Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 775 - You Seem Off

Chapter 775 - You Seem Off

Chapter 775 You Seem Off

“What’s so weird?” Andonara asked rhetorically, her eyes blinking and looking quite cute.

Roland hummed briefly and said, “You seem a bit more sophisticated and gentle.”

“Is that so?” Andonara’s eyebrows arched into a smile. “Do you like it?”

Roland nodded.

He would be a fool not to nod. It seemed that his woman wanted to change her temperament and image, so of course, he had to support her.

It didn’t bother him too much. He then went to deal with Casulefin, her daughter, and Bigby.

First, he took out the magic materials from the spatial ring and exchanged them for gold coins at the market price, and then bought a small manor in the city for Casulefin, less than five hundred meters away from Roland’s manor.

The rest of the gold coins were then placed in the cellar of the new manor.

In the cellar that smelled of musty earth, small treasure chests were placed side by side, each holding about fifty gold coins.

“The rest of the money, I have put here; 609 gold coins remain.” Roland looked at Casulefin next to him and said, “This money, as long as you don’t spend it lavishly, is enough for you and your daughter to live wealthily for a lifetime. Also, I have temporarily transferred over the guards of the Magic Tower to protect the manor. After you have settled down and become familiar with the place, you can hire people you trust to guard the manor, and then I will withdraw my guards.”

The matter of money had to be made clear, and then the matter of guards had to be made even clearer.

Otherwise, she might mistakenly think that he wanted to use the guards to control her, and that would be a problem.

Maybe the kindness would turn into resentment.

Looking at Roland’s face which was well worth a second look, Casulefin was filled with gratitude.

A few days ago, she was living in fear in a tiny house with her daughter.

Now, however, she had her own manor again, and she was even the owner of it. Even when Aldo was alive, she was only a lover promoted from a dancer and the first to conceive a child, which gave her some preferential treatment, but later, with the birth of more children, her position became less important.

Some time ago, Aldo died, and she even fell to despair for a while. She had believed that she had a good chance to get out of civilian life and never expected that she would have to fall into the abyss again with her daughter.

Fortunately, Roland came and saved her from the fire.

The great ups and downs of life were too much for her, and Roland, who had provided her help in her hour of need, naturally won her good regard.

Especially Roland’s straightforward and noble attitude... He returned several hundred gold coins without flinching, something that not many nobles could do.

And now he also showed that he had no thoughts of controlling her.

Such a good man... She looked at Roland with watery eyes. “Mr. Roland, I believe in you.”

“Also, what are your plans regarding Bigby?”

Like a bucket of water, these words splashed away the little ripples of intimacy in Casulefin’s heart, and she became silent all of a sudden.

“I know he’s not your son, and he’s illegitimate and you may not like him, but I suggest that you treat him as you would your own son.”

“Why?” said Casulevin, her face full of incomprehension. “Or is this your suggestion, sir?”

The word suggestion was emphasized but not in an angry or resentful way.

On the contrary, it was full of ingratiation; if it was Roland’s suggestion, she would carry it out.

The lower the rung someone climbed up from, the more they could see the situation in most cases and the more likely they were to succumb to the temptation of power. Roland shook his head. “I’m just suggesting, because if you truly treat him like your own son, then you’ll have a pretty strong backer in the future.”

“He is very talented in magic?” Casulefin asked in surprise. “He’s just the son of a peasant woman.”

Roland was tempted to say she had been just a dancer... but thought better of it.

The obsession with bloodline and lineage was rooted in the hearts of most people in this world.

If the father was a hero, then the son would also be a hero.

If the father was a noble, then the son would always be noble.

Of course, it was normal to think this way.

For example, the Reid family’s Hero blood was quite unreasonable, and after so many generations, once activated, was as strong as could be, and even grew due to it being crossed with humans.

As a Legend, Andonara dared to fight a Demigod, and as a Demigod, she could slice up most gods.

“His talent in magic might be a little bit worse than your daughter Yadseer,” Roland explained, “but he has a good heart, very tough, and even dared to want to kill me when he thought I was going to steal him. This is a good trait, and at the same time he also has very high regard for his relatives-daring to kill for his mother, he cherishes family. I’m not saying that you are going to replace his real mother, but if you are kind to him, he will definitely repay you in the future and for the rest of his life.”

Casulefin nodded repeatedly, indicating that she understood.

In her opinion, Mages were smart people, and what a smart person said probably wasn’t wrong.

After speaking, the pair emerged from the cellar and saw two small children playing on the lawn of the estate. Bigby grabbed a green bug and clumsily tried to please his half-sister but instead scared her into tears, and was panicking as he comforted her.

Roland walked over, and Yadseer, who was wiping her tears, immediately stopped crying and hid behind Bigby.

She was the older sister, but she was like a younger sister who wanted her brother’s protection.

Bigby looked at Roland and smiled.

He knew that the man before him was indeed good and treated him well.

“Starting tomorrow, both of you will go to my Magic Tower and receive basic magic training, and you will get up early, understood?”

The two children nodded vigorously.

Then Roland turned to leave.

Bigby hesitated for a moment, trying to follow Roland.

But he had just taken two steps when he heard someone behind him shout, “Bigby, where are you going?” Bigby turned around and looked at Casulefin with some confusion.

The young woman came over and took his hand and then her own daughter’s hand, leading the two of them together toward the house while saying, “From now on, this will be your home too. I am your stepmother and must take care of you. Of course, you, as a boy, also must take care of Yadseer in the future. Even though she is your older sister, she is a girl after all.”

Yadseer puffed up her face. “I’m the older sister, I don’t want my younger brother to protect me.”

Bigby froze slightly, then nodded forcefully, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

His stepmother’s hand was warm, only a little worse than his mother’s, and he liked it.

After Roland returned to his manor, he sat in the garden, watching Andonara busily making cakes, and couldn’t help but feel that something was wrong.

Recently, Andonara had given him the impression that she was a different person.

Overall, she had the same personality as before, but some small actions had changed.

He couldn’t pinpoint what exactly, just the kind of small habits that only a very loving elderly couple could feel. Or rather, it was her aura. Andonara soon had the cake baked and served.

Roland took a bite. It was sweet but not greasy and tasted as good as ever.

Then he sized up Andonara and frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong?” asked Andonara, tilting her head sideways and questioning him with a rather cute smiling expression.

Hmm... It was cute but so strange. Normally, Andonara had always been the sexy type, so why was she acting cute now?

While eating the cake, Roland asked, “By the way, did you get that Goddess of Magic statue in the backyard?”

“Yeah, I’m starting to believe in the Goddess of Magic now, and I plan to be her Priest.”

Roland blinked in surprise. For a purely physical profession that couldn’t cast spells, believing in a god and gaining access to divine spells was a good way to increase strength.

While the power of their divine spells would certainly be slightly inferior to a Priest with a truly high Perception attribute, it was better than not being able to cast spells. “It would be awesome if you could get access to Teleportation after becoming a Goddess of Magic believer.”

Andonara was already at the pinnacle of melee combat. If she learned Teleportation, she’d truly be unstoppable.

Maybe it’s the result of believing in a god?

I heard that once a Priest believes in a god, there is a slight change in personality because they identify with the god’s philosophy and can even perceive the spirit of the god.

That would make sense.

Roland nodded and didn’t think any more about it.

He never feared Andonara’s soul changing.

Because quite simply, he was a Mage and was exceptionally sensitive to mental fluctuations.

People’s mental fluctuations weren’t quite the same and changed from day to day. This was caused by emotions.

But the inner mental core wouldn’t change.

The core of Andonara’s soul was, as always, completely intact.

After eating the cake, Roland went to take a shower, and then went back to his room and saw Andonara, who was wearing a translucent nightgown, lying in bed, her face flushed. Well... Roland didn’t hesitate to take out a vile of Dragon Meat Reagent from his Backpack and downed it in one gulp. Then with a wave of his right hand, he threw the bottle aside boldly, and like a Warrior who generously went to his death, he said righteously, “Come and fight.”

Both had rested for a few days; it was time for a battle.

It was just clear to Roland that he couldn’t beat Andonara.

At first, he might have a fighting chance, but during the middle and end, he was just meat on a chopping block, at her mercy.

Looking at Roland’s sultry expression, Andonara blushed even more. Then Roland walked to the edge of the bed robotically.

Roland had expected this to be a long battle, but he was wrong.

It was a devastating battle.

He was the winner.

It was unbelievable.

He froze and watched as Andonara kept averting her eyes and shaking all over, then her eyes turned eerily pink.


Roland was quite shocked.

He even felt a familiar divinity leaving Andonara’s body at a very fast speed. Then it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Then Andonara’s eyes turned back to pale gold.

What, what, what! josei

What is going on?

Roland’s mouth dropped open in surprise as he got an odd, unpleasant feeling.

At this time, Andonara, who had been averting her eyes, suddenly came back to her senses. She stared at Roland for a moment, then with a swish, she rolled over and flung Roland onto the bed.

Looking at the unfulfilled Andonara, Roland understood that this was the woman he was familiar with

Was that... a god or a ghost just now?

In reality, he had the answer.

It was early the next morning when the two finally finished sparring.

Roland put his arm around Andonara and couldn’t help but ask, “How could you agree to something so outrageous?” “You knew?” asked Andonara, embarrassed.

“I’m a Mage. I could feel it when her divine consciousness detached.”

Andonara traced circles on Roland’s chest with her fingers and asked enviously, “How does she feel, huh?”

“Isn’t it still you?” asked Roland, with a strange look in return. “It’s your body; it’s just you that I feel.”

“Is that so?” Andonara smiled wryly.

But she didn’t press the issue any further.

In reality, although it was the same body, it gave a completely different feeling. Andonara was a ripe, sweet but not overwhelmingly so, top-quality mango that one would want to eat all the time.

That pink-eyed version of Andonara gave the impression of a freshly ripened strawberry, which was tart and quite delicious.

Roland thought the strawberry flavor could be developed a bit, like with some seasoning.

Looking at Andonara’s smirking expression, Roland felt he had to take the initiative and said, “You haven’t explained why you agreed to something so outrageous.” “It’s not outrageous, just letting her borrow my body for a while.” Andonara snickered. “Your souls melded and almost touched.”

“That’s different!” Roland explained, “That’s just letting her help me improve my soul quality. It’s proper business.”

Andonara touched Roland’s face and whispered, “I know you are a Golden Son, so you have many ideas that are different from ours. In our case, the most sincere, the most profound love for each other is the mingling of souls.”

Roland froze. “Wait, is this an accepted thing?” “Of course.” Andonara laughed. “Haven’t you read many books? When the Legends in the books fall in love, don’t they all say... ‘I would like to merge my soul with yours, so there’s no distinction between you and me.”” “Isn’t that a way of showing love?” said Roland, startled.

Earthlings also often said so; my heart and yours will never be separated or something like that.’

Isn’t it just a rhetorical technique?

The soul mingling in this world is a phenomenon of love? Roland felt that things were far from good. He was once again deceived by subconscious notions.

In other words, he was wooing the Goddess of Magic?

So why would she agree to such an outrageous request?

Does... she really love me so much?

Roland felt like his whole being was about to drown in confusion.

Looking at Roland’s dumbfounded expression, Andonara said lightly, “Don’t worry. Soon, I will also find a way to mingle my soul with yours. That’s the condition she promised me.”

Meanwhile, in the Divine Realm of Magic, Mystra moaned softly and sat on her throne. Her waist kept twisting around for a while.

“That’s too stimulating.”

Her face was red like a transparent carnelian.

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