Lust Knight

Chapter 401

Chapter 401: The ceremony (3/4)

Chapter 401: The ceremony (3/4)

After kissing and hugging Lucien, Maggie joins the girls next to him and receives funny looks from them, clearly due to her performance with the fire-birds.

"Ok... I think I went too far." She apologizes while laughing.

"That was really amazing!" Anne praises her.

"I wish I had such skills..." Elsie comments.

Maggie smiles at them. "You have cute ears and tail, which is a much better advantage than fire-magic."

The beautiful fox-girls giggles while also agreeing with those words. They still don't know the power that their tails give them, but Lucien loves so much those parts of them.

While everyone looks at the two remaining big carriages, the door of one turns into dust, which also becomes stone stairs.

Like Laure, the first woman to leave that carriage is also well known to everyone: the former Elven Queen who is now the right hand of the Great Queen.

Wearing a beautiful emerald dress that she always has in her storage treasure, Ghalenna has her long emerald green hair styled in a braided ponytail and adorned with various jewelry.

Her proud posture added to her amazing look makes her have a noble aura that makes anyone have no doubt that she is an incredible woman. But well, everyone in the Alliance already knew the legend of Ghalenna as a good Elven Queen, and now everyone also knows how she is Eve's most loyal servant.

Everyone also knows about her daughter has returned to the Alliance as Lucien's wife as there was no way for such events to be hidden.

The rumors about Ghalenna also doing the ceremony are quickly forgotten when the people don't see a bowl in her hands.

While everyone applauds and praises her, Ghalenna also waves at them but doesn't start walking ahead.

Then another woman gets out of the carriage. It's Ghilanna, also wearing an emerald dress very similar to her mother's and holding the bowl with her chosen flower. In fact, Ghalenna has always kept that dress in her storage treasure as a souvenir, and now both of them can wear those matching dresses like a Queen and Princess.

The fox-people start to applaud and praise even more while everyone agrees that they are much more beautiful together.

On the stage, Eve smiles at the girls as she comments. "They are so similar..."

Lucien also smiles as he looks at Ghilanna's beautiful emerald hair, free and unadorned as she likes. "But they are also very different in some points."

Amid so much applause and praise, Ghalenna extends her hand to her daughter. Ghilanna smiles and holds her mother's hand as they walk over the flower corridor.

Then four human women come out of the carriage in a row; They are stunning beauties with very different characteristics.

With beautiful dresses, impressive hairstyles, and bright smiles, Neola, Kylee, Lorelai, and Rebecca wave to the fox-people as they walk down the flower corridor.

The fox-people continue to applaud and praise the girls even though they are human. Lucien's troops watch them with expectant expressions, as Noela, Kylee, and Lorelai were also his soldiers before they became his wives.

As they walk together through the flower corridor, the elven mother and daughter pair arrive on stage. Lucien hugs and kisses Ghilanna, just as he did with his other wives.

Ghalenna nods at him and starts walking towards Laure and Clovis, but Lucien quickly holds her arm and pulls her in his arms before kissing her.

She panics because she thinks they shouldn't do that in front of everyone, but her body quickly becomes relaxed under his touch and kiss.

Most people are looking at Neola, Kylee, Lorelai, and Rebecca, but some people notice Lucien kissing Ghalenna and start to applaud them too.

Ghalenna forgets about everything and everyone around and starts kissing Lucien too. Then she hears his voice in her mind. 'I know you are not ready for a big step, but you have to start accepting that you are also my wife now.'

She still doesn't know how to use mental communication, but her actions make her response clear.

"Ahh..." She takes a deep breath as they part their lips. So she has to use all her will not to start kissing him again.

Ghalenna still walks to the corner of the stage to be next to Laure because she doesn't want to disturb that special moment for all his other wives.

Lucien smiles again at the girls walking down the flower corridor; then, the next woman gets out of the carriage.

Again, surprising many people, not just with her beauty, Astrid confidently smiles at everyone while holding the bowl with her chosen flower.

Although the remaining people of the manticore-clan are not currently well regarded by the Alliance society, not all of them are bad persons, and the fox-people understand that.

They can also see that her demi-human traits are different from a normal manticore-woman, but she has no traits from other known demi-races, making most people understand that she is a human hybrid.

But they don't even have time to feel sorry for Astrid, as she is a beautiful and powerful woman who is marrying the most incredible man they have ever seen; that is, she is a winner anyway.

With her hair swinging free in the wind and adorned with pendants in the form of claws and fangs, she also wears a medium-sized red dress with openings at the back for her beautiful bat-like wings.

Without any modesty, Astrid raises one of her hands and shows her big, sharp claws while smiling to show her fangs, making the fox-people applaud and praise her even more.

"So fierce..." Eve comments as she smiles.

"Yeah..." Lucien comments as he remembers her as know as Ravenous in Portgreen.

As Astrid walks toward the stage, Lucien welcomes the other girls with hugs and kisses. Then they stand beside him along with the other girls, which starts to look like a wall of beauties.

Without wasting time, another woman gets out of the carriage, or rather, she jumps out. It's Donna, wearing leather pants and a shirt, which can't hide her incredible beauty, but that is a look very different from the beautiful dresses of the other girls.

Donna imitates Astrid's gesture, but she raises both hands as she is not holding a bowl. Then she smiles, showing sharp teeth that almost look like fangs.

"WOW!!!" Most of the fox-people applaud and praise Donna.

"Who is she?" But many of them are also confused because the rumors about Donna are quite recent.

"She is the sister of our King and Queen, of course!" One person responds, making everyone else applaud and praise Donna even more.

However, a group of people cannot help being scared as they remember how Donna threatened them in front of Laure's house. They understand that they were being quite disrespectful and deserved the scolding, but they still fear that furious aura that was around her.

Donna then looks at the carriage. "Come on!"

"..." No sound comes from the carriage for a few seconds, then everyone sees when a young lady's head appears at the door and looks at Donna.

As expected, that woman is extremely beautiful like all the other women next to Lucien, but no one recognizes her. Also, they can even tell if she is human or demi-human.

[What the fuck am I doing?] Helena wonders as she looks at Donna with a confused expression. She doesn't want to appear to be doing that ritual with Lucien.

Seeing that her new friend is timid, Donna acts in solidarity and jumps in the carriage before pulling Helena out. "Don't be modest! Come on; everyone is waiting to see the most charming ladies of this show." josei

Helena is taken by surprise, and when she realizes it, she is in front of so many people applauding and praising her. Of course, she is a gorgeous woman, just like Donna, but she also draws everyone's attention by having wings as peculiar as Lucien's.

Only by looking closely, normal people can see that Helena's wings are rotting, while from away, they look like beautiful black wings, making everyone wonder if she is demi-human or something more, like Lucien. Well, they call him a devil because they don't know what he really is.

Helena is wearing a small black and white dress just like the one she was wearing before, but Lucien can see dirt in the black bands around her legs, and he understands that she hasn't changed that.

[Those black bands are special to her...] Lucien thinks as he is curious about that.

Still not wearing shoes, Helena has her hair messy and free, just like Donna. It is obvious that they are not really concerned with their looks like the other girls, but their beauties dispense any ornaments.

"Smile, my friend; today is a good day," Donna comments as she raises one of Helena's hands and smiles at the fox-people.

Helena laughs at Donna's crazy personality, but she still looks very embarrassed, and even her wings seem to want to hide.

On the stage, Eve makes a thoughtful look. "Is that expression genuine?"

"Sincerely, I'm not sure," Lucien comments while he still doesn't know what to think of Helena.

Pride materializes her body again while looking at Helena. "She's really embarrassed, but that doesn't mean she's timid. She probably lived a long time in hiding from everyone, so she doesn't know how to interact with people anymore."

Donna walks over the flower corridor holding hands with Helena. It's amazing how Wrath was right about punching each other in the face helping develop their relationship to the point that they look like sisters.

While most people are still impressed by Helena's dark wings, everyone is also curious about the next ladies to walk over the flower corridor.

Then another young lady gets out of the carriage. She doesn't look very tall, and her long blond hair even touches her knees. She draws everyone's attention for having very pale skin that even seems to glow while her beautiful gray-yellow eyes shine like two suns.

Rose smiles only at Lucien while standing in the front of the carriage, making everyone think she is a pompous noble, but they still applaud and praise her for her wonderful beauty.

"A lovely blood-suck..." Eve comments. She has nothing against Rose but knowing that she drinks Lucien's blood puts Eve's overprotective personality on the alert.

"A great match for a demon," Lucien responds while lovingly smiling at Rose.

Rose just stands there, smiling at Lucien while holding her bowl. Then another woman gets out of the carriage.

Surprising everyone with a really exotic look, Daisy draws attention because of her beautiful white hair and red eyes. Also, it is possible to see that she has facial features very similar to Rose's, thus leaving everyone confused because they have other characteristics so different.

Daisy slowly descends the stone stairs as the carriage behind her begins to turn to dust, which flies and disappears into the sky.

The fox-people are impressed by that scene as they applaud and praise Daisy and Rose. They continue to be shocked at how different, and peculiar Lucien's brides are.

Lucien smiles at Daisy and Rose as they walk over the flower corridor; only Rose carries a bowl, of course.

And everyone is still curious about the women in the third carriage.


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