Lust Knight

Chapter 362

Chapter 362: Smashing Angels

Chapter 362: Smashing Angels

Wrath prefers to let Donna fight alone but defeat those dragons from the Earth Realm was much easier than will be to beat Sky Realm angels.


The wind sounds like being cut, pierced, and crushed as she and Donna descend from the sky towards the angels already attacking with their soul weapons.

Donna with her big ax, and Wrath with her big Warhammer, both excitedly smiling, side by side, like good sisters.

The angel tracker can only watch while trying to get rid of Daisy's stone spikes as Sophia and Sloth keep the other angels in their worst nightmare.

"HAAAAA!!!" Donna and Wrath shout while focusing their demonic energy when they are about to hit one of the angels together to break all his defenses and kill him on the spot.

"NOOO!!!" The tracker feels the powerful aura emanating from their soul weapons and flies towards them, breaking the stone spikes with her own body and ignoring the pain.

*Wooosh* *Bam*

But Daisy is faster as she reaches the tracker and kicks her back. Without wasting time, Daisy takes advantage of the tracker's instability to get behind her and bite her neck.

At the same time, Donna and Wrath hit one of the archers while he rolls on the ground. The warhammer's head hits his belly at the same time as the ax hits his neck.

*BAM* *BOOOM* * Tremble*

Donna and Wrath feel like hitting hard stones, but due to their incredible strength and demonic energy, that hard stone starts to cede; that is, the warhammer slow start smashing the angel's belly and the ax cutting his neck.

The archer immediately wakes up from Sophia's illusion as his body is pushed into the ground by the impact of the attacks, creating a new crater inside the early crater.


He vomits blood and his guts while the girls' demonic energy destroys his Sky Realm defenses.

The archer just has time to see Donna's beautiful face before she breaks his neck. Despite a painful death, he had a beautiful vision as he left for the afterlife.

The noise of the attack and the powerful auras of Donna and Wrath begins to awaken the other angels from the illusions, but Sophia and Sloth's eyes shine even more brother with that mystical green as they force their abilities even more.

That could be much easier if their enemies were Earth Realm people, but with them being a Realm above them in power, it is pushing them both to the limit of their current capabilities.

Wasting no time, Wrath jumps towards the other archer while Donna attacks the barrier's male angel.

At the same time, Daisy has trouble sucking the tracker's blood while fighting in the air. With her original power, she could easily contain that angel, but due to having been injured for so long and having now an Earth Realm level power, she cannot compete in strength and speed with someone from the second layer of the Sky Realm.

"Let go of me, stupid vampire!!" The tracker flaps her wings furiously as she tries to hit Daisy with her elbows.

Daisy cuts the neck of the tracker and sucks some of her blood, which is not good, before spitting it out and flying backward, firing stone blades at her.

"DAMN!!" The tracker runs her hand over her neck and feels her blood running down. She gets very angry with Daisy and flies towards her, dodging stone blades while summons a long sword from her storage treasure.

At the same time, on the ground, Wrath strikes her warhammer against the other archer, also rolling on the ground while suffering inside Sophia's illusion.

But due to Sophia's demonic energy being consumed too quickly to keep six Sky Realm angels in an illusion, it starts to run out, and the body of that archer instinctively feels Wrath's soul weapon approaching him.

Still trapped inside the black cloud and watching his feathers rot, that archer feels an instinctive need to defend himself and raises his hands while summoning his bow.

*Bam* *Clang*

He manages to block Wrath warhammer's shaft while Its flat part is an inch from his face. He wakes up from the illusion confused and furious.

"Demon!!!" The angel yells as he tries to push his bow upwards. His hands glow with white energy as he uses all his light mana to boost his strength.

"Hehehe..." Wrath laughs as her warhammer goes down millimeter by millimeter.

Even though that archer is in the second layer of the Sky Realm, while Donna and Wrath are in the Erath Realm, he cannot compete with them in strength, especially because she is the sin with more brute force of the seven.

As soon as the warhammer flat part touches the angel's nose, he turns his face aside, and Wrath stomps on her weapon shaft, forcing it down and crushing his face.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" The man screams in pain as his face seems to burn with the furious red energy that runs through the warhammer.

He flaps his wings while fighting to keep life even badly hurt. But Wrath doesn't waste time and attack him again.

The warhammer disappears into a cloud of red dust as she quickly raises her bare hands. Then the warhammer appears in her hands again while she brings it down with all her strength, now with the pointed part of Its head down instead of the flat one.

"NOOO!!" The archer screams when he sees the big and scary thorn of the warhammer coming towards his face, but he cannot escape because Wrath steps on his wing.

*Bam* *Crack*

The red thorn spikes in his skull, killing him instantly. Blood spills on Wrath's face, and she smiles before jumping towards another angel.

Meanwhile, Donna repeatedly hits her ax against a translucent barrier around the male angel who made the barrier around his group. That barrier fell when they were trapped in Sophia's illusion, but he and his wife also have treasures of protection that automatically activate when they are attacked.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

After several strong blows, cracks begin to appear on the barrier, but then that angel wakes up from the illusion and is shocked to see Donna in front of him.

"Huh?!?!" He gets confused and happy because his wings are okay. He looks to the side and sees that his wife is also fine, but their shared personal barrier is also breaking down while Donna attacks him.

Upon realizing that he has no more than a few seconds before Donna breaks their barrier, that angel does not think about attacking her alone but rather seeking help from his wife. josei

He quickly breaks his necklace, and the barrier explodes, pushing Donna back. At that moment, he flaps his wings and flies to the side, rolling over his wife's body.

"WAKE UP!! MY LOVE, PLEASE!!!" He shouts while touches his wife's face.

She quickly wakes up, and the first thing she sees is the bloody blade of Donna's ax coming towards her husband's wings.

"NOOO!!!" She screams and rolls their body to the side, preventing Donna from hitting her husband, but she is not quick enough to get her whole wings out of the range of that attack.

*Bam* *Crack* *Boooooom*

The blade of Donna's ax hits the wingtip of the female angel, cutting off one of the most precious parts of her body. The pain is terrible, and blood splashes along with cut feathers as she screams in despair.

"NO, NO, NO, NOOO!!!" The male angel feels horribly bad for the suffering of his wife, and in a fury, he jumps towards Donna, trying to attack her with his bare hands.

As soon as he flies towards Donna, his wife tries to stop the bleeding from her wings but is forced to summons her mace to block Wrath's warhammer.

Donna is unable to attack the male angel due to having to dodge his furious blows. His hands glow with white energy, and he starts shooting fast light rays at her.

She tries to block with the ax, but most of her body remains exposed, and some light rays hit her, causing minor burn injuries.

But she ignores the pain and charges against the male angel. He summons a great ax, too, as they both attack each other.

Donna's blood-red ax hits the male angel's gray ax, blade on blade, creating a powerful wave of energy.


Then half the blade of the gray ax flies away while the angel wide opens his eyes in shock. Well, there was no way that a high-quality ax could compete with Donna's soul weapon.

While the male angel loses his balance, Donna continues to move her ax forward. He is unable to dodge, and the blade hits his chest, cutting his clothes but not penetrating his body.

Donna pushes him to the ground and releases the warhammer shaft. Then she raises both hands and joins them in a single fist while Wrath makes the same movement on the side, on top of the female angel.

Both Wrath and Donna smile as they punch the top of the shaft of their soul weapons, pushing them further down and penetrating the chests of that angel couple.

"AAHH!!" Both husband and wife scream when a centimeter of the blade of Donna's ax and the thorn of Wrath's warhammer penetrates their bodies.

Wrath and Donna's furious red demonic energy enters the angels' bodies, and they desperately try to push those soul weapons away to get rid of that pain.

But Donna and Wrath punch the shafts of their weapons, again and again, penetrating it more deeply into the bodies of those angels, giving them a true hell.

Simultaneously, the green glow in Sloth's eyes begins to fade. "Sophia... this is the current limit on our energy."

The green glow in Sophia's eyes also fades while she looks tired. Well, she used almost all of Sloth's and her demonic energy to contain those eight Sky Realm angels a while, which is certainly quite an achievement for someone from the Earth Realm.

"It didn't last long but worked..." Sophia quickly summons her soul weapon, the white bow, while the other three angels wake up from the illusion. She wastes no time and starts shooting magic arrows at their strongest of them, the tracker's husband.

The arrows hurt but do not penetrate his body, and he quickly flies backward while trying to understand what is happening.

The couple of angels with shields also wake up and see Donna and Wrath killing their comrades. They get furious and quickly fly towards them with weapons ready.

Sloth feels that she cannot maintain her physical body anymore to save the remaining demonic energy that she and Sophia still have. And when she turns into a cloud of green energy, she misses someone. "Where's the vampire?"


As they fought, Daisy and the tracker flew further and further away from their groups. The angel had to dodge the vampire's various stone spikes while trying to contain the bleeding in her neck.

The tracker is one of the strongest angels in her group, being on the third layer of Sky Realm as well as her husband. So she shouldn't be easily hurt by Daisy, but the vampire fangs are as powerful weapons as soul weapons, and therefore the tracker wants to treat that wound as soon as possible.

Descending from the sky and hiding inside the forest, the tracker flees from Daisy, who begins to shake the ground and destroy the entire forest to find her.

Dust and broken trees make a mess, and the tracker gets time to drink several healing potions from her storage treasure, as well as a pill to boost her power, just like the one Neoc used in the battle against Lucien.

She feels a wave of burning energy running through her body, and although the feeling is painful, the tracker knows that she has to take that risk to survive.

At that time, Daisy lands on the ground because her mana is running out. She looks around but doesn't see the tracker, who uses that moment to attack Daisy from behind.


Despite using a quick and silent movement, the tracker cannot hide her presence from Daisy's high senses.

The vampire turns around, already creating several stone barriers to block the tracker's attack.

*Bam* *Smash* *Bam* *Smash* *Bam* *Smash*

The tracker easily breaks down the stone barriers as Daisy starts to step back, creating new barriers.

"SHIT!!" Daisy curses while she realizes that the tracker is stronger than before. As an alchemist, she quickly thinks that the angel used some medicine. She could also use one, but her injured body would not withstand the side effects.

With each barrier broken, and the tracker approaching Daisy, she becomes more nervous. A feeling of importance arises inside her and knowing that she is about to die and will no longer see her beloved daughter and husband is really bad.

With no other option, Daisy turns around and runs to escape from the tracker.


Then she hears the last barrier being broken and turns around again, not to allow the tracker to attack her from behind.


In the middle of a dust cloud, the tracker vomits a lot of blood while she doesn't understand what happened.

Daisy is shocked to see two blades, one red and the other golden, crossing through the tracker's chest.

"How..." The chaotic energy of the power pill inside the tracker's body gets even more unstable.


Then her body explodes just as it happened with Neoc, splashing blood, pieces of meat and bones everywhere.

Daisy has no time to raise a barrier in front of her and falls down due to the explosion.

She wipes the blood of the tracker on her face and then notices a figure walking towards her.

A purple energy barrier glows around his peculiar body. He has wings, but they are not like angels and rather like dragons, yet he has long horns like a high demon.

"Who are y-" Daisy starts to ask, but the words disappear from her mind when she is amazed by that man's beauty, which makes every other man look like ugly frogs.

Lucien extends a hand to her as he smiles. "You are Daisy, right? You really look like her... my sweet Rose."


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