Lust Knight

Chapter 351

Chapter 351: Stupid birds

Chapter 351: Stupid birds


Argerim's two moons shine in the sky and are reflected in the rivers of blood that flow through the streets of Cladena, the capital of the Light Empire.

June, very hurt and with almost featherless wings, watches as Eve's troops destroy the city and kill all those people devoted to Light God, which makes her very sad.

Although people from lower worlds have no real proof of the gods, their devotion, as well as statues, offerings, and anything else that encourages their faith in the Gods, strengthen them even when they are on the other side of the universe.

Faith is a really powerful and complex energy, just like the demonic energy of the demons and the soul power of the dragons.

While sitting on the throne of Stephen, Dawn's late father, Eve also watches her troops take revenge for all the harm those racists have done to the innocent people of the Alliance.

Of course, there are also innocent people in the Light Empire, or rather, peaceful racists. But as in any war, there will always be at least two opposing sides, and in this case, one side is of the Gods while Lucien's family is definitely on the side of the demons, so there was no way that the Light Empire of Argerim could survive while the Alliance has the blessing of the Great Queen Eve.

"This sword is really powerful..." Eve comments as she holds Stephen's sword, which she took from the top of his tomb.

"This is a weapon blessed by the divinity of our light lord, and it must not be touched by dirty demons!!" June screams angrily.


Pride materializes her body next to June and kicks her back, breaking some bones of her wings again while the last feather of her left-wing falls along with the tears of the poor angel.

"Just absorb the power of this sword as you did with that statue. This weapon spent a lot of time with people who were very respected and who respected it, so there is a lot of good energy for us in this blade. Also, our energy can easily corrupt the divine energy, which is also a bonus." Pride explains to Eve.

"NOO!! This is heresy; the Light God will kill you for it!!!" June crawls on the floor as she struggles to get up.


Pride kicks June again, this time aiming for her right-wing. She knows where her blows hurt most on her angel, not on her body but on her feelings.

But then Pride makes a curious expression while looking up at the sky. "Oh..."

Eve also looks up at the sky and sees bright spots falling at rapid speed. "Shooting Stars?"

Pride shakes her head. "No. They are instant teleport gems."

Then she quickly approaches June, holds her by the messy hair, and turns her face to the lights in the sky. "Are they angels?!"

June can't answer that because anyone can use teleport gems, but she wants to believe they are angels.

"I think so... I said... my master would send people to save me. You demons are screwed, hahaha..." June smiles as blood and tears make a mess on her face.

"Really? I'm shaking with fear of the stupid angels." Pride mocks.

Then she looks at Eve. "We will inevitably go after the Gods at some point, so these angels are just training. Still, they must be in Sky Realm, so you must absorb the power of this sword and also reach the Sky Realm before the fight."

"What about Luci and Amelia? We should hurry back." Eve says with a concerned expression.

"Focus only on taking the power of that sword. They will be fine." Pride responds with a confident expression.

Eve saw Lucien's new power in person, but they don't know what the power of the new group of angels is, so she questions Pride. "How can you be that sure?"

Pride smiles. "He's as strong as the women with him. If he can't deal with those stupid angels, that will be my biggest mistake for believing in him."

"You seem to respect him more than me..." Eve smiles as she also realizes that believing in Lucien and Amelia is the best she can do now.

"Maybe I do..." Pride makes a thoughtful expression while thinking about Lucien. She can't help but want to face those angels beside him again because that was really exciting.


In the clearing of flowers, or rather, a few meters away from Its edge, Olivia observes a beautiful and lonely black rose in the middle of dead trees.

She was guided to that place by the aura of dark energy that she felt, and now she understands why. That black rose seems to have a mystic affinity with dark energy.

[I hope hubby likes it as much as I do.] Olivia thinks as she takes the black rose.

Then she looks at the sky and sees the same bright lights that the other girls are seeing. But instead of thinking that they are shooting stars, she feels a bad feeling and quickly speaks to Lucien mentally.

'Do you see that in the sky?' Olivia asks him.

'I see. Stay with the others; I'm going to you.' Olivia receives Lucien's answer and quickly returns to the clearing, after taking the black rose, of course.

All Lucien's wives look up to the sky, while Amelia keeps looking for the best flower for Lucien.

"Amelia..." Envy calls her as she recognizes the lights in the sky as teleport gems and wonders what enemies they will face now.

"..." But Amelia still keeps looking for a flower. She saw all Lucien's wives find beautiful and special flowers while she still hasn't found anything.

Envy shakes her head while having the same problem as Amelia to find something special to represent her relationship with Lucien; after all, she doesn't even know how she feels about him.

Is that just desire? She always wants everything that is most important to others, but is it really that important to her?

Is her that important to him? What does he really feel for her? Is he just using her as she uses and manipulates others?

Envy can't help asking herself these questions all the time because even though they have a deep connection, they still don't know each other really well.

But now is not the time to think about it, not when unknown enemies approach.

Envy talks to Lucien and Lust mentally and receives the same response that they will soon be there, probably in a few seconds due to Lucien's incredible speed.

Then at that moment, Lucien's wives hear a loud sound as the lights in the sky divide into two groups of five smaller bright lights.

*Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz* *PANG*

With a loud sound of lightning, eight of those lights fall to the south, in a radius of eight hundred to fifteen hundred miles, probably in the territory of the Great Forest and not the Alliance.

Meanwhile, the other five bright lights fall towards the clearing.

Rose and the other mage girls don't think twice about creating several layers of magic walls around them because they don't know if the lights are hostile.

And that decision proves to be wise because the lights hit the magic walls aggressively.


The girls hear four loud impact sounds and feel their magic walls being easily pierced.


Then the layers of magic wall are destroyed by the explosion of energy generated by the four impacts while they also create craters in the ground, smashing most of the flowers in that clearing.

The burst of energy pushes the girls back, but due to Angela and Rose creating more magic walls quickly, they take no damage.

Still, they all receive the same mental message from Lucien in a worried tone. 'Are you fine?!?!?'

Due to their connection, Lucien can feel that the girls are fine, but they feel that he is hurt, and it scares them to the soul as they can't imagine what could hurt him.

'Hubby!!! What happened to you?!?!' They ask him at the same time.

'I'm fine. One of them is here with me, so I will take a little while to join you. Just stay on the defensive until I get there because they are really powerful.' Lucien explains to the girls.

'Alright!' The girls respond to him. Although they all want to run to help him, they understand that when facing powerful enemies, they must work together, trust each other, and follow his plan.


After hearing a loud impact sound, Rose and Angela's new barriers are broken, and the girls see their enemies.

Four angels with solid gray wings. One of them appears to be a woman in her thirties with black hair and an average appearance with nothing special.

Two others are adult men with black hair and also with average appearances, while the fourth, who is also at the front of the group, is a middle-aged man with gray hair and a kind face.

"Don't resist, children. We just want the demons." The middle-aged angel speaks in a calm tone while gazing at Envy and Amelia, but the sword in his hands shows that he is prepared to fight.

Cassidy quickly steps forward and points her black greatsword to him. "Don't call us children, old man."

"And don't call our sisters just demons." Angela smiles as her body glows with blue mana.

Oya is also furious at the angel's demand, but instead of saying anything, she shows her fangs while pushing little Ko back before transforms into a tigress, also extending her body to the current limit of her ability.

Ko remains behind being her mother but also transforms into a tigress and extends her body to the size of a normal tiger while getting ready to fight.

"They are sympathetic to demons and deserves to die with them!" The female angel speaks while her hands shine with gray-white light.

"Have no mercy, Lord Antonius!" One of the other angels exclaim.

But the other male angel has a strange expression as he gazes at Aria and Ella. "Maybe we can play with them just a little..."

Lucien's wives recognize the lustful expression of that angel because many men look at them like that, and of course, they all get disgusted.

But Jeanne feels something else. She feels the mysterious energy within her becoming agitated. It seems like that energy wants to get out of her body while Lucien's demonic energy arouses it even more.

Envy shakes her head at the angels. "You came from afar just to die."

Amelia pouts. "Damn, did you have to destroy all the flowers before I found my special one? Don't expect a quick death after getting in my way!"

Then she summons her double white swords, making Lord Antonius be impressed. "A soul weapon... it's been a while since I saw such beautiful blades." josei

The female angel makes an expression of jealousy. "Yet they are very weak. We are all in the Sky Realm, so we can kill them like crushing insects."

Envy looks at Lucien's other wives. "They are in the early Sky Realm, but we can hold on if we work together. We just need to resist a little while."

"In the meantime, we can get those rare bird feathers..." Lena says while looking at the wings of the angels.

"Will hubby like stupid angel feathers?" Marie giggles.


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