Madam's Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1547 - 1547 Sister Nian

Chapter 1547 - 1547 Sister Nian: Go, Why Not?

1547 Sister Nian: Go, Why Not?

Qiao Nian had just taken a sip of tea. She put down the cup now. Undisguised sharpness could be seen in her exquisite eyes, and even the corners of her lips curled up.

Qi Yan was here too?

She leaned back and smiled, then said in a rather flamboyant tone, “Tsk. Are they planning to send themselves to their deaths?”

Everyone in the room turned to look at her as soon as she said that.

Qin Si reacted the fastest. He scratched his head and asked with a puzzled expression, “Sister Qiao, what are you talking about? What do you mean by sending people to their deaths? Are you talking about Qi Yan and Jiang Xianrou?

“Forget about Jiang Xianrou. She…”

Qin Si couldn’t be bothered to mention Jiang Xianrou’s past antics. He was more confused as to why Qiao Nian would specifically mention Qi Yan.

He wasn’t stupid. He wasn’t as smart as Ye Wangchuan, but he was smarter than the average person.

He thought for a moment about what Qiao Nian had been doing these past few days and immediately reacted. “Jiang Li’s injury is related to Qi Yan?”

Qiao Nian didn’t answer him.

Qin Si had already guessed most of it and couldn’t help but sigh. “The Qi family must be tired of living!”

He found it unbelievable. “How much hatred does she have for Jiang Li to be so ruthless and want his life?”

Jiang Li was lucky to survive this time.

He might not have survived if there were other things on the ground.

Qin Si couldn’t understand why Qi Yan would do this.

Everything had a reason. Why was Qi Yan acting like a mad dog?

“She didn’t leave for the river.” Qiao Nian spoke slowly and unhurriedly, but she didn’t explain too much to him. She looked up at the handsome man and asked, “Did Jiang Xianrou say where they are going? What time does it start?”

“Where else would it be? There are only a few places to eat in the upper circles of Beijing. She wouldn’t have had access to anything more sophisticated.”

Qin Si didn’t beat around the bush and replied bluntly, “She told me that she’s holding a banquet at the Imperial Mansion at noon. She booked a banquet hall on the first floor. It seems like she’s going to invite a lot of people.”

Qin Si’s eyebrows raised frivolously, and he didn’t give Jiang Xianrou any face. “Tsk, she just entered the Pharmacy Association, is she that capable? She just held a filiation banquet with great fanfare. How long has it been? And now she still wants to hold a banquet after coming back. Is she afraid that no one knows that she has returned from Continent O?”

Jiang Xianrou was the one who invited them to the banquet this time, but everyone knew her motive. She wanted to tell the people in Beijing’s circle that she had successfully entered the Pharmacy Association and officially became a member.

Those people in Beijing usually liked to flatter the strong and trample on the weak.

Jiang Xianrou was going to be in the limelight again!

Jiang Xianrou had always liked to be in the limelight. She was probably feeling proud right now.

“Sister Qiao, are you going?” Qin Si was quick-witted. When Qiao Nian asked him about the time and place of the banquet, he knew that she might be interested.

Qiao Nian propped up her legs and rested her arms on the armrest of the sofa. Her legs were well-proportioned and straight under her jeans, and her sitting posture was valiant.

She turned her head, her lashes fluttering. She couldn’t keep the sharpness out of her eyes.

“Yes, why not? Someone happens to deliver a pillow when I’m dozing off. Do I have any reason to refuse such a good thing?”

She had originally planned to look for Qi Yan. josei

Tsk, Qi Yan even came knocking on her door.

What reason did she have not to welcome Jiang Xianrou?

Of course, she had to give them a proper celebration.

Imperial Mansion.

Jiang Xianrou’s flight arrived at ten o’clock, and she arrived at Hall No. 1 of the Imperial Mansion at 10:30 AM to receive the guests with Tang Wanru.

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