Lust Knight

Chapter 463

Chapter 463: How to deal with anger

Chapter 463: How to deal with anger

Lucien has never felt anything like this before. He's still mad at Wrath for the way she treats his sister though he also understands how her nature forces her to be that way.

But to punish her, he can't just beat her or even make her mad, as that's like pleasing her. So he thinks about messing up with her all the ways he can.

Of course, the first option that he thinks is messing with her feminine feelings. He has been teasing her with subtle stimulations since they started fighting, still releasing some of his anger on her in a mix of emotions.

But as soon as he saw her smile at him after he exploded her body, he realized how crazy she really is. And all the negative feelings he had for her became even less insignificant.

And new feelings rose in Lucien's heart. He still wants to mess up with her, but he also wants to take her to him and take care of her like he takes care of all his wives.

So he pressed her body against the ground and kissed her madly. Without giving her any chance to defend against that 'sneak attack,' he forced his tongue into her mouth and messed with her even more.

[DAMN!?!?!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?] Wrath is more confused than furious as she tries to run away from Lucien. But he uses his massive demonic energy to confine hers and keep moving his tongue inside her mouth.

She doesn't know what to do or how to react. Despite having a lot of knowledge in her mind, Wrath doesn't remember kissing. In fact, like the other Sins, her memory is very vague, and she has no idea what that should feel like.

But she can't deny that her body is enjoying that. The smell and taste of Lucien's mouth are highly addictive, as is his blood, and she feels her body heating up more and more.

Even though she's fighting that, her tongue really wants to move alongside his, just like her lips want to suck the nectar of his mouth.

His grip on her neck hurts a little, but that's also very pleasurable, as is the rough touch of his other hand squeezing one of her breasts.

Wrath is literally going crazy with pleasure. But not having any control over that makes her even more mad and furious. Mainly because whoever is doing that to her is the boy she criticizes so much.

Lucien, on the other hand, isn't sure what he's feeling. Wrath doesn't seem to want that, but her body isn't fighting like her mind is. He doesn't feel like he's forcing her onto something she doesn't want, but it's still weird to be so rough on a woman.

Then he quickly stops forcing her body to the ground but still keeps his hand on her neck.

[Has he stopped???] Wrath feels she's free and also regains control over her demonic energy. But Lucien doesn't stop kissing and squeezing her body so roughly.

While thinking of her next actions, Wrath remains immobile, or rather, her lips begin to move on their own. She quickly misses that pleasurable pain of having Lucien gripping her neck, as well as the feeling of being totally under his power.

[What the hell is happening to me?!?!?] She realizes that those new feelings are as good as they are scary. And for the first time in a really, really long time, she's afraid, scared of how good he can make her feel.

Meanwhile, the dust cloud begins to fall, and people in the arena can see Lucien kissing Wrath.

"HOW?!?!" They are perplexed as they have seen Wrath being mortally wounded several times and even her body being turned into meat paste. Yet, she is very, very alive and kissing.

And at the same time, they are all happy that their King is exactly like the legends say: someone who conquers all women, even the fiercest ones.

On the top of the arena, Lust is smiling while Donna has a shocked expression on her face. "H-how is that even p-possible?!"

"I honestly don't know..." Lust comments. "I shouldn't doubt him, but Wrath... she's so..."

"Crazy." Donna continues. "I was sure he could beat her, but this... it's madness beyond limits."

"Hahahaha..." Lust starts to laugh. "Look at the pathetic expression on her face. She's always so imposing and violent, but now she doesn't even know how to handle a kiss, and she's freaking out."

Donna can't help but laugh too. After everything that Wrath has done to her and all the anger she feels, seeing her freaking out because of a kiss is really nice. Though her lips are jealous because she's not the woman Lucien is kissing right now.

And despite wanting to just enjoy the scene of Wrath in her most vulnerable moment, Donna jumps off the top of the arena and lands in front of them. "Brother… are you alright?"

When she hears Donna's voice, Wrath gets even more embarrassed. She just scolded them for the hesitant way they were acting and for not taking every chance of getting stronger.

But now it is she who is hesitating to receive all the power Lucien is giving her, whether through his anger or other means that she doesn't understand.

She and Lucien's eyes meet as he slowly stops kissing her lips. Wrath is relieved that he's stopping, but her lips quickly start to miss his mouth as her neck misses his grip. In fact, her entire body already seems to be dependent on his.

Unable to deal with all those feelings, she runs away, dematerializing her body and returning to Donna's soul.

'Don't say anything about that!!!' Wrath quickly speaks into Donna's mind before falling into deathly silence.

Lucien gets up with Donna's help as he fixes his clothes, and Lust wipes the blood off his face. "I'm fine… but I can't say the same for Wrath."

"She seemed to be enjoying everything that happened." Lust comments as she smiles teasingly.

"Hehe..." Donna giggles. "That was so amazing, brother… you not only beat her but also messed that much with her mind. I bet she'll go a few days without pissing me off."

He caresses Donna's face. "I can repeat that before she thinks about making trouble for you again."

"Yeah, that would be..." Donna's first thought is that seeing Lucien messing with Wrath again would be good. But then she realizes that watching him kiss another woman is not good at all while being kissed by him is incredibly good.

[What am I thinking?!?!?] She starts to blame herself for thinking about enjoying that when she should only get his help to get stronger.

"There is something wrong?" Lucien asks as he sees the concerned expression on his sister's face.

"No, no!" Donna quickly shakes her head. But she is even more concerned that her thoughts are obvious.

So to hide her flushed expression, she quickly hugs Lucien and presses her face against his chest. "Thank you, brother... I'm so grateful that you're by my side... protecting me... and..."

Lucien is surprised by Donna's reaction. He understands that she is experiencing a lot of different feelings right now. But she always looks so strong and steady, but now she's acting like a cheerful young girl.

And that's amazing. He really wants to see her always happy that way and not so tense and mad as before. So he also hugs her and strokes her hair and back.

"Don't thank me, sister. Helping you is my duty, and I'm grateful that I can do it." He speaks in a loving tone.

While hugging him tightly, Donna again can enjoy his devilishly pleasant smell. She rubs her nose against his clothes as she keeps hugging him so no one can steal that moment from her.

She can't stop those new feelings from growing quickly. And the most predominant emotion in her heart begins to influence her as always.

Anger. She feels anger, first at Wrath for attacking Lucien and yet receiving her kiss. At the same time, she starts to feel angry at Amelia because she always acted so mean to him and not only received so many kisses from him but all his love to the point that she became his wife. josei

And why not be angry at Sophia too? [Why should a sister develop such feelings for her brother??? And I bet she started feeling it for a long time... what a naughty girl!!]

What about Lust? How could Donna not be mad at her for being the demon who stole her beloved brother's soul? [And she also stole his first time... his purity...]

Anger at her mother for choosing to protect her people by abandoning her, anger at her father for being an asshole, anger at the pope for wanting to destroy them, anger at so many people…

But right now, as she's being hugged by Lucien and smelling his scent, that endless rage inside her heart can't hurt her.

Even those feelings that were so destructive and toxic couldn't stop her from feeling so good. All the people she's angry at aren't there in Lucien's warm, fragrant arms.

Also, while Lucien is with her, Donna feels they can do anything, including punishing those who made her so angry. Beat? Kill? Those thoughts seem like child's play while Lucien is so creative at messing up with anyone.

While Donna's thoughts are going through a revolution, and her body feels so good in Lucien's arms, he looks at all those people in the arena gazing at them.

That kind of show is not something those people have ever seen or heard about. They can't understand that kind of extreme violence, and they don't understand how Wrath survived after that.

They shouldn't be afraid of Lucien as he is their King. But there they are, staring at their beautiful women, which is definitely not wise.

And Lucien can see the fear in those people's eyes. Then he friendly smiles and waves at them. "I hope you guys enjoyed the show. Also, sorry for damaging your arena."


While people still don't know how to react, Lucien flaps his wings and flies to the sky with Donna in his arms.

In the sky, he keeps stroking his cute sister. "Do you want to go back to the castle?"

"No." She quickly responds in a shy tone, which is quite different from her usual manners. "I mean, let's just fly like this a little longer, okay?"

"Sure." Lucien quickly responds. "We have a few hours before lunch, so why now enjoy this time? Just don't resist my energy, and let it strengthen you."

"Mm." She makes a cute sound of agreement as she continues to hug him tightly.

Not only do they fly over the city so that Lucien sees how Portgreen's people are doing, but he also takes her to the purple world, and they do a tour around the house.

He shows her every part of the house and helps her choose a single bedroom. Lucien can see that the relationship with Donna will take a long time to mature, but having her accept his affection as loving siblings is already pretty good.

Due to the purple world time difference, they spend five hours just enjoying each other before heading back to the castle. During that time, Wrath didn't speak a single word or even make any sound.

But the Sin of Anger continued to watch Lucien's every interaction with Donna as he tried to understand her own confused feelings.

Arriving at the castle, the other girls woke up, and everyone gathered for lunch to celebrate Kara's birthday again and also say goodbye to everyone who won't follow Lucien's group for more adventures.

They had a majestic feast, and then the magic stone ships set sail in the skies again, leaving new legends among the people who admire their King and his many Queen so badly.

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