Madam's Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1356 - Seeing Sister Nian Swagger In

Chapter 1356 - Seeing Sister Nian Swagger In

Chapter 1356: Seeing Sister Nian Swagger In

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Who would have thought that he wouldn’t even get to see her!

This outcome was unexpected.

Even Jiang Zongnan did not expect Jian Jin to not see them. He also stood where he was and revealed a surprised and uneasy reaction.

He added on to Jiang Yao’s words anxiously, “Yes, did you pass on the message for us?”

The bodyguard was obviously annoyed. He swept his gaze across the two of them and replied coldly, “I’ve told Chairman Jian. Chairman Jian says that she’s busy and won’t see you. What can I do?”

Jiang Yao’s face was burning. It was a slap in the face, but he did not give up. “… Please help me tell Chairman Jian that we’re here to collaborate.”

“Enough.” The bodyguard interrupted him impatiently. His frown was very cold. “If Chairman Jian says she won’t see you, she won’t see you. It’s useless for me to say anything. Go back!”

This time, it wasn’t just Jiang Yao.

Even Jiang Zongnan didn’t know what to do.

Jiang Yao had never been so embarrassed before. He held his breath and clenched and unclenched his fists repeatedly. He picked up his cell phone and was about to call Xu Jishen to try again.

Unexpectedly, before he could dial the number in his hesitation, he saw a girl walk out of another elevator.

The girl’s back was slim, and she was dressed quite coolly, as usual. She wore a baseball cap and earphones and had one hand in her pocket. She did not look in their direction when she got out of the elevator. She walked straight to 3306, the suite where Jian Jin was in.

That was not the point. The point was that the bodyguards stepped aside when they saw her. They bowed to her, looking very respectful…

Jiang Zongnan was dumbfounded.

He couldn’t help but mutter, “Nian Nian?”

Jiang Yao’s head was lowered as he wondered if he should call Xu Jishen. Hearing his father’s voice, he looked up strangely. “Dad, what are you talking about? How could Qiao Nian be here?”

As he spoke, he followed Jiang Zongnan’s gaze…

His voice stopped abruptly.

“Qiao Nian?” This time, it was Jiang Yao who was shocked.

He thought that he was superior because he was different from the other second-generation heirs in Beijing. The circle he came into contact with was not only in China but also in the illegal district.

His pride surpassed his peers’ even if he knew he had only touched the tip of the illegal district.

This pride gave him the confidence to see Ye Wangchuan and the others as equals.

But Jiang Yao’s pride was shaken at this moment.

“Why is she here?” Jiang Yao could no longer describe the shock in his heart. He was sure that the person he saw was Qiao Nian.

Because Qiao Nian had a very unique aura.

One could confirm her identity even from afar.

Jiang Yao watched as the girl swaggered past the bodyguards with her cell phone in hand. She seemed to be replying to a message without looking up.

Then the door to suite 3306, which they could not get access to, opened.

The girl looked up as she continued chewing her gum. The face under the brim of her cap was attractive. She pushed down her cap, put her hands in her pockets, and went in casually.

The door closed again.

Jiang Yao was speechless.

He couldn’t quite accept what he was seeing. josei

He even suspected that he was seeing things.

Jiang Zongnan also could not describe what he was feeling. He turned his head and asked the bodyguard nervously, “Um… I’m sorry, I want to ask you about the girl who just went in… Do you know her?”

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