Lust Knight

Chapter 493 The Brat Sister

Chapter 493 The Brat Sister

As the Sea Devil continues sailing at high speed towards the east, the fleet of ships from the Rising Phoenix Clan enters the Sins' field of vision.

As they saw from Maggie's vision ability, there are nine ships, coming on each side of the great main ship, which is as big as the Sea Devil.

Kayla's eyes shine with happiness as she knows that is her grandmother's ship. But the Sins' eyes also sparkle with expectation, not because of Kayla's grandmother but because they feel a familiar energy approaching.

'It's Gluttony; she's with them.' The Sins quickly report mentally to their hosts.

'Really??? Eve asks Pride. 'Is it only her? Which one of my sisters is with her?'

'It's the little one with purple and blue hair.' Pride answers.

'Naomi…' Eve looks thoughtful. 'I think Naomi would be suitable for Gluttony and Greed equally. Also, it's a good thing Lucien didn't find her first.'

Pride doesn't know much about Eve's siblings as she quickly made her choice, so she is curious about Naomi and Lucien's relationship. 'Don't tell me she also has romantic feelings for her brother?'

'No.' Eve quickly responds. 'I don't think so… well, of all of us, Naomi is the one with the happiest and brightest personality. Even with all the shit that we went through, she never let our father destroy her mood.'

'But?' Pride asks.

Eve blushes as she remembers the past.


About five years ago, in the mountain fortress.

*Pah* *Whoosh* *Pah* *Whoosh*

The sounds of Lucien and Sophia's swords echo through an inner courtyard as they train in a sparry session. Currently sixteen years old, Lucien is already so handsome and hot that he can drive any woman crazy.

But when it comes to power, he's not doing very well. Despite training so hard every day, his sisters are getting stronger much faster than him.

And as it gets harder and harder for him to train with Donna and Amelia, Sophia, who, as a healer, has less physical strength and speed than his other sisters, ends up being the best sparring partner for him.

And, of course, Sophia loves being in that position. And that's why she works hard to be a good sparring partner and help him get stronger. In fact, being with Lucien is the only time she can get truly happy.

*Whoosh* *Bam* *Thud*

For getting so excited to be with Lucien, Sophia ends up losing control of her mana, which is getting very unstable due to the Bloody Rose, and she ends up hitting a very strong blow on his leg, knocking him to the floor.

"Lucien!!!" He falls without complaining of the pain, but Sophia becomes desperate and quickly kneels on the floor to heal his wound. "I'm so sorry!! That shouldn't have happened..."

"It's alright, no problem; I'll be fine." He smiles and pats her head. Not that he likes doing it yet, but he knows she tries very hard to help him, so he can't help but have a special affection for her, siblings' affection, of course.

Twenty meters from the center of the arena, Eve watches the loving interaction between Lucien and Sophia with a thoughtful expression.

Then she hears footsteps before someone sits beside her. It's a young girl who appears to be a few years older than Sophia.

"How are they doing?" Naomi asks as she gazes at Lucien and Sophia.

"She's getting stronger as quickly as we are. I think it has to do with the treasures Michael is giving us." Eve explains. "But..."

She looks at Lucien with a concerned expression. "Luci doesn't seem to be being affected by such treasures. I can see that he tries so hard, even more than we do, and yet, he seems so... normal. That's weird."

"Normal??" Naomi sarcastically asks as she smiles. "If someone so handsome and sexy as he is considered normal, this world is better than I thought, hehehe..."


Eve punches Naomi in the head, not too hard, of course. "Damn, Naomi! Why are you always thinking about naughty things?!? Isn't there anything else in this devilish mind of yours???"

Naomi pouts and makes a fake expression of pain. "Why are you punishing me? I'm not the one ogling at him!!"

She looks at Sophia with a smirk, which upsets Eve. "What are you suggesting, you brat?!?

Eve looks about to hit Naomi again, so she raises her arms to defend herself but continues to smile teasingly. "Don't play innocent, big sis; I know what you're doing here!"

"Don't make a fuss!" Eve grabs Naomi by the shoulder and makes them look away from Lucien and Sophia, so they don't overhear the conversation. "I'm just doing my big sister's job and helping them with their practice."

"Oh..." Naomi's eyes sparkle as she makes a fake annoyed expression, but her lips can't hide her urge to smile. "You don't know how to lie, big sis."

Eve sighs. "So you tell me you what I'm doing here!? Do you think I'm planning some evil plot against my beloved little siblings??"

"Of course not. You would never hurt us or let something bad happen to us…" Naomi smiles. "That's why you're here, to keep Luci and Sophia from doing something bad… you know, something as fucking like incestuous rabbits."

"SHIT!!" Eve pulls Naomi's ear as she tries to force her to lower her voice. "Why are you like that? How can you think such things about your siblings?! That is wrong, Naomi, very wrong..."

Naomi pouts again. "I know that is wrong, which is why I fight so hard against my feminine instincts not to jump on my little brother and devour him..."

Eve really can't understand that. She knows Lucien is so handsome, but she would find him handsome anyway since he is her beloved little brother. But that doesn't make her sexually attracted to him. It's as if her feminine instincts ignore him, as they do to all men because she hates them.


She hits Naomi on the head again, this time a little harder than before. "You better stop acting like that, or I'm really going to punish you!"

"AaaaH!" Naomi falsely screams in pain. "Do you think it's easy for me not to fall in love with him?? I'm sure our other sisters are also doing their best to contain such feelings, but look at Sophia... she doesn't try to hide that she wants to fuck her brother so bad!"

"You!" Eve initiates a slap towards Naomi's face but stops before hitting her. She can't beat her little sister for telling the truth, even though that's so wrong.

Naomi smiles. "You can't pretend you don't know what's going on here anymore. Luci just gets more attractive every day, and it's harder for his sisters to contain their bodies' growing desires..."

"I won't let that happen!" Eve declares determinedly. "That kind of thing could destroy our family... we have to stay together as siblings only!"

"Why don't you tell Sophia that??" Naomi looks at her and Lucien. "Look, I bet she's wearing thick diapers to contain the river of love juices running down her legs while she gets so horny by touching Luci to heal the wound she herself caused… doesn't that seem very convenient to you?"


Eve tries to hit Naomi again, but she dodges the blow. "They're not doing anything wrong! Sophia just can't contain her growing strength like us and hurt him unintentionally."

Naomi shakes her head as she continues to smile teasingly. "Maybe she didn't plan that, but her body did. Her female instincts will do anything to bring their bodies closer, and you can't stop that."

"Yes, I can!" Eve responds.

"Poor big sis..." Naomi makes a sorry expression. "Can't you see that? We're women, and we have such needs. Even if we can contain those desires for a while, at some point, we're going to reach our limit."

"We can get over that!" Eve tries to think positively, she doesn't want to wonder about that kind of thing.

Naomi looks at Lucien with an expectant expression. "I don't think our brother would want to have us fucking random guys around... He could take care of us and satiate our needs while we help him with the same."

"THIS IS MADNESS!!" Eve exclaims loudly, drawing the attention of Lucien and Sophia. But they try to ignore them and keep training.

"It's just a solution…" Naomi stops playing the talk seriously. "It would be best for you, big sis. Think about that, you hate men, but you don't hate Luci, right? One day your body and mind will reach the limit, and only he will be able to satisfy you... accept that, all of us we're going to need a bit of Luci, so we don't have to depend on other men."

Eve is not an innocent person. She knows about anatomy and people's desire for sexual connection. But as a big sis, she can't imagine her siblings doing that to themselves. That seems very wrong…

As she loses herself in strange thoughts, Naomi smiles again as she runs towards Lucien and Sophia. She starts walking around him and giggles.

"Look, Luci... See how you left your big sis in a mess..." She speaks in a teasing tone. "You keep leaving your sisters in such a deplorable situation..."

"Don't listen to her, Lucien!" Sophia quickly speaks.

"Hahaha..." Naomi laughs at Sophia. "I wonder when you stopped calling him Luci... I guess that's when you realized you want him more as your man than your little brother, right?"

Sophia blushes as she cannot deny her sister's words. She knows in her heart how pure and true her love for Lucien is, but that will never change the fact that they are siblings either; she just loves him in every way possible.

"You don't even try to hide it anymore…" Naomi makes a thoughtful expression and then looks at Lucien. "What do you think of that, brother? Are you going to give Sophia what she needs, or are you going to continue playing the innocent and pure Luci?"

Lucien looks into Naomi's eyes with a cold expression. "One day, someone will tease you that much... and no one will help you because they will be laughing at you for tasting your own poison."

"Hahaha..." She laughs. "And who will that person be, Luci? You? Will the cold and depressed Lucien tease me? I'll look forward to that day..."



Naomi's words echo in Eve's mind as she feels divided at seeing her playful sister get what she deserves by being teased by Lucien but fears they'll cross that line immediately next.josei

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