Lust Knight

Chapter 564 Dangerous Thoughts

Chapter 564 Dangerous Thoughts

Each of the seven deadly sins has different ways of generating demonic energy, influencing the people around them, and a different kind of connection with their hosts.

Lust influences people to desire all kinds of pleasure, especially sexual, and she enjoys that pleasure mostly through Lucien and his women.

Wrath influences every feeling of anger in people around her and enjoys those feelings mainly through Donna and the people who interact with her, especially those she enrages and the ones she unleashes fury on.

In the same way, Gluttony works. Her special ability is to devour any type of energy and turn it into demonic energy. She can do that by absorbing any energy directly, but the most efficient ways are by eating or drinking delicious foods that contain powerful energies, and she cannot do it personally.

Even directly absorbing energies is done more efficiently by Naomi, and that's why Gluttony wanted her to stay close to Maya, slowly absorbing her incredible fire mana.

Naomi could also eat amazing mana-filled foods in the Rising Phoenix Clan, as well as hunt powerful sea creatures with Kayla and other Clan members. For that reason, she managed to advance three layers in the last two months, reaching the 8th layer of the Earth Realm.

Yet, at that time and also throughout Gluttony's whole life, or at least the parts she remembers, she had never tasted anything better than Lucien's kiss.

Through the connection with Naomi, Gluttony can perfectly taste Lucien's lips, saliva, and especially his energies. Those energies go into Naomi's body and strengthen her even before she turns it into her own demonic energy, strengthening her twice.

Gluttony doesn't need more than a second to notice how excellent Lucien is and how he could help her and Naomi in ways no one else can. Except for Lust, she is the Sin who faster understands that, despite being so clueless about his full potential yet.

'Tongue!' She exclaims in Naomi's mind. 'Use your tongue and drink as much of his saliva as possible!! It will make us so much stronger...'

'What?!?!' Naomi is taken aback by both Lucien's kiss and Gluttony's words. She was okay with teasing her brother, but now that's getting too weird.

She doesn't want to keep kissing him for fear of ending up love-sick like Sophia. But simultaneously, she just can't stop kissing Lucien, or rather, she doesn't have any desire to stop him from kissing her.

[That's just so good...] She wonders while feeling better than ever. But then, along with all those good feelings, something awful happens; she feels an overwhelming power forcing her whole body down, pressing her organs and making it very difficult for her to breathe.

Even Lucien cannot escape that extraordinary power, and he is forced to stop kissing Naomi. But he can still talk while he can go breathless for quite some time due to his life mana.

"Big sis..." He tries to make a sorry expression, but due to having his revenge on Naomi's teasings, he can't keep the smile off his lips. "We've already stopped..."

Eve levitates down from the sky and lands in front of them. Her expression is really upset. "I understand that you have this weird relationship… with Sophia and Amelia, but I won't allow you to do this with Naomi just for fun."

"Big sis..." Naomi uses all her demonic energy to be able to speak a few words. "He was the one who kissed me; that's not my fault..."

"Ohhh… so you're totally innocent??" Eve asks sarcastically. "No, you are actually the main to blame here for teasing your brother since he was ten!"

Lucien understands what Eve is doing. He knows how hard she works to keep their family together and safe. He also understands that because of being with Pride and her own pride as their Big Sis, she has to maintain order using her authority.

And he loves her because of that. Yet, he also has his own pride and cannot allow her to do what she wants with him in front of his wives and outsiders.

His own demonic energy can't easily break Pride's energy and Eve's powerful gravity ability. Still, when he channels the power of his soul, he can start to break their power easily.

Lucien doesn't show any reaction but slowly touches Naomi's hand and uses his soul power to release her from Eve's pressure as well.

"Eve..." Even calling her by her name, his tone is still full of love and affection. "We got it."

She is shocked by his power and proud of him at the same time. But hearing him calling her name hurt more than she could have expected.

"Yep, we're not going to do anything like that anymore!" Naomi quickly comments in a very frank tone. But even Maya, the most naive person there, doesn't quite believe in that.

Eve shakes her head with a sad look because she knows that no matter how much she wants to keep Lucien's cock away from his other sisters, she can't really stop them from seeking power and affection in each other.

"This is no time for irresponsible pranks." She comments. "There's a powerful ancient creature hunting us and an idiot Cosmic Realm on our way, plus the other problems you guys already know..."

Lucien uses his other hand to hold Eve's hand. "We're together now, and we're going to solve all our problems before they can destroy us."

She can't help but smile at him and caresses his face. "You're becoming a stronger and more responsible man, Luci… and I'm very proud of you."

For him, having Eve's respect is as important as what Pride thinks of him, and that makes him very happy, which everyone can see clearly.

Eve quickly slaps Lucien's other arm causing him to let go of Naomi's hand so she can take it. Then she leads them towards their other sisters, ignoring Maya and Nea.

As they walk, she speaks to Lucien in a soft, caring, but also firm tone. "Don't call me by my name again, please."

He hadn't thought much about it, but now he notices that he hardly calls Sophia and Amelia sisters anymore. Yet, even calling them by their names, and they being his wives too, they will never stop being his beloved sisters in the first place.

Eve takes Lucien and Naomi to Pride and the other Sins. They and their sisters gather in the center of the deck and create a white barrier that also blocks the sound around them.

"You couldn't be less subtle." Envy cannot help but comment to Pride in a provoking tone.

"What does it matter?!?" Wrath quickly asks. "Lucien's wives know we have things to discuss, and the Mermaid and the Phoenix, obviously,  don't expect us to share all our secrets with them."

"Alright, alright..." Pride interrupts them before a fight breaks out. "We have to talk about some crucial things and plan our next steps before anything else."

Everyone nods, but Lucien makes a thoughtful expression. "I sense another woman's presence in the ship, but she's not Genevieve… what happened to our pet angel?"

Eve quickly explains. "A few days ago, her necklace started emitting a white light; she said that was Alexa's way of saying that she needed to talk to her to send some message to you. So she used the resources she had to create a portal for Qia with Daisy's help."

Part of Lucien's agreement with Alexa was that Genevieve would carry messages to each other and that light on her necklace would be a signal that could be sent from an enormous distance between worlds. So he completely understands that, as well as being curious to know what message Alexa has for him.

"And about the other woman..." Envy comments with a sinister expression. "She's almost totally broken… she could barely control herself when Sophia flew toward you, so we had to calm her down, you know."

"Valencia…" Lucien sighs. "I should have killed her."

Hearing him say that he should have killed a woman seems very strange to everyone there, and Sloth can't help but ask. "What did she do?"

"She was just someone in my way..." Lucien explains how the Leviathan tried to force him to destroy the island of the Black Sea Riders.

The story of how Lucien invaded an island with thousands of Sky Realm pirates, and hundreds of Immortal Realm ones, subjugated their leader, someone from the 7th layer of the Immortal Realm, and made her give him a blowjob is simply unbelievable.

Pride, Wrath, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, and especially Lust feel that Lucien has acted in a way that pleases them all. He doesn't seem to be just the Lust Sin, himself, but also all the other Sins together in one.

"I bet you pissed off thousands of people, hahahaha..." Wrath starts to laugh so hard just by imagining the expressions of all the Black Sea Riders when they saw Lucien humiliating Valencia in front of everyone.

"It must have been fascinating..." Pride's eyes gleam pure white as she looks at him, unable to hide the respect she feels for him.

Sloth can't contain her smile either. "And you stayed there, relaxing in the pool while all those pirates made a trap for the Leviathan and their leader sucked your cock? Bloody laziness, haha!"


"All those men must have envied you more than anyone else ever!" Envy comments as she strokes Lucie's arm, shoulder, and chest.

Gluttony can't help but materialize her body, levitating in front of Lucien. Her small and delicate body shocks him, mainly because despite looking like a child in size, she has all the other features of a mature woman, a hot one, by the way.

"I bet you ate the best food and drank the best drinks they had while having Valencia and Kamala's full attention for you alone..." She comments while already admiring him.

Even Greed feels she must materialize her body to praise Lucien for being so sinful. And she does, also surprising him with her stunning exotic look.

With 1.72 meters tall, she is definitely not short but also not overly tall, especially considering Lucien's height. Her curves are perfect, as sexy as Pride's, but not as outstanding as Sloth's.

Her face is beautiful like all the Sins, and she obviously has unique features that make her different from all of them. In Greed's case, in addition to flawless skin, charming lips curved in a provoking smile, big blue eyes with golden sparkles, and long golden-blonde hair, she has long, slightly furry ears, like from a bunny, also blonde.

Also, as a differential of all Sins, Greed has horns quite different from those of her sisters; they are longer than usual, not much curved upwards, and the most striking thing about them are many golden rings adorning them together with fine gold chains that hold jewels of different colors that can delight anyone, arousing greedy feelings in their hearts.

It's not just Greedy's horns that are adorned with beautiful treasures but also her whole body. Her fluffy furry ears are decorated with various earrings in the form of circles, flowers, and thorns, either possessing gems or being made completely of the most pourable and glittering gold that Lucien has ever seen.

She wears a beautiful armor of gold and fur that only covers her most private parts, showing off many parts of her skin, or rather the adornments that cover her body.

And her wings also couldn't help but be covered with golden ornaments. Greed has a lovely pair of big bat-like dark orange wings covered in gold chains, gold rings, and glittering jewelry.

She whole seems to shine like the brightest star in the universe. And Lucien really feels like looking at the whole universe as he looks her in the eyes.

The golden sparkles inside Greed's beautiful blue eyes get bigger and brighter every second she looks at Lucien, and soon her eyes turn entirely golden.

"Let me get this straight…" She comments in a teasing tone as she pushes little Gluttony to the side and gets even closer to Lucien. "All the most beautiful and talented women in the universe can only belong to you, right?"

Lucien had never thought of getting women just to please his ego. He loves all his wives and has affection for all the women who follow him as his troops. He needs them by his side not only to support him with feelings but also with their strength.

But when he looks into Greed's golden eyes and hears her saying that, he can't stop a very selfish and inevitably greedy desire from growing in his heart. [All the beautiful and talented women... only mine?]

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