowing who you really are. I would like a happy ending for everyone... although that is impossible, you should have one.’ She finishes.

’...’ Lucien doesn’t know what to say. He cannot believe the mysterious woman so easily, but what she says could be true.

The gray light starts to blink again, and the woman’s silhouette begins to disappear from Lucien’s vision while only her voice continues, getting weaker and distant.

’I don’t expect you to trust me, but rather that you don’t trust anyone... except for your wives... when they really love you.’

’Also, always follow the of your selfish heart.’

The voice disappears with the mysterious woman, leaving Lucien alone in that dream.

’Thanks for the advice... I guess.’ He speaks alone, or is the mysterious woman listening wherever she is?

Lucien’s vision goes totally dark, and he starts to feel a small, warm hand stroking his hair. ’L.u.s.t...’

’Yes, my love.’ He hears L.u.s.t’s sweet voice in his mind and opens his eyes to see L.u.s.t’s beautiful face as she strokes his hair and he takes a nap on her l.a.p, on the big sofa of the ice ship.

In order not to worry his wives, Lucien talks to L.u.s.t first, mentally. ’I had a strange dream...’

He doesn’t feel any d.e.s.i.r.e to hide anything from L.u.s.t and tells her everything that happened to him in the dream. Also, he talks about how the mysterious woman hinted that L.u.s.t has another name and was brainwashed.

L.u.s.t is shocked. ’That... seems ridiculous, but also... it could be true. I always found it very strange that you had dragonic heritage and Aylin’s weapon... she was the most powerful dragon, and it really makes sense that people want to use you.’

’Also... my memories are confused. I know things, but I don’t feel like I really lived my memories. That sounds like brainwashing to me... ’ L.u.s.t says in a sad tone.

Lucien hugs her, which disturbs Amelia’s nap a little. ’I can’t change the past, but it doesn’t change what I feel for you, and we don’t really have to change anything. I will be more careful when using Aylin’s weapon, but our goals remain the same. Our family remains the same.’

L.u.s.t kisses Lucien. ’You’re right. If my sisters and I are really brainwashed, it doesn’t change who we are now. We choose who we are. And I chose to be your partner, your wife. If all that the woman said is true, you have Aylin’s weapon and the potential to mix the energy of the seven sins. With absolute power, we can be the only ones to determine our destiny.’

’And then, when we have enough power, we will punish anyone who thinks they can manipulate us.’ Lucien completes.

’Sure.’ Lucien agrees while she and Lucien continue to kiss.

Next, he tells his wives everything that happened in his dream. He totally trusts them and knows that they love him. Lucien remembers well that the mysterious woman advised him to trust only in his wives ’when they really love him,’ which makes him reflect on his situation with Envy.

Lucien knows that Envy is doing everything to look like a ’good girl,’ but she is an old, smart, and manipulative demon. Although he is managing to conquer her demonic energy body with p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, he has no way of knowing her real feelings even with the soul connection. He knows she wants his good, but maybe because it means more power to her and not real love like he has with L.u.s.t and his other wives.

Anyway, Lucien knows that he and Envy are connected by something similar to the soul contract. Also, he would not hide from her the possibility that she was brainwashed. He tells the girls everything, and of course, everyone gets perplexed and thoughtful about the mysteries surrounding Lucien, his sisters, and the seven sins.

Lucien’s nap was very quick, and soon the group can see the big brown trees of the fox-clan.

"It’s my home." Anne comments in a cheerful tone. She can’t wait to see her parents and introduce her husband to them.

Lucien smiles as he strokes Anne’s fluffy ears. "We should not think about complicated things now. We are going to have a lot of fun in the next days."

The girls smile excitedly. It’s been a while since their last big love session, and a wedding ceremony is an ideal opportunity for only wives’ great love session.

However, some girls are not very excited. Amelia and Dawn don’t share exactly the same thoughts, but both feel a little left out of the ’wives team.’

But of course, that can only be changed by them as there is always more room in Lucien’s heart for new lovers.


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