Lust Knight

Chapter 520 Bow To Your Queen

Chapter 520 Bow To Your Queen

After Lucien had his anatomy changed to something similar to an aquatic demi-human, his group continued with the tour around the main Naga city.

Mira can't stop thinking about how things are going to turn out next and whether the revolution she's wanted so much to make will finally happen with the help of that mystery and handsome devil.

Kamala can't help but think about that either, but she's more focused on having fun with Lucien as they go around town kissing and hugging everywhere.

It's not that Lucien can't contain his desires and is in love with her, but he needs to make it clear to as many Nagas as possible that he wants to take care of them, starting with the sorrow princess.

And as he does that, he can't help but wonder which of his sisters is with the Greed Sin, as he's literally being too greedy for wanting to take over the whole race.

Although that sounds crazy, the thing Lucien has learned the most recently is that he is much stronger with the help of his wives, so conquering Kamala, and especially Mira, and helping them regain the lead of the Nagas, will give him a new army the size of an average race, which is very good, especially now that he only has those two thousand and one hundred women in Argerim as troops.

Thus, he continues to act as a kind of messiah who has come to free the Naga Kingdom from a dark ruler.

The tour seems to go really well as Kamala is really having fun, and even Mira is showing positive reactions as she gets more and more used to being around Lucien.

But then, as they left one dome to go to another, Lust feels something that catches her attention, and she quickly reports it to Lucien mentally.

'There's a familiar aura over there.' She points at the way.

"What's in that place?" Lucien asks Mira about a huge building inside a dome in that direction. The place is also protected by many black guards, actually as much as the Royal Castle.

Kamala quickly makes a sorry expression, as does Mira as she responds. "That place... Well, that's where Tyrion keeps some of his precious things..."

"Treasures?" Lucien asks as he remembers the trophies in the main hall of the Royal Castle.

"Creatures and people," Kamala responds.

"Oh..." Lucien isn't surprised that someone like Tyrion has a kind of prison for creatures and people.

He can't say he feels sorry for those people since he doesn't know them, but because Lust felt a familiar aura there, he has to go to that place.

Mira realizes that and looks at him with a concerned expression. "Tyrion will get upset if he finds out you were there.."

"You are the Queen, and no one should stop you from going anywhere inside your Kingdom." He speaks.

"But-" Kamala still looks concerned, but Lucien holds her hand and starts to swim toward that place.

Mira quickly follows them. "Isn't that making trouble with Tyrion for no reason?"

"He will do nothing even if it upsets him because for him stealing our power is more important than other things," Lucien explains.

Kamala and her mother do not disagree with those and swim to that building. And just as expected, they are blocked from entering by a group of black guards led by another arrogant captain.

"You cannot enter this place!" That captain speaks in an authoritarian tone even to Mira and Kamala.

That scene draws the attention of all the black guards around that building, as well as the other Nagas around that dome.

Lucien understands that they are just soldiers and are following Tyrion's orders, but they don't need to act in that arrogant way and look down at their Queen and Princesses, which makes him upset.

Mira moves forward to try to argue with that captain, but before they do anything, Lucien makes his move, becoming a blur in the water at full speed.


When the captain hears the sound of water being moved quickly, it's already too late, and Lucien's fist is meeting his face, in a brutal way, of course.


He is thrown several meters down until his body hits a stone surface. When everyone looks at him, they realize that Lucien is already there, stepping on the captain's neck.

"Captain!!" One of the other guards exclaims as he draws his weapon and swims towards them, followed by the other guards.

Mira and Kamala worry that Lucien will start a massacre, but he quickly summons his golden naginata. He doesn't try to contain his powerful aura from spreading around, bringing fear into the hearts of everyone hostile to him, as well as inspiring respect from everyone.

"Come closer and face your death." He points the naginata to the guards and speaks in a firm tone.

Most of those guards are in the Immortal Realm, and those who are still in the Sky Realm are in the peak. But that kind of fear is something they've never felt before, not even when in Tyrion's presence, so none of them keep going toward Lucien.

Then he looks again at the captain under his foot and points te naginata at his face. "Did you realize you were talking to your Queen?"

The captain is shocked that even though he is in the fifth layer of the Immortal Realm, he still can't move Lucien's foot an inch.

"M-m-m-m..." He tries to speak but Lucien is crushing his neck.

"Oh, can't you?" Lucien chuckles as he continues forcing his foot down, causing the captain's body to break into that rock slowly.

"That was a dumb question…" He continues. "I saw you looking into her eyes as you spoke arrogantly that she couldn't enter a building in one of her Kingdom's cities..."

Lucien makes a disappointed expression as he looks at the other guards and shakes his head. "Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? I shouldn't have to tell you that it's absurd that the Queen herself has no respect within her own Kingdom."

Kamala can't help but smile as Mira gazes at Lucien with sparkling eyes. And the other Nagas around that dome feel as if Lucien's words come from their own hearts.

"Do not kill him!!" The worried voice of the first guard that ran toward Lucien echoes. Even in fear and not approaching them, he still holds his weapon with determination.

Lucien looks at that guard, and the golden-purple gleam in his eyes makes him feel terrible. "Death would be a light punishment for someone who looks down at their own Queen, especially when she's a woman who has suffered so much for the good of the people."josei

Again the Naga people feel that Lucien speaks for them all while the black guards feel ashamed.

Kamala looks at Lucien with even more admiration, while Mira doesn't know what she really feels. She never stopped trying to help her people, and while she doesn't want praise for that, she also doesn't like being disrespected by the black guards.

"We don't do that on purpose." That guard explains with a pleading expression. "The King has made it clear that anyone who is kind to Queen will be severely punished."

Mira isn't surprised by that, but everyone else besides the black guards does. Kamala and the people are outraged by an absurd like that, while Lucien has more desire to rip Tyrion's head off.

Before Lucien can say anything, the guard continues. "Our life is no better than any other Naga's. We have to punish our people so that our families aren't punished instead, but it also destroys us... yet, what choices do we have besides obeying the King?"

Clearly, that guard doesn't speak for all the other black guards, but many of them feel that way too; they obey out of fear and not for respecting Tyrion.

But that doesn't make Lucien feel sorry for them. "How about starting out being neutral instead of looking down at your Queen? I can clearly see that you guys feel special and better than others because you directly obey an idiot King."

That guard grinds his teeth as he knows that most of them really like their position. "I can't say it by the others, but I would do it differently if I had that chance!"

Lucien makes a thoughtful expression and smiles at Mira as he talks to that guard. "Alright, you have that chance now."

"..." Everyone is confused because they don't understand what Lucien means.

"What exactly do you want me to do?" The guard asks.

Lucien looks around as he speaks in a loud tone. "Your situation is changing; soon, everyone will have to choose who to trust your loyalty on..."

"You can bow to your Queen now and make the right choice..." He looks at that guard again.

Then he looks at the captain under his foot. "Or you can choose this position and regret it for how long I allow you to live."

That guard, as well as some of his comrades, really want to choose the Queen over Tyrion, but their fear is stronger than their determination.

"You don't understand..." That guard speaks to Lucien. "If I do it, I'll be condemning my family to death, or probably an even worse end... How could I put my honor above the safety of my family?"

"You can not." Lucien quickly responds. "No one should have to sacrifice their family, and I don't intend to force you to make such a choice."

Before the guard can say anything, Lucien continues. "Think of me as Queen's protector, so everyone under her protection will also be under my protection."

"And will it be enough to protect our families?" Another guard asks.

"Yes." Who responds is not Lucien but Mira, who chooses to believe that it is really possible to make a revolution and bring some of the black guards to their side.

She swims to Lucien's side before looking at the guards. "This man is a demon, and everyone knows how demons always keep their promises, so if he says he's going to do something, no one can stop him."

That situation still feels very surreal, and everyone doesn't know what to do. But that guard feels Lucien's aura inspires respect, loyalty, and faith in his heart far more than fear.

Though very concerned about his family, he believes that being loyal to Mira is far better for everyone than following Tyrion, and shocking all the other black guards, he bows to her.

"This humble servant asks forgiveness for all the mistakes made out of fear." He speaks honestly. "And if your majesty permits, I will pay for those mistakes by using my life to serve you properly."

Mira can't help but smile as she thanks Lucien for making her feel like a Queen again.

So she nods to that guard. "I accept your apology, and now you are loyal only to me, your Queen. Because of that, you and your family are under my protection and will not suffer any harm within my Kingdom."

Lucien smiles at Mira before looking at the black guards. "Your Queen is kind, but I'm not. Anyone who hurts this man, his family, acts in any way hostile to them, or even looks at any of them with a strange expression will get my special attention..."

The golden sparkles in his eyes get even brighter as his aura becomes more powerful, causing those guards to lose their strength along with any willpower. Fear literally takes over their bodies.

He smiles, but everyone feels like he's the devil smiling at them before devouring their souls in hellfire.

"And unless you're my wife, you won't want my special attention…" He comments as he looks at the captain choking beneath his feet, unable to say a word.

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