Lust Knight

Chapter 547 Reaching The Mermaid Princess

Chapter 547 Reaching The Mermaid Princess

Kaisa. Upon hearing that name again, the Ghost Lady's blade glows, making it clear that she understands it, that she remembers that name.

A cursed weapon should not have a soul as it has been consumed and corrupted to its creation. But the Ghost Lady seems to feel something beyond the sheer desire to destroy everything.

Another desire clings to her soul, causing fragments of her old life not to be consumed by madness. And the fact that she is not attacking Lucien and his wives is due to his pleasant energies within her.

"Kaisa?" Lucien speaks in a tender tone as he reaches out his hand toward the cursed sword. "Do you want to meet your sister again?"

Before Mira comments on how a cursed weapon couldn't understand and answer his question, the Ghost Lady, or rather Kaisa, flies towards Lucien and lands nicely in his open hand.

He smiles and holds the sword hilt gently. "Nice answer."

Mira looks at Lust with a puzzled expression, searching for any answer that explains that. But Lust shrugs her shoulders because she doesn't have such answers either.

"To the north then," Lucien comments as he put the Ghost Lady in his sheath again.

"But..." Lust looks at him with a thoughtful expression. "If Saria is in the north, your sister is in the south."

"My sister..." Lucien isn't sure of what sister is in the south, though the odds point mostly to Claire, the sister Lucien has had the least contact with in his entire life. In fact, Claire had less contact with all the other sisters as well, with the exception of Naomi, her best friend.

Despite wanting so much to reunite with her and correct the somewhat cold way their relationship was, Lucien shakes his head. "It's more important that we get to Saria first to stop the Mermaid's attack."

"I agree." Mira comments. "Yet, we could send someone to take a message from you to your sister."

"I could go," Helena suggests. She relies on her abilities and spatial mana to get past Mermaids unnoticed.

Lucien also relies on her power and abilities, but he's quickly against that plan. "We don't know if the Leviathan is around, and we don't even have any idea what her plans are, so I won't leave you alone."

"What about one of the blackguards?" Mira suggests again.

"I doubt anyone will want to go willingly toward a Mermaid army alone." Kamala comments.

"It doesn't hurt to ask." Lucien smiles as he opens the purple world portal for them to return to the normal world.

In the normal world, only a few minutes passed, but that was enough to make the four thousand Nagas following Lucien very confused.

So when the group reappears, the troops get relieved. However, Lucien's next words made them tense again.

"I need a volunteer to go to the commander of Mermaids troops in the south with a message while we head north." He explains. "This person will have to travel alone as even a small group could be seen with hostility by the Mermaids."

"..." No Naga shows a willingness to volunteer for such a task. Ritika had Rupa as a partner, and that still seemed crazy even though she is so powerful, let alone other Nagas go alone towards a Mermaid army.

Before Lucien speaks again, one of the blackguard captains bows and speaks respectfully. "Forgive me for my words, my Lord, but even a single Naga would be seen with hostility by the Mermaids. I'm not saying it's their fault but due to our current situation."

Kamala, beside Lucien, nods. "Perhaps they don't attack out of anger, but out of fear. This may sound horrible, but the truth is that many Mermaids are abused by Nagas when they are taken as prisoners... in a war like this, there is no mercy."

He understands that and speaks to the Nagas. "I will not force anyone to such a task; yet, if someone is brave and lucky enough to carry my message and come back alive, the rewards will be more than satisfying."

Despite not giving any particular emphasis to the word 'reward,' just Lucien's naturally lustful aura is enough to make all those Nagas imagine sexual things.

Half of the men can't help but be interested in such a reward, while all the women are sorely tempted by the proposal.

Lucien can see that and feel the lust burning inside their hearts, so he just needs a little more motivation to get a volunteer.

"You can use my name to say that you are under my protection and that you have a peace message for the commander of the Mermaids troops in the south." He explains.

"And you can tell that Lucien is with me." Mira completes.

"I go!" A female Naga swims to the front of the group quickly, taking the opportunity that many others already regret having missed.

Lucien smiles and extends his hand to that brave woman, and she can't contain her smile as she swims over to him.

He takes her hand gently and pulls her body towards him before whispering something in her ear.

As soon as he finishes giving very specific instructions to that Naga, Lucien thinks of something and talks to Lust mentally. 'Whatever the Sin be there, she could feel my demonic energy in this woman's body, right?'

'Yep.' Lust quickly responds. 'But the energy of just a few kisses would be converted into power before this Naga reaches your sister.'

Lucien understands that and still kisses that woman, making Mira jealous again. He also gives that Naga two of his special healing potions and tells her to drink them when she thinks she's close to finding the south Mermaids troops so the Sin there can sense his demonic energy.

The messenger is both pleased and excited to receive more 'rewards' from Lucien, so as soon as he finishes the kiss, she goes at full speed, using the faster shark there towards the south to find the commander of the Mermaids troops there.

Mira looks at him with a slightly upset expression. "Is your whole idea of motivation and loyalty about kissing?"

"Of course not." Lust responds before him. "You have to see what he does to his female troops before a dangerous battle."

"???" Mira wonders how she will handle such jealousy. She has never liked a man so much, and those feelings for Lucien keep growing, making her even more jealous.

"!?!?!?!" Those words also make the Naga female troops very curious and excited.

But Lucien looks at them with a sorry expression. "I'm afraid we don't have time for it now..."

As their arousal empowers him, those women's disappointment makes Lucien a little upset. For him, not being able to satisfy all those women is annoying.

But then he smiles. "Yet, I can always find time to reward loyal troops who obey all my orders."

Hope reappears in those women's hearts as the men wonder if they could receive other rewards like treasures or anything that doesn't involve Lucien's devilishly attractive body.

Without wasting any more time, the group heads north. Using the mystic sharks again, they travel quickly through the water. Then, after two hours, Lust warns Lucien of thousands of people several miles ahead.

'Many of them are Nagas, but most are Mermaid.' She explains.

Into the sea, Lucien's vision is drastically reduced, but they can conclude that there is an outpost ahead, where the battle between Nagas and Mermaids has already begun.

He knows there's no way he can just show up out of nowhere and make Saria stop the war, so they're evidently going to have to fight.

And although his four thousand troops is a pretty insignificant number compared to the number of Mermaids under Saria's command, the Naga blackguards are all at the peak Sky Realm or early Immortal Realm while the power of the Mermaids varies between the Earth Realm and also early Immortal Realm.

So he has a problematic order to give them. "Our goal is to stop this war; our real enemy is Tyrion, so I don't want you guys to kill any Mermaids while they defend their home."

"..." The expression of the blackguards is concerned as expected. Lucien is basically asking them to fight without the intent to kill enemies who certainly want to kill them.

"I know this sounds like a dangerous task." He continues. "But the biggest risks are the ones that bring the best rewards."

Then his expression becomes stern. "It's okay if you kill someone to defend your own life, but I won't allow any of you to act with wicked intentions towards the Mermaids."

Mira stands by Lucien's side, making it clear that his orders are also her will.

"I'm sure you can maintain a defensive posture and help the other Nagas defend themselves as well while I deal with the root of the problem." He speaks.

He looks at his wives. "You will help them not let any more Nagas die, and I will lure Saria into a duel, which will get the attention of all the Mermaids, giving you time to create a barrier to protect the Nagas."

"But what about you??" Mira likes the plan to protect her people, but she is concerned about Lucien's safety.

He approaches her and gently caresses her face. "When the duel is over, we will be allies, and no other lives will be lost in this battle."

Mira's confidence in Lucien is already at such a high level that none of his crazy plans seem impossible. So she nods before kissing his lips.

He also kisses Kamala and Helena before it comes to Oya's turn. He smiles as he looks at her excited expression. "Oya, you shouldn't devour the Mermaids, okay?"

Oya loves to devour Lucien's enemies, but she already understood that the Mermaids aren't really his enemies, so she nods. "Oya is a good girl."

"Oya is the best girl!" He laughs and kisses her passionately.

Then he looks at his wives and troops again before flying to the surface of the sea, leaving Mira to lead them. "Let's solve this quickly."

"Let's go!" Mira orders the troops and moves forward along with Kamala, Oya, and Helena.


Six miles ahead, a large outpost is in ruins under the furious onslaught of the Mermaids. Thousands of Nagas try to fight for their lives around, creating a really big mess.

And in the midst of that chaos is the Mermaid Princess, Saria. Her beautiful white and blue hair sways under the strong currents generated by her powerful water magic.

She looks so beautiful with that confident expression even though she's surrounded by eight Immortal Realm Nagas, captains of that one, and other near outposts.

Saria could win that battle just using the superior number of her troops. But that way, many Mermaids would die, so she prefers to lead them personally and attract the strongest Nagas to fight her personally.

"I'm going to rip your throat and fuck your mouth at the same time, you Mermaid bitch!!" A Naga captain shouts out before gritting his teeth.

Another Naga smiles grimly. "We won't let you die until we use you to make the other Mermaids surrender..."

"And then we will kill all your troops in front of you while we break your beautiful body..." Another man completes the stupid threats.josei

But Saria's expression remains serene as a magical blue glow circles around her hands. "Do you talk a lot to make up for the lack of balls?"

"Haha!" Lucien chuckles as he and Lust watch Saria from above the sea.

Lust shakes her head with a disappointed expression as she looks at those Naga captains. "Are these the people you want to save?"

"Not everyone needs to be saved..." He comments. "These ones, for example, are clearly Tyrion's supporters."

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