Lust Knight

Chapter 572 Rock Bottom

Chapter 572 Rock Bottom


Inside the Royal Naga castle, a stone table is thrown into the wall and shatters into thousands of fragments.

There are many other pieces of broken furniture throughout the castle, including the glass pillars that hold Tyrion's most precious treasures in the main hall.

Only one person would have the courage to do that, Tyrion himself. He is in a state of fury never seen before because even after sending all his troops to search for the whole city, and even he joining the search, no one has found any sign of Mira.

Everyone in the Naga Kingdom is already talking about how the Queen ran away with the Handsome Devil, and the King got a beautiful and well-deserved green hat.

Tyrion has never been so humiliated and so frustrated. He's crushing any guards who approach him to report they haven't found Mira yet, making it more evident that she actually left the city with Lucien.

Half of the Naga people are terrified, confused and blame Mira for abandoning them. But the other half have faith in her and believe that this is all part of a bigger plan.

"They have to be planning something..." Tanu, the Siren and King's right hand, is the only person who can stand by his side now without fearing for her life.

"Oh, do you think???" Tyrion asks sarcastically and punches his throne's arm. "Of course they're plotting a revolution and killing me!!! I bet they went to get help from that old fish-faced whore..."

Tanu floats around the throne. "Anyway, not even Nea can cross the sacred barrier even if she eats all the rotten fruit from that stupid tree..."

With a quick move, Tyrion grabs the Siren by the neck. "I want that stupid tree and the boy more than anything!!"

Tanu is in a lot of pain but tries to remain calm. "However, Mira and your daughter are with the Seven Great now... we can't leave the safety of the sacred barrier."

"Bullshit!!" Tyrion throws Tanu to the ground in front of his throne. "They won't run away from me... it's time for me to take this whole world to myself alone."


"My King!" She exclaims in concern. "Let alone the Seven Great; we're not ready to go against everyone yet."

"We do." He quickly responds while his eyes gleam with greed. "We've been preparing for this moment for over a thousand years..."

"What about the Water Spirit???" Tanu asks.

Tyrion makes an expression of disbelief. "Do you really think the Water Spirit appeared a thousand years ago to help the Mermaids? That was just a lie by Nea to keep me from attacking her when she was in her most vulnerable moment."

Tanu cannot deny that words make some sense. They didn't fight the Water Goddess alongside the Mermaids a thousand years ago, so they can't be sure the Water Spirit actually appeared to help Nea containing the power of the supposed two incredible cursed swords.

"Perhaps you are right, my King," Tanu comments, but she still doesn't agree with Tyrion's plans. "Yet, we're talking about attacking the Seven Great Demons..."

"Enough!!" He punches the throne's arm again. "Who are you loyal to?!?!"

Despite all her being unwilling to go against the Seven Deadly Sins due to instinctive feelings, Tanu knows her best chances are still to follow Tyrion. Otherwise, no one would save her from his fury.

Then she quickly bows. "I am loyal only to your majesty, of course."

"Then prepare the troops!" Tyrion quickly orders.

"All of them, My King?" She asks.

"Yes," He replies. "Summon all blackguards, all soldiers, and any Naga who can wield a weapon in all cities in the Naga Kingdom!"

Tanu nods, and then makes an expression both thoughtful and concerned. "What about them..."

"Mostly them!" Tyrion smiles grimly. "We're finally going to use them… all of them!"

"But... but..." Tanu looks really worried.

Tyrion starts to get angry, gets up from the throne, and slowly goes towards Tanu, who floats back in fear. "You said they were ready, you dirty Siren..."

"And they are, for real!" She quickly explains. "However... some of them still need more time to obey all your orders."

"Which ones??" Tyrion grabs Tanu by the neck again and presses her body against the wall. "Don't tell me it's them..."

Tanu is really scared, but as lying will be worse, she tells the truth. "Yes, my King, I'm talking about them... the Krakens."

"DAMN!!!" Tyrion knocks Tanu down hard again. "What's the matter with them?? You said I could control them with dark magic!?"

"And you can, you can!" Tanu quickly gets up feet as she contains the pain and responds. "But as they are powerful ancient creatures, it's not easy to give them complex orders like attacking specific enemies."

Tyrion sighs. "So what good is the brainwashing you've been doing to them for hundreds of years?!?!"

"That was essential!" She quickly explains. "Thanks to my continuous efforts, you can use dark magic to tell them who is their Master and allies."

"This will have to work." He comments.

"It sure will!" She speaks in a confident tone but then becomes concerned again. "But… moving them won't be easy."

Tyrion makes a thoughtful expression. "Make a portal, a big portal! Then let's throw the Krakens into the Mermaid Kingdom and let them destroy everything..."

The greedy gleam appears in his eyes again. "And when all of their defenses are down, let's end Nea's reign... so I'll drain her and the boy's powers before killing them with my own hands!"

While the plan doesn't sound bad, Tanu can't help but keep concerned. The Seven Deadly Sins have already faced impossible situations and found ways to win, so she doesn't want to underestimate them.

Yet, an army of dark magic-crazed Krakens should be enough to destroy a whole medium world, and they still have a vast Naga army in addition to Tyrion's incredible strength and abilities.

"I'll start preparing the portal right now," Tanu speaks to Tyrion. "But it will take us at least a month to make a portal big enough to send Krakens halfway across the world."

"Alright," He nods. "We can send the other creatures to start attacks along the borders of the Mermaid Kingdom now, right?"

"Yes, I'll arrange it." She responds and leaves the throne room after bowing to Tyrion.

Then he sits on the throne again as he wonders about the future and starts laughing alone. He is willing to start an attack that will destroy half of the Blue Star just to have more personal power and take revenge on his enemies.

A sinister and bloodthirsty gleam runs through his eyes as his heart burns with fury. "I'm going to make you pay for this, Lucien… you and the bitches who dared turn their backs on me!!"


On the other side of the world, Lucien smiles as he has no idea that Tyrion keeps thinking about him. Well, if his ear itched whenever someone was talking about him, he would always have his ears solid red.

Lucien's focus now is to train his girls so they can beat Nea's group in the women's competition. Clearly, for that to be possible, he's going to have to use every second of the seven days she's given them.

Even though those seven days are going to be a little over a month in Purple World, Lucien will have to use as much time as possible to strengthen the girls, help them open at least one more soul gate, and also strengthen their bonds so they can fight as a united group.

Nea understands that, and so she smiles kindly at him. "I'll let you guys train, or… whatever you're going to do. So in seven days, we'll get together and settle this."

"Alright," He smiles back at her, and she feels her heart shake due to how sincere and charming his smile looks. "You are invited to stay on my ship as long as you like in the meantime."

"I'll think about it..." She replies before flying towards Saria's giant magic turtle with the Ghost Lady in her hand. "Anyway, thanks for your invitation, but now I have many things to think about..."

"See you later." He comments while being fascinated by the back view of the Mermaid Queen's long and sexy tail, which everyone except her notices.

Saria can't help but feel a little jealous and approaches Lucien subtly before whispering. "You can't use your dirty tricks in this competition, don't you?"

She thinks she managed to provoke Lucien and quickly starts flying towards her mother before he answers that. But he quickly places his fingertip on her waist and lets her move make it run down all the way through her tail.

That soft, smooth, warm, and very stimulating touch... just with that light caress, Lucien provokes in Saria incredibly pleasurable feelings, bringing power along with his demonic energy into her body.

"Ahh!!" She blushes heavily and even lets out an adorable moan before quickly flying up to her magic turtle with an embarrassed and horny look.

"Tsk, tsk..." Claire shakes her head in disapproval of Lucien's actions or, rather, jealousy, of course. "Don't you get tired of teasing her??"

"I can tease you too!" He laughs and pretends to initiate a move towards her.

Just a slight movement from him makes her jump off the ship. "Stupid brother!!"

But Greed quickly complains in her mind. 'What the hell are you doing?!?! It's obvious that we want his attention, not run away from him!!'

Claire doesn't exactly know what she wants, except that she wants everything. But at the same time, having Lucien's attention just because she asked for it doesn't feel good; she wants him to go to her, and preferably alone.

"I'll talk to them; see you guys later." She speaks before swimming towards Saria and Nea.

Although they want Lucien's attention as well, his other sisters understand that now he has to focus on the girls who will face Nea's group, so they make room for them.

And just as everyone seems to calm down, a figure rolls out of the ship's main corridor, with hands and feet tied by red magic chains like Wrath's demonic energy.

"MASTER!!!" Valencia screams in excitement and happiness as she rolls her body down the deck. Not even someone with her strength can break one of Wrath's soul weapons.

"Oh no…" Lucien sighs, unhappy to see that crazy woman again.

"Looks like your pet woke up..." Pride comments in her usual provoking tone.

He shakes his head. "She's not my pet, just a person I should have killed..."

The girls can't help but feel sorry for Valencia as she rolls over to Lucien with such a happy expression. "Master., I missed you so much!!"

*Whoosh* *Bam*

But Kamala acts quickly, hitting Valencia with her tail and knocking her overboard. "Stay away from my man, you stupid bitch!"

"Hey!" Maya can't help but complain. "Why did you do that???"

Kamala maintains a hostile expression. "This woman tried to hurt Lucien, so she deserves to die!!"

"But now she's not trying to harm anyone," Maya quickly responds. "People can regret their mistakes and change, you know."

"Not someone like her!" Kamala explains. "Rotten people like her never change."

Maya sighs while the other girls don't know what to do. Scarlett doesn't know what Valencia did to Lucien, but she does know what that woman did to help them. "Without her help, we wouldn't get here so quickly. In fact, it would take us months to learn to use this ship the way she knows how."

"It doesn't change what she did!" Kamala keeps her point. She spent a lot of time with Valencia on Tyrion's orders and knows how cruel that woman is.

As the girls argue, Angela reaches the edge of the ship and looks at Valencia sinking into the water, still bound by Wrath's chains, unable to use her energy to fly.

"She's going to drown if you don't decide what to do..." She comments.

Lucien shouldn't care about a person who tried to attack him, especially a broken person like Valencia. But if she helped his wives, maybe she deserves a second chance.

Then he looks at Wrath. "Free her, okay?"

Wrath shakes her head in disappointment and dematerializes her magic chain, freeing Valencia, who immediately flies out of the water and lands on her knees in front of Lucien.

"Master, Master!!!" Valencia cries with joy as she starts kissing Lucien's feet. She looks completely freaked out like someone who spent months in the desert without water and now finds a fresh source of the best water in the world.

"For Hell, what have you done to this woman???" Gluttony can't help but ask. And she has no idea that if she tasted Lucien's special milk without having his tattoo and went without it for days, she would freak out too, probably in an even worse way.

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