Lust Knight

Chapter 691 Stolen Ability

Chapter 691 Stolen Ability

Chapter 691 Stolen Ability

The somber clouds in the sky cleave apart as a bolt of black lightning sears across the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Gloomy, chilling, an embodiment of unadulterated greed and twisted ambition — that's Tyrion, clutching his formidable trident of darkness, hurtling towards Lucien.

The Handsome Devil senses that intense, murderous resolve so starkly contrasting with the uplifting energies radiating from his beloved Mermaids.

Lucien is acutely aware of Tyrion's swift and wrathful approach, yet instead of retreating, he forges ahead on the front lines, defying Lust's counsel.

"You're not prepared, this is folly!!" Lust remonstrates in Lucien's mind.

She takes delight in the force they're currently generating, yet she harbors the worry that Lucien is underestimating the immense dark power that Tyrion wields.

"I am not solitary." Lucien remarks as he strides unwaveringly towards Tyrion.

These words are punctuated by the appearance of his sisters and the Sins, fighting in unison with him and now bracing to confront Tyrion collectively.

The might of the Naga King is undoubtedly vast, and Lucien has merely glimpsed a sliver of it when he stood against him alongside Nea. But the combined strength of Lucien, his sisters, and the Sins has ascended to an unprecedented level.

Just as the sinful aura bolsters the Mermaids, it also fortifies Lucien's party, imbuing them with the capacity to face Tyrion as a unified force.

"Brace yourselves!!" Lucien's voice rings out in warning as the group sees the ominous silhouette approaching at a rapid pace.

"LUCIENNNN!!!" Tyrion's furious roar reverberates across the horizon, his form already way ahead, traversing hundreds of meters within a second.

Tyrion catches sight of Lucien astride his formidable tigress, and he lunges unforgivingly with his trident, aiming for a direct assault.

But Lucien's heightened senses remain one of his paramount strengths, and before Tyrion's weapon can make contact with him, he clasps Naomi by the arm, positioning the young girl between himself and his adversary.

"Naomi!!" Lucien's voice reverberates as his sister bears a sharp, resolute smile on her face.

Of course, Lucien isn't placing his sister in harm's way, as Naomi had already been conjuring her soul weapon even before sensing her brother's touch.

Her beautiful round pink shield blooms like a flower, presenting a defense so robust that it even surpasses Jeanne's radiant shield.

Naomi's prowess isn't merely superior to that of the shining knight, her alliance with Gluttony enables her to infuse her shield with a devouring veneer that can absorb any type of energy, fueling their synergy.


Thanks to the swift and coordinated maneuver of Lucien and Naomi, Tyrion's trident clashes with the colossal shield, a remarkable defense.

Gluttony and Naomi experience a surge of dark energy streaming through the shield, being absorbed by the petite Sin and transmuted into energy for the pair.

But this assault isn't solely teeming with dark mana; it also bears Tyrion's immense physical force, which is so profound that it leaves Naomi's slender arms tingling.

"NAH-!" She grits her teeth, trembling under the prospect of her flawless defense being shattered by the relentless foe.

But she isn't alone; Lucien is by her side, and while he grasps one of her arms, he places his other hand on the rear of the shield alongside Lust, bearing the brunt of the attack in unison with Naomi and Gluttony.

The enormous onslaught from Tyrion is entirely absorbed by Naomi's shield, but she and Gluttony cannot convert such a substantial volume of energy in an instant. They release the majority of it in a potent counter-offensive.


The resilience of their shield takes Tyrion aback, as he never anticipated anyone could thwart his trident so effectively. But the energy explosion, his own energy, surprises him even more.

He is hurled backward and loses his equilibrium for a moment, a moment that Lucien and his sister seize upon.

"I'll hold him back!!" Eve announces as she applies her gravity ability to impose immense pressure on Tyrion.

"AHHHHH!!!" Roaring like a lioness, Donna vaults over Naomi's shield, attacking with her large, bloodthirsty axe.

"AHHHHH!!!" Joining her, Wrath manifests her body behind Tyrion and strikes with a mighty red mace, another soul weapon from her demonic arsenal. josei

The counter-offensive seems impeccable, but Tyrion's agility and senses remain that of someone from the Cosmic Realm, a significant distinction compared to those of the Immortal Realm and those below.

The Naga King manages to manoeuvre even under the pressure of Eve's incredible ability. He catches Donna's wrist before launching her body into Wrath's path.

Everything unfolds swiftly, and the others don't stand idle. Claire and Greed discharge golden blades against Tyrion, while Pride summons her white scythe and initiates a relentless attack, aiming for his head.

But Tyrion dismisses the golden blades that have no effect when they strike his body. He extricates himself from Donna and Wrath just in time to hoist his trident and block Pride's assault.


The piercing echo of impact fills the air, ringing ominously across the battlefield. As anticipated, the staggering might of Pride's relentless onslaught leaves Tyrion nearly immobilized, his every effort focused on parrying her dazzling, alabaster scythe.

Ordinarily, Pride savors the sweet triumph of executing the coup de grace, yet she defers the honor this time.

The field is left open for Lucien, who promptly exploits the opportunity. With a predator's precision, he catapults his radiant golden naginata, a flash of lethal sunlight aimed unerringly towards Tyrion's exposed chest.

Tyrion, his hands still preoccupied with the titanic struggle against Pride's relentless scythe, is left with no option but to wield his reservoir of shadowy mana in a desperate bid to deflect Lucien's fatal projectile.

Yet, the golden energy of the naginata, pulsating with raw, radiant power, offers formidable resistance against the encroaching darkness. The Naga King, under duress, is forced to conjure multiple barriers of swirling, nebulous mana, each layer straining to halt the unrelenting assault.

In that crucial moment, Tyrion's defenses are stretched to their breaking point, leaving him dangerously vulnerable.

Seizing this fleeting window of opportunity, Lucien instantaneously teleports to materialize behind his adversary, his dual katanas drawn and gleaming.

With swift, uncanny synchrony, he unleashes a twofold assault, both blades singing their deadly song as they arc towards Tyrion's unprotected back.


Lucien, well aware of Tyrion's near-impervious defenses against piercing assaults, channels an inferno of his own energy into the sleek steel of his twin katanas. With a swift, broad arc, he cleaves horizontally across his adversary's unprotected back.

Indeed, the defenses of an individual hailing from the Cosmic Realm are formidable, a fortress against common assault. Yet, Lucien's blades, supercharged with his fervent energy, bite into Tyrion's skin, carving twin furrows of raw, bleeding wound.

A primal roar of agony erupts from Tyrion's throat, a bone-chilling declaration of Lucien's successful breach of his defenses.

However, before Lucien can ready another strike, Tyrion retaliates. His usually ink-black eyes are suddenly aflame, filled with a pulsing, ruby-hued energy that causes Pride to involuntarily furrow her brow in recognition.

"He's going to use th-" Pride's dire warning is cut short, barely echoing into the ears of her allies before Tyrion's impending retaliation engulfs them all.

And this retaliation involves Tyrion unleashing a cataclysmic onslaught of potent chaotic energy, a force he usurped from Mira. This same energy coursed through her ancestors, guiding their race with its formidable power.

Chaotic mana - a maelstrom of primal force, one of the most potent energies to harness. If Mira, having only recently begun her journey of recovery under Lucien's tutelage, can already perform awe-inspiring feats, the potential for Tyrion is astronomical. After all, he stole this power from Mira at her zenith, many years past, and has had time to adapt and evolve it within his own arsenal.

Tyrion, a paragon of self-interest, does not temper this unleashed power. He unshackles it fully, causing a cataclysmic wave of chaotic force that takes everyone by complete surprise.


A gargantuan eruption of chaotic mana detonates around Tyrion, its sheer force akin to an unleashed tempest.

The impact hurls Lucien and his sisters like ragdolls, obliterates the shimmering energy forms of the Sins, and sends a chilling death knell among the ranks of the Naga soldiers. Within a mile radius, thousands of them are swept away in the blinding wave of destruction.

Naomi, caught off-guard, fails to raise her shield in time, her form swept away like a leaf in a storm, plunging into the frothing depths of the ocean along with her siblings.

Nea, soaring through the sky towards Lucien to provide aid in his battle against Tyrion, catches sight of the apocalyptic wave of destruction in the nick of time. Summoning her water mana, she weaves an impenetrable barrier in front of the closest Mermaid troops to the epicenter.

She depletes a significant portion of her reserves, a worthy sacrifice to spare many of her kin from certain death under the devastating attack.

Even high above the turmoil, amidst the sanctuary of the clouds, Maya is thrown off balance, her heart heavy with worry about Layla's safety in the wake of such an attack.

"LAYLA?!?!" Her cry slices through the chaos, her gaze desperately seeking her daughter. A wave of relief washes over her when she spots Layla, nestled safely among Lucien's wives, shielded behind a towering barrier of verdant green and solid gray.

The formidable barrier is a testament to the combined strength of Sloth and Envy; the wise Sins had prudently foreseen a similar scenario and were able to safeguard their charges. Their foresight proves pivotal, considering they were at a significant distance from the epicenter of Tyrion's cataclysmic attack.

Upon sighting her daughter ensconced safely among Lucien's wives, a surge of determination courses through Maya, shattering the metaphorical chains that had so far kept her from rushing to the aid of her beleaguered allies.

And now, bearing witness to the toll exacted on her friends, a visceral fury towards Tyrion roils within her, stoking her resolve into a blazing inferno of crimson determination.

"TYRION!!!" Her voice rings out, a clarion call of fury slicing through the chaos. As it echoes, she assumes her original form, a living embodiment of her ire, and launches herself skyward, barreling towards her enemy with vengeful intent.

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