Lust Knight

Chapter 478

Chapter 478: Should it look like a duel?

Chapter 478: Should it look like a duel?

Turning your back to an opponent in a duel is a suicidal move most of the time, especially if the person is also unarmed and with open arms.

Who would do something like that? There are two likely types of people. In the first case, it's someone very dumb and who underestimates the opponent. And in the second case, that person has as much confidence in their power as they want to humiliate the opponent.

Despite not knowing which case Lucien fits in, Carmelo becomes triggered. He can no longer bear that shit in front of his comrades.

"Fuck you, bastard!!" He exclaims as they run towards Lucien, swinging his green saber forward wildly.

Due to his strength, the green blade cuts through the air at incredible speed, also creating a powerful force wave that would blast any normal person from the Mortal Realm away.

Such a blow would cut through mountains easily, and everyone can feel the overwhelming aura of a Soul Weapon, wielded by someone from the Sky Realm peak, press their bodies.

But Lucien's wives seem unaffected by that aura as well as he. In fact, he looks very relaxed as he smiles at the Black Sea Riders.

[Your arrogance will be your end!] Carmelo thinks as his green saber hits Lucien.

He close watches his saber's blade begin to cut through Lucien's clothing and reach into what is supposed to be his skin. But Carmelo doesn't feel any resistance while his saber still seems to be cutting the wind. Also, there is no blood. No drop of blood comes out of Lucien's body.

[What the hell?!?!] Carmelo notices that something is wrong, but due to the furious force he used to initiate that attack, he can't just stop it.

Then he gets both shocked and terrified as his weapon cuts Lucien's body in half, turning it into two smoke clouds, which vanishes into the air as Carmelo loses balance.


Carmelo's saber blade hits the floor as he has his eyes wide open, not understanding what just happened.

The other Black Sea Riders are even more confused as they just saw Carmelo hit the ship floor instead of Lucien, who is standing next to him.

"An illusion." Pride thinks out loud with a neutral expression, but she is really impressed.

Wrath doesn't hide her shock. "When did he become able to use such ability? And why does he can use it on someone almost two Realms above him???"

Sophia and Sloth have the same loving smile on their face. "That was the result of our last night together... or was it the one before that?"

Lucien's wives can't help but keep getting surprised by him. Even though they feel they are getting stronger so fast, their progress cannot be compared to his. Not only in strength and speed but also because he is always acquiring new abilities, the abilities of them.

He is also surprised. Lucien didn't think Carmelo would slam his saber on the floor to stop his attack, but seeing that the ship wasn't damaged by that powerful blow, Lucien just feels luckier to have 'found' it.

"Here." He smiles provocatively at Carmelo. Not attacking him while he's more vulnerable.

"Huh???" Carmelo quickly looks to the side and sees Lucien standing there, still with open arms. So he concludes that it was an illusion ability to something like that. [But why didn't he attack me???]

Carmelo also concludes that Lucien wants to humiliate him more, which only makes him angrier, also preventing him from thinking straight.

"DAMN YOU!!!" He swings his saber toward Lucien again.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh*

Except for Lucien's sisters, the Sins, and other Sky Realm people there, everyone has difficulty following Carmelo's movements with their eyes as he is so fast.

But Lucien dodges his attacks easily. One, two, four, ten... All of Carmel's quick attacks cut only the air, making him more nervous and also apprehensive.

"HAAAAAAA!!!" Carmelo screams as he pushes his body to the limit, trying his best to hit Lucien with his saber.

But after so many failed attacks, he starts to realize that Lucien is a monster. [He can't really be in the Earth Realm... or is he only fast?!?!?]

Thinking Lucien only has specific abilities and no real strength, Carmelo stops swinging his saber wildly and stands in front of him in a bold move.

"I won't let you-" He starts to say something, but Lucien quickly punches his face.


Carrying the devastating force of his demonic energies, Lucien hits Carmel in the face. But as soon as his fist reaches his body, Carmel's skin turns green.

'It's a defensive ability!' Lust quickly warns Lucien.

Lucien already expected Carmelo to have an impressive ability as he has a Soul Weapon. That's why he was trying to force him to use his ability.

And that ability is really something, as it stops Lucien's mighty punch, preventing Carmelo from taking any damage.

[It can't be!!!] But Carmelo looks more shocked than before. He understands his ability well and knows that it only activates when he is about to take fatal damage.

[How could that punch kill me???] Carmelo can only conclude that Lucien's strength is as impressive as his abilities and speed.

"Oh, so you have an interesting ability..." Lucien smiles as Carmelo's mind is in a mess.


Carmelo quickly tries to counterattack with his saber.


But Lucien quickly grips his wrist with his left hand. Then he smiles as he rises and shows his right fist, where his skin starts to petrify.

As Rose smiles, Lucien comments. "I also have an ability like that, thanks to my love."

Carmelo doesn't understand what Lucien means, but he notices that stone fist coming toward his face. He tries to grip Lucien's fist just as he did but fails.


Lucien lands a powerful punch onto Carmelo's face again. And because his fist is covered with a stone layer, he doesn't feel any pain even when that strange ability is activated again.


He punches again while squeezing Carmelo's fist with his other hand, also causing his ability to be activated around his wrist.

"AAAAHHH!!!" Carmelo tries to get rid of Lucien, but his strength is too dominant. Also, for his ability to activate, he consumes a lot of special mana, quickly getting weaker.

*BAM!!* *BAM!!* *BAM!!* *BAM!!* *BAM!!*

Lucien's punches quickly begin to damage Carmel's green skin, breaking his perfect defense. His pathetic state makes Lucien's wives laugh while the Black Sea Riders are upset to see their captain being so humiliated.

After twenty powerful punches, charged with Lucien's energy, Carmelo is almost done. By having activated his defensive ability so many times, he's almost out of energy.

When his wrist is about to break, just like his skull, Lucien drops him to the floor. "Is that all you have?? It can't even be called a duel!"

The Black Sea Riders really want to attack Lucien now and help Carmelo. But they all respect a duel a lot. Not that they are really honorable people, but their leader would kill them if she found out that one of her captains needed help during a duel.

Yet, Carmel's main servant is also his best friend. Seeing that he is on the floor, completely defeated, he feels obligated to do something.

Then he quickly points a strange tubular object in Lucien's direction and fires a glowing ball that opens up into the air, turning into a magic net.

Lucien notices that man's movements before he shoots the magic net, so he has enough time to dodge that several times, but he doesn't move because he notices something interesting.


They all hear the noise of the strange tubular object firing the net, which they see flying towards Lucien. But while it's in the air, a brilliant white light, the purest white they've ever seen, appears out of nowhere, blinding anyone who doesn't close their eyes quickly.

"DO YOU DARE TO USE SUCH A SNEAK ATTACK ON HIM?!?!" The overwhelming and dominant voice of Pride echoes in a few miles radius around the Sea Devil, making all the Black Sea Riders tremble, especially that man who shot the magic net.

Before that man can regain his sight, he feels something fall over his body. He immediately notices his life force being sucked out from him and quickly understands that he is trapped by the magic net that he just shot. josei

[SHIT!!!] He curses while he can't move. He falls to the floor helplessly, just like the girl in Carmelo's cabin.


A force wave pushes several Black Sea Riders back, opening space around that man as Pride flies in front of him.

Despite knowing that Lucien could dodge that net, Pride can't contain her fury. She wonders what would happen if Lucien got trapped, and even though she also knows that she and the other girls could help him, she doesn't like that possibility.

As that man tries to crawl on the floor, Pride and Lucien look at each other. At the same time, Carmelo is trying to drink liquid from a bottle, which Lust explains to be a potent healing potion.

Lucien smiles, and Pride can't contain the desire to smile back. Then he materializes his red katana and spikes in Carmel's skull while Pride crushes the other man's skull with her foot.

*Smash* *Smash*

Blood flies everywhere while the other Black Sea Riders are terrified. They were very confident in overcoming Lucien's group in strength and number, but Lucien and Pride's show of strength is enough to break their spirit.

Yet, the desire to live is always predominant. And since it's not possible to swim thousands of miles back to their house, mainly due to the dangers that the infinite sea has, the Black Sea Riders only have one option, fight for their ship.

Well, the Sky Realm ones could fly but not return home. Abandoning their ship and crew is high treason, punishable by death. So as the strongest members of their group, they prepare their weapons and order everyone to attack, hoping their numbers will be enough of an advantage for some of them to survive.

Lucien smiles as he talks to his wives. "Kill them all... except one." Then he points to the Scout, already aware of his vision ability due to Lust.

The Scout remembers when Lucien said he needs a guide. That should be enough for him not to have to fear for his life, but he knows that Lucien would probably kill him when he's out of use.

Then, out of fear, the poor man flies towards the mechanism that controls the barrier. But he is knocked out by Lucien's stone fist before he even flies a few meters.

"HAAAAHAHAHA!!!" Donna and Wrath are the first to jump into the middle of the Black Sea Riders, spinning their soul weapons burning with fury energy.

Amelia wastes no time and teleports behind a Sky Ream warrior. She spikes her short swords into that man's back while Envy spikes her long daggers into his skull. They feel so powerful, and they know it's because of Lucien.

Sophia also feels more powerful than ever as she and Sloth focus on putting the more powerful Black Sea Riders into illusions, preventing them from using their abilities on the girls.

The hundreds of Earth Realm enemies are excellent training for other girls. They attack with everything and work as a team while Lucien just watches and protects them, so they don't get hurt.

The Black Sea Riders try to fight as a team but are massacred by Lucien's wives. Their blood runs everywhere, staining the Sea Devil. Well, it can always be washed later.

From outside the ship's barrier, Eve, Daisy, Helena, and Genevieve can only watch the fight and be amazed at how Mortal Realm girls can slaughter Earth Realm ones so easily. Let alone the fact that the Black Sea Riders are in much higher numbers.

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