Magic Apprentice

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Etiquette (4/5)

“Ah, kind gentlemen. I apologize for intruding on your domain. Please allow me one moment to find my bearing and I will leave at once. My uncle will send someone for me if you could please send him a message. He’s a magus by the name of Kebrilio.”

“Kebrilio?” The blond questioned aloud. His companion said nothing, though his netral expression registered shock for a brief moment before resetting itself.

“I beg your pardon, young lady, but are you by chance speaking about Kebrilio the Grand Magister?” The blond inquired.

“I am.” Replied Elric. He could rest assured now, judging by their reactions. He might’ve only spent two days in Karth so far, but Elric knew the power that bear of a magus had. Just saying his name was enough to solve any problem.

“Would you by chance be ser Kebrilio’s niece? I’ll send a man at once! Please, my household is at your service.” The blond landowner replied amicably. He was, however, suspicious. Plenty was known about Kebrilio and never had he or anyone else heard about Kebrilio having such a niece as beautiful as her. If she wasn’t lying then there was something happening the two of them didn’t know about.

Actually, now that Elric thought about it, did Kebrilio even mention this matter to his family? What if the messenger went to Kebrilio’s residence and his family was made aware of his fake niece?josei

“Ah…pardon my impertinence, but the message should be sent to my uncle himself. I…others are not aware of my circumstances…I…have only just arrived here…there will be some that will not understand that…I…”

Stammering for half the day, Elric frantically tried to think of the right words to say without giving it all away.

His stammering failed to make much sense for the two gentlemen, but they didn’t dare say what it was they understood. The blond, for example, began to misunderstand the meaning behind Elric’s inability to speak clearly. 

So that big oaf of a magus was actually an unfaithful bastard?! Was she a secret mistress the grand magister found somewhere in the countryside? Look how young she is! How petite and demure! She didn’t match a blockhead like Kebrilio at all! The blond was disgusted, where in the world had the supposed kind and reliable magus gained a preference for younger women?! 

He was resolved then and there that eventually, a day would come where he’d expose Kebrilio’s true face to the world. Knocking Kebrilio off his high pedestal was one thing, but the real goal was to rescue this poor girl! Regrettably, the blond man wasn’t even sure if Kebrilio’s preferences would be enough to cause the man to lose his status. 

The best measure for now, he supposed, would be to keep this young girl safe first. He highly doubted Kebrilio would do anything drastic over a small issue like this.

The more the blond thought, the more steamed he got. His companion, on the other hand, still had the same pensive expression on his face. What he was thinking was anyone’s guess.

The two gentlemen eventually decided to walk Elric into their residence. As Elric was about to disappear behind the doors, he cast one last glance at the gates. On the other side, his pursuers were still standing there, just silently watching Elric walk away.


Elric didn’t really notice anything strange from this building at first, but when he took a closer glance, he realized it was made entirely out of a single rock. He didn’t know what kind of rock it was, but it had a metallic luster to it that marked it as starkly different from a rock like granite. It reminded himself a bit of what Valkner’s Mountain was made from. The sheen of the material here and the rocks he saw back there were seemingly identical. But could it be possible that they were the same? Valkner’s Mountain was so far away, how much time and energy would be needed for people to bring back enough of that material to construct an entire building from it?

Elric grew even more curious the more he looked around. This building was clearly not constructed with Karthian architectural design in mind. In fact, Elric doubted the style of this building could even be found elsewhere in the world! It had no support pillars or rafters to speak of, the place was just entirely flat and level from ground to wall to ceiling. Even the  window sills, door frames, banisters, and balcony were all afterthoughts in this building’s construction.

The two gentlemen were in no rush as they welcomed Elric into their residence. It was a little refreshing how interested he was in the place. Most women that came here would often shower the building with empty praise or compare it to another building and how shoddy it was. Many more women didn’t even bother with the building. They weren’t for the building, but the people inside.

Elric eventually tore his eyes away from the building. Realizing his rudeness, he gave an apologetic smile to the two hosts, who glanced at one another. Based on their reaction and the subtle nod, Elric could tell that the two had been debating—or bargaining—about something.

A moment later and the landowner eventually snapped out from his silent debate to enthusiastically welcome Elric further in.

Elric immediately took notice of something the moment he walked past.

They were in the living room now, a room built into the middle of this building for some strange reason. Even more strange was the fact that an entire portion of the ceiling was made out of glass! Because of its material and access to the sky, the glass ceiling allowed for the sun to shine through and bask the living room in a golden glow.

The furnishings of the room were rather lackluster, a similarity of simplicity with its owner. Twenty black-leathered cushions were lined up all around the giant oval long-table. This table was further distinguishable by the metallic globe installed at its very center. There was also a giant atlas of the entire known world hung at the very front of the room, but that was the only decoration to be seen. Elric marveled at such a sight. This felt more like an office to work in rather than a living room for guests.

There were also multiple rooms built into the walls to the living room, making Elric feel this place was more like an inn than a single household residence.

After being gestured into a room to his right, Elric entered it and was immediately beholden by the giant map plasted on the back-most wall.

The room was a pleasant change compared to the living room. Whereas the living room was rather simplistic in design, this new room had all sorts of curios and oddities. Some looked to be expertly made, some looked antique and priceless. Multiple books were strewn about along with weapons and armor. However, there was a methodology to their placement. The owner of this room clearly arranged each item in a place most suitable for it. The way this room was decorated with all sorts of amazing things made the room itself feel like a work of art.

Truthfully, Elric had to wonder what kind of person the owner of this room was.

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