Lust Knight

Chapter 448

Chapter 448: A vote of confidence

Chapter 448: A vote of confidence

A/N: Just a small announcement before the chapter. Yeah, I started a new novel. I feel like I've failed with the last ones, but I can't try to stop trying to improve, right? Determination is necessary for everything as well as assuming my mistakes.

That's why I'm trying to make this new novel cooler and less complicated than the others, something more casual and fun that can become more complex over time, just like LK.

If you can give it a try, the name is Becoming God of Love.

Anyway, thank you for reading any of my novels.


While the angels of Corvus and Crassus House recover from the powerful wave of force generated by the energies of Lucien and Alexa, her two main assistants and his sisters fly into that dust cloud.

Inside the dust cloud, Alexa notices that Lucien's body is badly injured. She can see his golden bones in various parts of his body while his ridiculous regenerative capacity seems to be on the limit even though it is still working.

Although she got injured, it is evident that he got much more hurt and was almost knocked out by her incredibly powerful Heaven Punishment attack.

Yet, he was the first to get up and is reaching out his hand to her amicably. He continues to surprise her and make her more and more certain that he is the most fascinating person she has ever met.

Alexa doesn't think twice before accepting Lucien's hand. In fact, they both hold on to each other's forearms while he helps her to get up quickly.

"Thank you..." She says while looking into his golden purple eyes, without stopping to hold on to his forearm. "You really did that."

He smiles as he feels Alexa's soft skin below her forearm, a part where her heavy armor doesn't cover. "I always keep my word."

"Lady Crassus!!" Two concerned voices sound behind Alexa as her assistants appear and get shocked to see her having a strange contact with that handsome devil.

"Luci!!" Eve's concerned voice sounds at the same time as she lands next to him. Lucien had already mentally warned all of his wives that he was fine, but he can't do it with Eve, and she flew towards him before Sophia could say anything.

Pride materializes her body and looks at Alexa and the other angels with an arrogant and hostile expression, while Helena also lands next to Alexa and Lucien.

Alexa's main assistants quickly prepare their weapons and release all the power of their Immortal Realm third layer. But she quickly signals for them to lower their weapons.

"NO!!" She speaks in an authoritative tone. "They are not our enemies. Now, go back to the troops and keep them under control. No one must make any stupid moves, or I will punish them."

"Yes, my Lady." Those two angels are still very concerned about that situation. All angels have an instinctive fear of demons, and Lucien and Pride make them even more afraid.

Helena's smile only gets more proud as she sees how much Alexa looks like the former General Crassus. "My granddaughter... you will not regret giving this alliance a chance."

"What alliance??!" Pride asks sarcastically. "I didn't agree with this shit!"

While Alexa makes an angry expression and Helena is concerned, Lucien looks at Pride. She quickly approaches him, pulls him by the arm, and creates a magic barrier around him and his sisters, preventing Alexa and Helena from seeing or hearing what happens behind that barrier.

"Pride..." Lucien sighs as he doesn't feel angry at her. He understands that each Sin is connected to the extreme of their personalities and cannot escape that even if they want to.

She tries to control her arrogant tone while speaking. "Spare those angels was already a mistake, but you're going too far with this... Those angels are powerful, so we can't trust them."

Lucien slowly moves Pride's hand away from his arm. "We already talked about it, and most of us agree with me. Just trust me as well."

"Sister..." Wrath is hesitant not to side with Pride about that, but she still feels like giving her opinion. "That woman is not an ordinary angel. She didn't try to kill Lucien, and despite being clearly confused about her feelings, she proved to be a reliable person. Also, I can feel the anger she and her group have towards the Gods."

"Exactly." He comments. "These angels do not want to serve the Gods, so we can not only gain new allies but also remove some of the Gods force from the field; it can't be bad for us."

Pride looks him in the eye. "You don't understand... This is a journey that we have to take on our own to increase our affinity. But as soon as we are stronger and in high sync, we will go straight to the front, fight the Gods and their servants. And our people will not accept angels as allies."

"They will not be allies of our people, but of my family." Lucien already considers demons his people while he still doesn't know what to think about dragons.

He continues. "Also, you seem to be acting the same way for many years, and you don't seem to be winning any war. So, let me try something new... just give me a chance to show you other ways."

"I don't like it..." Pride can't help but imagine hundreds of ways it could go very wrong.

"Come on..." Lucien takes her arm. "You know we are the same; we want the same thing, to crush our enemies and these angels are not our enemies. Also, helping them to get free from the Gods will not make us lose any face; on the contrary, our names will be revered even by angels... don't you want to see angels respect demons more than Gods?"

"I still don't like it..." Pride sighs as she makes an expression of acceptance. "But I will allow it. Just because I really believe that we think alike, but... if anything goes wrong, I will not allow you to make any more decisions for this group."

Lucien smiles as he strokes Pride's hand with his fingers. "This vote of confidence means a lot to me."

It is difficult to notice any blush on Pride's face because of her ebony scaly skin, even on its lighter parts, but Lucien notices a slight change in her expression as she moves her hand away from his.

"Don't make me regret it!" She speaks in an arrogant tone while looking away.

Lust has an incredulous expression on her lovely face. "I can't believe it was so easy..."

Envy, beside her, is also shocked. "It seems that nobody is immune to his pretty face..."

Everyone hears those comments, and Pride looks at Lust and Envy with a severe expression, making them quickly dematerialize their bodies, going to Lucien's soul.

"Damn Envy!!" Amelia curses under her breath while getting jealous. And Sophia giggles.

Lucien's smile soon disappears as he looks at Eve with a concerned expression. "More importantly, what about Naomi and Claire?"

Eve makes a concerned expression too. "They weren't there... we looked everywhere, and..."

"How is that possible?? Did something happen..." Lucien can't help but be really worried.

"No, no." Eve quickly begins to explain. "There was a lot of destruction everywhere on that moon, and we found fragments of a portal, so I'm sure that when the resources ran out, they went to another world." josei

"But..." Lucien makes a thoughtful expression. "There shouldn't be other worlds near here, right? So how did they make a portal to far away?"

Eve quickly looks at Daisy before answering. "Actually... there was a portal there, already prepared, for the..."

"The Blue Star?!" Lucien asks. He can see the hesitation in Eve's eyes, and she clearly seems to want to protect him from something, which makes him imagine that it has to do with the mysterious woman who is probably his mother.

While Daisy makes a sad expression, Eve nods. "Exactly. It looks like that woman planned all of our steps..."

As the other Sins also reflect on that, Sloth makes a thoughtful expression and comments. "Maybe there was a portal like that on the moon that we were on too... a portal in every world, forcing us to go to the Blue Star anyway."

"But how did you and Wrath not notice such a portal?" Pride asks.

Before Sloth responds, Sophia comments while making a sorry expression. "I think we would have found it if I didn't want to go back to Lucien's side that much... my bad."

"Me and Wrath also just destroyed everything that opposed us without caring about the exploration..." Donna also makes a sorry expression.

"I don't like it either .." Pride comments. "We know that it is the plan of a person who is manipulating us, and yet are we going to do as she wants?"

"What other option do we have?" Lucien asks. "I don't like it as well, but even if we didn't have to go after the Phoenix, we would have to go there for Naomi and Claire."

"Yes." Pride and everyone else agrees with that.

Eve steps forward. "So we have to get to the Blue Star as soon as possible. Naomi and Claire are very overconfident, especially when they are together, and that is a Medium World."

"We just have to clear the portal below the life crystal mine and get Daisy's research on the Bloody Rose." Lucien comments. "Also, Alexa can keep the angels away from Argerim, so we will not have to worry about things here while we are away."

Pride rolls her eyes. "You are the only one concerned about your wives' families here... you are very sentimental."

"You can blame me for that." He smiles and then points to the barrier. "Put it down; a beautiful angel is waiting to lay her head on my lap."

She sighs and removes the barrier. Helena looks at Lucien with an expectant expression, while Alexa doesn't seem very happy. "Have you guys finished your little group reunion yet?"

"Sorry about that." He walks towards Alexa. "We needed that time to clear up a few things."

"I see..." Alexa looks at the women behind Lucien before looking at him again. "What about now?"

He provocatively smiles as he points to his thighs. "You know... I won the challenge, so..."

"I know, I know!" She is slightly flushed, which could be out of anger, but everyone knows that is not the case. "You don't have to remember it because I keep all my words, too."

"Good, good..." Lucien slowly starts to move his hand towards hers, but he stops halfway and looks around. "Let's find a good tree to... start our conversation."

His actions and tone are very suggestive, and his charm affects Alexa more and more, especially now that her feelings are a mess because of the reunion with her beloved grandmother.

She looks at Helena with a pleading expression, and she quickly takes her granddaughter's hand. "It's alright; I'm with you."

The angels of Crassus House who had just stand up after falling due to that powerful wave of strength feel as if they are falling again, now out of shock. Alexa has always been brutal and relentless, but now she seems just a confused and hesitant young girl due to Helena and Lucien's influence.

Most people fear the new and the unknown as they have no control over that. But just as Alexa is excited to learn more about Lucien and his mysterious group, those angels also see the possibility of something new, something unlike anything the Gods forced them to accept as absolute truth... an alliance with their most feared enemies.

And although Lucien is concerned about his sisters while his mind is also full of thoughts about the mysterious woman who could be his mother, he also knows that he needs to relax a little or he will freak out.

And one of his favorite ways to relax is teasing beautiful women... So, Alexa, who is both so strong and mature, is also so cute, especially as she follows him like an excited bunny next to Helena, another extremely adorable woman.

[This is going to be really good...] He thinks as he smiles at granddaughter and grandmother, making them both blush as they feel like digging a hole in the ground to hide.

"This devil..."

( 〃..) ( 〃..)

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