Lust Knight

Chapter 537 Always Lucky

Chapter 537 Always Lucky

"Looks like you guys had a lot of fun last night…" Tyrion comments as he looks at Lucien and Kamala.

"Father!" Kamala has a cute embarrassed reaction, but actually, she's just pretending to make things look normal while nothing they've done can be described as normal.

Lucien just smiles, but the fact that Mira has a smile similar to his leaves Tyrion and Tanu confused.

The Siren is almost sure something is wrong, but she doesn't have magical senses like Lust, so unless she sees Kamala and Mira use their abilities, there's no way she could notice their power improvements.

Well, the girls are trying to contain their auras as much as possible, but as soon as their power difference is more than two or three layers, Tyrion and Tanu will notice.

So as part of the plan, Kamala quickly speaks. "We will have a lot to do to prepare the best wedding possible, so we won't be able to be having dinner together every day for some time."

"I see..." Tyrion is sad when he thinks he won't be able to see Lust for a while. But he also doesn't want to bother them and ruin his plans.

Kamala doesn't wait and quickly takes Lucien's hand before heading out through the hallway. She can't wait to get back to the purple world, but first, she'll get everything set up, so things look like she said.

Tyrion looks at Mira with a neutral, or rather hostile, expression. "What about y-"

At other times she would just be silent, but now she feels as powerful as proud, a real Queen who doesn't bow her head to anyone.

Then she smiles confidently. "What kind of mother would I be if I didn't support my daughter on such an important occasion?"

She doesn't wait for Tyrion's response before turning and following Lucien. "We're going to be really busy, so don't wait for us for things like dinner or anything during the next several days."

"..." Tyrion is really upset by Mira's attitude. But again, he doesn't want to do anything that can hinder his plans.

By seeing that he is so tense, Tanu approaches and strokes his shoulders. "Don't worry, as soon as we find a way to get him out of town, you will be able to punish her..."

"Hmph!" Tyrion really can't wait to torture Lucien, Mira, and even his own daughter.

He doesn't meddle in the group's activities, but he obviously sends dozens of spies following them everywhere.

Lucien, Kamala, and Mira start doing things of a couple about to get married; they go to clothing stores, prepare decoration teams, buffet, among dozens of other similar tasks.

And to 'maintain privacy,' Lust covers their presence with her aura. And Tyrion doesn't care as long as his spies keep an eye on them the whole time.

But they have no way of knowing about the purple world, so as soon as the group arrives at a place, they go into some kind of room to do something about the wedding, and Lucien opens the purple world portal, taking the girls home.

They waste no time and quickly start the hard training, using the time difference between the worlds as much as possible.

In the normal world, the people who support the Queen pretend everything is normal, and before the spies think something is wrong, Lucien and the girls show up again.

That way, they don't say more than half an hour out of the spies' sight, but that time is enough for Lucien and the girls to do a lot of things in the purple world.

And after completing each task, the girls look more and more tired and happy, which makes the spies very confused.

With this festive and lively atmosphere, ten days go by... ten days in the normal world, but in purple world, Lucien and the girls enjoyed a little more than twenty days if counting all the hours they spent there, working so hard.

That time was enough for Lucien to advance four more layers, reaching the peak of the Earth Realm's tenth layer.

Helena advanced one layer and is now very close to reaching the sixth layer of the Immortal Realm. And Oya advanced three layers, reaching the seventh layer of the Erath Realm.

As crossing through the late stages of the Immortal takes a lot of effort, all that hard work only yielded Kamala one layer. But that is already really amazing, and the power boost she experienced was something very significant.

Mira also surprised everyone by crossing two more layers and reaching the eighth layer of the Immortal Realm together with Kamala. But Lust already expected that as she had already reached such a stage before her power be stolen, so her body handled Lucien's energies very well.

Those twenty days also served very well for the girls to develop their bonds with Lucien and themselves, which makes him very happy.

But on the other hand, Tyrion and Tanu didn't have a moment's rest. They watched Lucien and his girls' every step, but everything always seemed normal.

Sitting on his throne, the Naga King complains like a spoiled child. "Twelve hours!! Twelve fucking hours!!! Why did they take so long to chose a damn tablecloth?!?!?!"

Tanu doesn't know what to say because he also doesn't understand why Lucien, Kamala, and Mira made servants place a thousand tablecloths of dozens of different types on the tables to see what they looked like on the big picture.

"I think your daughter cares a lot about the tablecloths..." Tanu comments. "Isn't your fault for raising her so spoiled?"josei

"Insolence!!" Tyrion throws a jug of water from his side at Tanu, but the Siren quickly dodges it as he doesn't use much force and speed.


The jar shatters when it hits the wall, and Tyrion huffs in anger. "There's something wrong with this story! Even though Kamala is spoiled, it doesn't make sense for them to waste half of the day on such a nonsenseless task!"

Tanu sighs. "Well... I thought so too, but I checked that room where they stood waiting for the servants to finish putting the tablecloths and even after several hours I didn't find anything, not even a trace of magic or anything like a portal or an enchantment... Everything makes it seem like they just stood there, doing nothing."

"DAMN!!" Tyrion punches the arm of the throne. "We need to get the boy out of town... but every time I try to talk to Kamala, she says they're too busy preparing the wedding."

"We need a good reason..." Tanu thinks aloud.

He nods. "Ya-"

"My King! My King!!!" One of Tyrion's servants starts screaming behind the throne room door, and he sounds really desperate.

[What the hell?!?!] Tyrion thinks before sending the servant to enter the throne room.

The Naga servant quickly enters and bows to Tyrion before pulling out a magical scroll from his storage treasure. "Urgent news from the north!"

"Say it right away!" Tyrion is really curious due to the servant's expression.

The servant doesn't waste a second before starting to read what is written on the scroll. "We lost the first three outposts in the north-eastern part of the East Sea; we lost two mines, seven divisions, and twenty-two regiments..."

When he reads about the loss of territory and thousands of soldiers in the region of the Mermaids, Tyrion gets even more enraged. "How is this possible?!?!"

"Is this an attack???" Tanu quickly asks.

Tyrion quickly continues reading the news. "Apparently, the Mermaids finally decided to do something and started fighting back for their territory. It doesn't just look some rebel groups like before but rather an organized attack, and our sources say that Saria is leading the offensive personally..."

"DAMN!!" He punches the arm of the throne again. "The Mermaids are finally fighting back... I was waiting for it, but now is not a good time."

"Is it Nea?" Tanu asks. "Is she the one leading the troops?"

He shakes his head. "Not yet; it's just the useless princess... But surely Nea is supporting her as she wouldn't let Saria go into battle alone after what happened to her other daughter."

"Hmmm..." Tanu makes a thoughtful expression. "It looks bad, but it's actually a very good thing... a perfect opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Tyrion is confused.

She smiles. "Think about it; it's a problem that certainly deserves special attention, but not something that deserves the presence of the King himself..."

"Oh..." Tyrion finally understands. "The Mermaids sent their princess to war, so it's natural that we send ours too."

"And that would also be the opportunity for the new prince consort to show his loyalty to the Naga people." Tanu completes.

"But..." Tyrion makes a concerned expression. "The Mermaids had never really started this war, so now they're coming with everything. Wouldn't it be dangerous to send the boy to the front now?"

"Just give them two instant teleport gems." She answers. "When the situation gets too dangerous, they will immediately return to Kamala Castle as they did before and fall into our trap."

Tyrion cannot contain his excitement. "Perfect!"

Then he quickly looks at the servant who brought the message. "I will call my daughter here; then you'll come back and repeat everything you just told me. But do it like it's the first time and even repeat that worried expression."

"My King???" The servant is really confused.

"Just do what I just said!!" Tyrion yells and punches the throne's arm again. "Or do you want to lose your head??!?"

Very scared, the servant quickly retreats from the room and waits for Kamala to arrive so he can do as Tyrion ordered.

Tyrion sends other servants to call Kamala to the throne room, but after a few minutes, spies come and report that Lucien is on the way.

"Why isn't she coming??" Tyrion asks the spy.

The poor man trembles in fear as he explains. "Lucien said she was exhausted and needed to rest... it's not our fault, my King... please!"

Tyrion is frustrated and almost attacks the spy, but Tanu stops him. "Alright, I believe he will offer to go knowing that it will make him very popular among our people, and Kamala will not let him go alone..."

"Alright... it doesn't hurt to try." He comments.

Meanwhile, Lucien slowly climbs the main hall stairs. He doesn't want to go too fast as he is listening to Tyrion and Tanu's conversation.

Reaching the peak of the Earth Realm has increased his strength a lot, but nothing compares to the improvement in his senses, which are still his most impressive characteristics.

'Looks like we're going to travel...' Lust comments in his mind.

'I really am lucky, right?' He smiles. 'Even when my enemies plan something against me, I am the most beneficiary.'

'Hehehe...' Lust giggles in his mind. 'Indeed, the way Kamala and Mira are getting stronger fast, it would be a matter of days before they get suspicious, but now it won't be a problem anymore.'

'The next time we meet, my katana will be the last thing Tyrion will see in life.' Lucien comments.

'And you'll finally meet the Mermaids...' Lust comments in a slightly jealous tone. 'I bet you'll like them... maybe get a few more wives?'

He shakes his head. 'I don't need new wives but return to the ones I already have.'

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