Lust Knight

Chapter 419

Chapter 419: The love ships are setting sail

Chapter 419: The love ships are setting sail

Lucien had to fly a mile away from Daisy for her to start calming down. For her, the problem is not that they have seen each other's bodies naked, but the fact that everything with him is fascinating and crazy, which makes her feel lively like never and wonder if she will be able to have a normal life alongside her husband after that.

[You can do this, Daisy!] She speaks to herself. [You are not a little girl anymore, and you can contain such feelings!! You don't want an exciting life with a devil but a peaceful life with a simple man...]

She tries to convince herself of those words while continuing to take a bath. But while she washes her body, she can't stop thinking about Lucien's naked body, especially his big member.

And when she realizes it, she's touching her most private part while that image is lived in her mind. Daisy gets so embarrassed, guilty, horny... That mix of chaotic feelings drives her crazy.

"LUCIEN!! YOUR STUPID DEVIL!!!! She shouts as she explodes that lake and destroys all the trees within a radius of dozens of meters.

He clearly hears the echo of her furious cry, which reaches that fox village, making Eve wonder what Lucien did to deserve that.

A few minutes later, Lucien sees Daisy flying towards the village and approaches her. "Daisy! Wait for me."

She stops in the air and looks at him with a fake upset expression, but, in fact, she is angry with her own feelings. "Just say what you want!"

"Oh..." He friendly smiles as he approaches her. Daisy's body does not feel any aversion to his, or rather, she cannot help but be attracted to him.

Daisy's heart starts to beat faster while she gets very nervous and excited at the same time. [What is he going to do?!?! Is it something lewd?!?! I can't let this go on... but how am I going to say no if he tries something?!?! Damn, why does it look so hard?!?!]

She panics as she sees Lucien's hand approaching her face. She can imagine him caressing her face, then her neck before kissing her passionately. Her lips can already feel the touch of his while her tongue starts to move on its own.

So many things happen in Daisy's mind, and she closes her eyes, not knowing what to do.

"..." But after several seconds, nothing happens, which leaves her confused.

"..." Daisy waits until a minute has passed. Then she opens her eyes and sees Lucien, two meters away from her, still smiling as he holds a leaf in his hand.

"It was in your hair... I just wanted to help you." He speaks in a clearly regretful tone.

[Help you...] Those words echo in Daisy's mind as she feels really bad for thinking that Lucien wants to take advantage of her while all he's been doing is helping her.

Lucien can see that he messed up with her feelings, but he doesn't regret the way he is acting with her. He is acting normally with Daisy because he thinks this is the most respectful way to treat her, either to make it clear that he wants to take care of her and because he is completely honest to her as to how he is.

Still, he demonstrates that he understands her side. "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable..."

Daisy approaches him and takes the leaf from his hands while smiling with an embarrassed expression. "I... I'm not uncomfortable... Thank you."

"I'm glad." He smiles at her, unaware that his smile is becoming her favorite drug. "I would be despondent if you run away because of how I act."

"I would never do that!" She quickly responds. "Not because you helped me so much, but because... I respect who you are and what you have to do..."

As he continues to smile, she is even more embarrassed, wishing the world would swallow her up. "I... is that... I just don't..."

"We don't need to talk about it." He suggests. "Let's pretend that... embarrassed event never existed, okay?"

Daisy looks him in the eye while keeping her thoughts just for her. [Could you really forget that you saw me naked? I know I won't be able to forget your c...]

"Yes, that will be the best." She tries to smile, but he can see that she is not honest, at least not with her body.

"Let's go back." He flies towards the village before he can't resist hugging her.

Daisy looks at Lucien's back and feels something she has never felt before. She feels protected. Then she smiles and flies after him.

As they fly back to the village, he asks. "How are you feeling today?"

"I feel great! My power seems to have increased even more, but I only drank a little squirrel blood..." She replies.

"Your body needs a few days to transform all the demonic energy that Sophia has given you into your own power. Maybe you will advance another layer until there." He explains.

Daisy's red eyes sparkle with gratitude and expectation. "I will never be able to repay what you and she did for me."

Lucien smiles at her. "There is no need for retribution for something we do for the one w..."

"Family, right?" Daisy finishes Lucien's sentence even though he was going to say something else. "You already made that clear, and I like that way of thinking a lot. We are really a family now."

"Good..." He comments as they continue to fly. After a few seconds, he speaks again. "About what I talked earlier... I need you to make floating ships for me to take my troops to our likely battlefield. I want to be prepared when the angels arrive."

Daisy quickly nods, but she is also curious. "Of course I can do that, but I thought Rose and your other wives could do that easily, too. Marie and Lena seem to be very fond of showing their skills..."

"The girls need a break after yesterday. We spend all day fu... you know." He explains.

She can't help but blush. Daisy cannot even imitate how a normal person deals with a harem, but she is sure that her husband could not give pleasure to many women simultaneously as he is not really good in bed.

However, she is sure that things with Lucien must be very crazy. [The whole day? All õf them?? And they are the ones who need rest??? What the hell?!?!?]

As Daisy starts to think about things she shouldn't do, and the image of Lucien's cock comes up vividly in her mind, she tries to focus on other things.

"How is Rose now? Were you too hard on her?" She asks.

"She likes to do it hard..." Lucien replies without thinking and quickly regrets it. "I mean, she is now lying on our bed with a beautiful and satisfied smile. My life mana restores their vigor, but their bodies need time to deal with the great amount of demonic energy I have given them."josei

"Oh... I see... she's getting stronger... I'm happy..." Daisy stammers as she blushes even more.

She is really happy for Rose, but if Envy were beside her now, she would be laughing while delighting in that growing jealousy.

[That brat!! Does she like to do it hard?!?! How can she... do so many things that I have never done... How is it to do it hard? Why doesn't Heike do it hard on me?? What the hell am I thinking?!?!?] Daisy punches her head when she starts thinking about Lucien's cock again.

"Are you okay?" Lucien is concerned when she realizes that Daisy's pale face is now completely red.

"YEAH!" She quickly responds. "I... I can make the ships whenever you want."

He nods. "I would like you to do them right now. My troops are finishing cleaning up that courtyard, and I'm just going to say goodbye to Anne's parents."

"Oh, I would like to ask you for something else." He explains. "I need you to make eleven big ships that have a huge main room with space for a big bed and a big pool. I will start training my troops as soon as possible."

Daisy is confused at first but quickly understands what kind of training he is talking about. She is not embarrassed to think of him fucking his troops because that just looks like hardworking.

She understands that she has to do that to make his whole family stronger, which generates more protection for her daughter, who now cannot receive more love from him because her body needs to rest.

"I think I've said something like this before, but..." Daisy looks at Lucien with a loving and appreciative expression. "I admire you. You more than anyone else should be resting now, but you are willing to work non-stop for the sake of your family..."

She continues. "You ignore your needs and continue to do your best so that your wives can now be lying on your bed with beautiful and satisfied smiles... And I am happy that my daughter is one of them."

Lucien and Daisy stop in the air as they have already arrived above that courtyard. He looks at her with a loving expression and caresses her face. "You don't have to be my wife to me to want to take care of you like that."

"I know..." She caresses his hand on her face while nothing worries her now. When being next to Lucien, it is difficult to worry about anything.

He again feels that he will lose control of his desires and kiss Daisy, so he points to where Eve is. "Talk to Eve and start making the ships; I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Mm." Daisy makes a cute sound of agreement as she watches Lucien fly towards Laure's house.

Then she lands in front of Eve and smiles when she sees that Helena and Donna are drooling on her thighs. "Morning, Eve."

"Morning, Daisy." Eve smiles at her. "You and Luci seem... to be getting along."

Daisy smiles at her. "Yeah, he's a great man. You really raised him well... very well."


Although Lucien's wives are tired and need to rest more, it doesn't hurt for them to leave the purple world for a few minutes to say goodbye to Laure and Clovis.

They end up talking for half an hour because all the girls thank Laure many times for the wonderful ceremony. Lucien is also very fond of talking to Clovis and hopes to return to Argerim in the future to visit them.

After an emotional goodbye and Laure, Anne, and Elsie dropped some tears of happiness, the girls returned to the purple world, and Laure accompanied Lucien to the door with Clovis.

"Our humble and tiny house is always open for you and your whole family, my son," Clovis speaks while hugging Lucien.

"A home where we are welcome will always be great." He responds.

So Laure hugs Lucien too. "Come to see us whenever you can, and... I hope you will be able to rescue your mother soon. I would love to meet her."

"I will be sure to bring my mom here; you will be great friends." He responds.

Laure makes a thoughtful expression. "Lucien... about what I told you... I didn't want to force any responsibility on you. I just wanted you to know more about our family."

He smiles with a determined expression. "Don't worry about that, mother-in-law. I will help Anne and Else to become very powerful so that no one can harm them. Also, together, we will find out what happened to Adeline and avenge your ancestors."

"Be careful." She smiles back at him while she is sure he can do that.

"Now we have to go." Lucien starts flapping his wings while waving to Laure and Clovis. "I will send messengers to report our situation frequently."

"Thank you, son," Clovis responds.

"Always take care of Anne and Elsie!" Laure repeats.

"This is my main purpose." Lucien smiles before flying towards the giant stone ships above the village.

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