Lust Knight

Chapter 398

Chapter 398: A woman about to fall

Chapter 398: A woman about to fall

Lucien sees Donna and Helena entering Laure's house while he flies down. He knows that his wives, his sisters, and the Sins will be surprised by the story of the Fallen Angel, and Donna can tell them everything about that.

He can also hear that the girls are almost ready, so he doesn't enter the house and just sits on a garden bench next to the house.

Two minutes later, Eve leaves the house and walks into the garden. She smiles at Lucien and sits on the bench next to him.

He is impressed by how beautiful she looks now. Eve wears another simple white dress, but that one has golden ornaments; her hair is tied in a bun that doesn't hold all those beautiful pink strands, leaving a few strands of hair next to her calm face. Also, she seems to be wearing very little makeup, which leaves a slight flush on her pale skin.

"You look beautiful." Lucien praises her.

"I'm always beautiful." Eve smiles as she adorably puts one of the strands of hair behind her ear.

"Of course." Lucien quickly responds and rests his hand on Eva's thigh without any secondary intention.

Eve's lips curl into a beautiful smile as she caresses Lucien's hand on her thigh. "You are also very charming with this new look."

They just look at people on the street for a few minutes in silence. Then she starts talking. "The angel... Donna said that you would explain everything to us later. Pride wanted to kill her, but if Donna likes her, I'm sure she is a good person."

"They were punching each other in the face just ago." He chuckles.

Eve giggles. "It makes sense for Donna to like her."

Lucien laughs for almost a minute before sighs. "She really looks like a good person, even though she still thinks like an angel. But..."

"..." Eve is silent as she waits for Lucien to explain. Pride is also quite curious about Helena.

"The problem is the person who told her to follow us..." He explains about Helena and the mysterious woman who may be his mother. He also talks about Daisy's past to Eve and the possible connections.

Eve is very surprised by that, and so is Pride, who materializes her body in front of them as soon as Lucien finishes explaining everything.

"Do you really think this woman is manipulating the Seven Great Demons?? I don't know what her real motives are, but the Bloody Rose will make you and your sisters strong for our purposes, and then you will die like all of our previous hosts." Pride speaks in an arrogant tone.

Lucien can't help but be upset by the way Pride treats his sisters as weapons. However, things seemed to be exactly like that. His father sold their souls in exchange for help to defeat the Silver Legion and control his homeworld.

But now, his father's problems seem to be nothing more than an excuse to link Lucien and his sisters to the Sins. Lucien and Lust have no idea what the mysterious woman wants, but she sure is very powerful and could easily defeat the Silver Legion on her own. So, her goal must have to do with the superior races.

He looks Pride in the eye. "If you can tell me what that woman looks like, I will agree that you are the most superior person in this situation."

"Tsk." Pride smiles as she tries to describe that mysterious woman. "She... She... She was..."

Pride's expression goes from confident to confused and then shocked. "I... I remember everything we talked about... but her appearance seems cloudy... I remembered her... but now I can't remember what her face looked like anymore."

Eve makes a confused and concerned expression. "So... if that woman planned all this... my mother and m...."

"And your?" Lucien is curious about Eve's confusing words.

She quickly regains focus and looks him in the eye. "I mean, the conflict between our father and the Pope. Was it all planned by that woman? And how can she be your mother? Your mother should be one of our father's wives. I'm sure I've seen her, but the fact that I can't remember what she looks like makes it all very suspicious."

While Lucien continues to think about what Eve is hiding from him, Pride holds him by the collar of his shirt. "It will be good that this woman is not your mother because I'll kill her for deceiving me."

Lucien takes Pride's arm using demonic energy. "I don't think she deceived you. As you said, the Bloody Rose is making us strong, and your people can have a great victory against the Gods before we die. Also, that woman is almost certainly a demon, so she must want to help your people too."

"Our people." Lust materializes her body and points to Lucien's horns. "He is also a demon, like us. I believe that we are all just pawns in other people's games."

Pride steps back after feeling Lucien's powerful demonic energy. He looks a lot stronger than when they fought the last time.

She looks at Lust with an angry expression. "Nor does Hell treat us like pawns. We are the pillars of our race, the best warriors of our people!"

"What if that woman is a Primordial?" Lust asks.

"A Primordial Demon? We would know if..." Pride starts to speak, but then they hear someone behind them.

Everyone looks back and sees Laure with a worried expression on her face. She takes a step back. "I... I didn't want to disturb your conversation... I just..."

Lucien smiles at Laure as he walks over to her. "It's alright, mother-in-law. We're just talking about some speculation."

Laure smiles at Lucien as she looks at his beautiful suit. "You look great, hahaha... The girls are almost ready, so I came to talk to you to go first and wait for us in the courtyard."

"Okay. I'll be going then." He responds.

"I'll go with you," Eve speaks as she approaches Lucien.

"We will be there in less than half an hour." Laure comments and returns home.

Pride makes a mocking expression while rolling her eyes. "Shouldn't we be concerned about things other than this stupid ceremony?"

Lucien understands how angry Pride is now as he is also having a hard time accepting that his mother may be manipulating him. However, being angry is not going to change their current situation.

Eve looks at Pride with a really upset expression. "I don't think my brother's wedding ceremony is stupid."

Now it's Lust's turn to roll her eyes. "Oh, Pride... you will regret being so arrogant."

"Let's go?" Lucien extends his hand to Eve. She holds his hand, and they fly towards the courtyard.

The sins return to their souls, and Lust speaks to Pride in her mind. 'I don't completely trust Hell. Nothing should happen in the Demonic World without her knowing it, so I think she and that mysterious woman are in this together.'

Pride almost says that it is absurd, but even she cannot deny that everything seems very confusing now. 'What if Hell is with her? We cannot yet be treated this way. Damn! We are-'

'The Seven Great Demons...' Lust completes Pride's sentence. 'I know, okay? What I'm talking about is that we have to keep together. It doesn't matter if this is their plan; we still have the hosts with the greatest potential ever. We can not only become stronger than ever, but Lucien can also create the best army of all times. Hundreds of extremely powerful women and totally loyal to him.'

'Yes, the Bloody Rose is not their only differentiator. The boy really knows how to use your powers. ' Pride comments, still in an arrogant tone.

Lust continues. 'But for that, they have to live. We have to do something to prevent them from dying due to the side effects of the Bloody Rose. The Pentagram Pact remains our best option.'

'Do you want to continue following that woman's plan?' Pride asks.

'Do you have a better plan?' Lust asks back.

'...' Pride is silent because she can't think of anything better. Like Lucien, she hopes that Daisy will have more information about the Bloody Rose in her research.

After a few seconds of silence, Lust continues. 'Anyway... You know that our energy can help his sisters stabilize the Bloody Rose's chaotic energy until we can do something else about it.'

'Eve and I are fine.' Pride quickly responds. Even if she needs help, she would not be able to ask for it due to her powers to force her to be arrogant and very self-confident.

Lust is silent again for a few seconds before continuing. 'It doesn't mean that you need help, but that Lucien wants to help you. Eve sees him as her little brother, but you know he is an incredible man. No one would think badly of you for having his affection.'

Pride reflects on Lust's words. She sees how stronger Envy is getting due to so many women envying her relationship with Lucien.

[If he loves me... more than his other women, it will make them envy and respect me even more...] Pride begins to imagine Lucien begging for her affection and thus making everyone see her as the most incredible woman of all.

Lust has no way of knowing what Pride is thinking, but she knows very well how pleasure works, and her oldest sister is very dependent on the pleasure of feeling that she is always the best.

'So... are you willing to cooperate?' Lust asks.

'I will think about it.' Pride responds and does not feel that she is bowing because the idea of having Lucien at her feet does not look bad. josei

Lust feels like smiling inside Lucien's soul. At first, she would say that it was impossible to make Pride accept having a romantic relationship with someone else because she would never accept that someone is worthy of her.

But as she stayed with Lucien, falling in love with him more and more, she came to the conclusion that he can conquer any woman, even the arrogant Pride.

She is looking forward to seeing their potential when all the Sins accept Lucien. Also, the Pentagram Pact, even though it will be made with seven people instead of five, looks very promising as it will create a powerful bond between Lucien and his sisters.

While Lust and Pride think about their potential future, Lucien and Eve arrive at the fox-clan's main courtyard.

Despite being at night, the whole place is very lit by many lamps filled with big fireflies, producing beautiful light.

The buildings and streets around the courtyard are well decorated with bands and flowers, as well as the benches, and even the trees have been beautifully decorated.

There are hundreds of people around the courtyard, and the benches are positioned in front of a large stage. It is normal for them to use that place for ceremonies, but now everything has been improved since that will be the biggest ceremony they have ever seen.

Not only will that ceremony be of a man with more than twenty stunning and powerful women, but also he is the brother of Queen Eve and the most handsome man they have all seen.

And of course, as soon as Lucien lands in the courtyard with that charming look, also beside Eve, they catch the attention of everyone around.

Lucien, while holding one of Eve's hands, uses the other to wave at people, making those young fox-girls almost pass out with excitement.

While Lust feels her demonic energy grow as Lucien please so many women with just his look, Pride feels that he is having more respect from those women than Eve.

In fact, the fox-people respect and admire Eve a lot for giving them a new life, free from the Werewolf and Manticore-clans. Still, Lucien is not only respected for everything he did for Portgreen but also because of everything his troops said about him, especially about him being the best lover they can ever imagine.


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