Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

"Of course, in this matter, Dong'er did have some minor faults, and there was something wrong. Our Liang family is not a faultless person. Since Mr. Chen and Xiao Du have suffered losses due to Dong'er's actions, then we will definitely Compensation is made accordingly. "

" In this way, I will pay you a million in compensation, which is what my elders have given to your juniors. "

Liang Zhian lightly described the matter and covered the matter casually. It seems that the event of Liang Dong setting up a scam is nothing more than a trivial matter.

After hearing this, Fade Chen looked cold and sneered: "Chairman Liang's understatement is useless! The fraud is just a small fault. 90 million in debt, one million want to solve the problem. Chairman Liang , Do you think this is possible? "

Liang Zhian's face sank and he said angrily:" So what do you want ? Blackmail is not successful . "" Blackmail

? President Liang really put on a good hat. "Fade Chen sneered, then suddenly looked suddenly The voice became very cold, "I just blackmailed, what about it?"

"Liang Dong, you will not forget my method at that time!" During the speech, Fade Chen walked towards Liang Dong.

Liang Dong was suddenly terrified, and he stepped back involuntarily a few steps, his face full of panic.

Upon seeing this, Liang Zhian looked cold. "You are so bold, you are so arrogant. Could you think that my Liang

family can't be bullied?" Fade Chen didn't pay attention to Liang Zhian's words. Liang Dong fanned to the ground, and then said sharply: "Liang Dong, do you remember your promise that day?"

"I, I" Liang Dong looked pale, and when he thought of Fade Chen's hands that day, his face could not help showing fear. Emoji.

Liang Zhian stopped in front of Fade Chen and said with a cold voice: "Boy, I know you have some martial arts strength. But you think I have been a vegetarian for so many years."

"Master Qi, trouble!" Liang Zhian sneered.

Mr. Qi, the palm-eye of him, was shocked at the moment, and a strong energy burst out of his body, and he walked towards Fade Chen with a fierce look.

Everyone around was shocked when they saw it.

"Master Qi is still a master of martial arts, I didn't expect it!"

"Not only is his eyesight strong, his strength is also so strong!"

"Master Qi is in the capital of Beijing, but it is known as the existence of the iron hand copper claw. I feel great in my hands, especially the appraisal of Tieqi, as long as I weigh it in my hand, I can almost

judge the value of the item; the second is the strength of Master Qi ’s martial arts, but he is the strength of the yellow level peak. Grasp the iron and pinch the copper. "

" Yellow level peak, I didn't expect Master Qi to be so powerful! "

" It's over, that kid is getting better this time. "

" Who made him feel bad anyway, and even wanted to threaten Chairman Liang, he was looking for death. "

Look at it, the dead shouldn't be impossible, but a lesson is inevitable."

"There is a good drama to watch." In

the voice of everyone, Master Qi came to Fade Chen, his face was cold and he put a huge palm Creeping tiredly.

Liang Zhian was even smug, and said with a smile: "Boy, although old age doesn't know how to martial arts. But I have been in the circle for so many years, do you think I really don't have one or two martial arts masters?"

"The ridiculous thing is you, I wanted to rely on the strength of martial arts to blackmail my Liang

family 's money, it was almost death. " Fade Chen looked at Liang Zhian's smug face, then shook his head and smiled," It's ridiculous, Liang Dong, don't you tell that Is the day in the private room? Let your grandpa send a yellow-level pinnacle master to come to die. "

"Say I'm dying! Boy, you are too arrogant." Master Qi stared coldly at Fade Chen.

At this time, Liang Zhian looked at Liang Dong. Liang Dong didn't dare to hide it, and he told the story of the defeat of the monk Zhou who he invited.

After listening, Liang Zhian couldn't help being surprised, and his face changed a lot: "What do you say, that Fade Chen's side has a martial arts peak at the top of the yellow level."

Liang Dong nodded with a lingering fear, but his eyes lit up. "However, the backer is not with him today."

Liang Zhian heard the words and was relieved . Master Zi nodded.

Master Qi sneered and looked at Fade Chen with a sneer, saying: "Boy, no wonder you are so arrogant. It turns out that there is a backer with a yellow peak! But it seems a pity that your helper seems not to be by your side today. "

Fade Chen shook his head with a smile and looked at Liang Dong, said:" Liang Dong, I finally know how your pit lord's attributes came. "

" Nonsense, take a punch! " Drinking heavily, the fist with a big bowl mouth, fiercely hit Fade Chen.

In an instant, the strength of Master Qi's Huang-level peak erupted, and a strong strong wind blew up in the closed auction room, bringing a burst of whistling wind, and the sharp roaring, which made people feel a sense of palpitation .

Liang Dong and Liang Zhian put their arms around their chests and looked at this scene with a

confident smile on their lips. They seemed to have seen Master Qi blow Fade Chen down.

However, the smile on their faces had not fully bloomed. I saw Fade Chen shook his head and shouted loudly, "Do you think my strength came from my backing?" During the

speech, Fade Chen shot with a slap .

In an instant, the whistle that was originally driven by Master Qi was completely suppressed by Fade Chen's applause at the moment. The majestic palm wind seemed to crush the air, making a loud bang.

Master Qi's complexion changed instantly because he felt that instead of a palm, he shot a heavy wall directly over him.

Before the fist touched Fade Chen, the strong applause directly shot Master Qi all over. The body smashed the wall of the auction house, punched a big hole, and was shot and flew out directly.

At this time, the ending of Fade Chen's discourse has just dissipated from the air.

Liang Dong and Liang Zhi'an, with arms smiling, were dumbfounded. Master Qi, who was so confident, could not beat Fade Chen and was shot directly.

This card, Liang Dong realized that, in the private room that day. Fade Chen's failure to shoot is not a matter of strength, but simply disdain against the opponents like Master Zhou. As for Master Xie, it was not Fade Chen's backer at all, but only a man.

In an instant, Liang Dong looked pale and shivered again.

Liang Zhian was angry and frightened. He gave you a hard look at Liang Dong, and finally understood his grandson's attributes.

"Chairman Liang, do you still have any master martial arts you know? Call it out and go!" Fade Chen patted his palm with a relaxed face.


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