Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 326

Chapter 326

Chapter 326

Chapter 326

As soon as the words came out, the scene was quiet. Immediately, the atmosphere became tense, and everyone's eyes focused on Fade Chen and Xu Xiao.

Fade Chen glanced at Xu Xiao, took a bite of the dish, and said lightly: "I am a doctor, Chinese medicine!"

Xu Xiao heard the words, and suddenly laughed out loud, "It turns out that Mr. Chen is Chinese medicine! At this time, Chinese medicine seems to be It's not easy to mix! I don't know where Mr. Chen works, how much money can I get in a month? "

" Enough life! "Fade Chen did not elaborate. After all, he didn't know how much money he could make in a month, after all, now In a newly established company, you can own a lot of shares, and you do n’t know how much it is worth.

However, these words fell into Xu Xiao's ears, and it became that the salary was too low, so I was embarrassed to say it.

Therefore, Xu Xiao's mouth was even more smug, and then he was not interested in waffling with Fade Chen, and placed his goal on Huo Dongwei, and directly said: "Dong Wei, I heard that your recent career is a bit

unhappy !" Slightly changed, then said lightly: "Nothing, just a trivial matter."

Said lightly, Huo Dongwei did not want to talk about these things, but Xu Xiao deliberately continued to

say, "It seems not trivial, I heard Dongwei you Now they are all blocked by the company, and I haven't seen your news for a long time. "

Wen Yan, Huo Dongwei's face couldn't help but sink, and his face was a little sad.

Xie Xiaoyan suddenly collapsed and said to Xu Xiao politely: "Xu Xiao, you didn't hear that Wei Wei didn't want to say this. What are you doing? This is Dong Wei's business, what does it have to do with you?"

Xu Xiao smiled and said: "I care about my old classmates? Isn't it good? Besides, who said this matter has nothing to do with me, maybe I have a way to help Dong Wei?"

Xie Xiaoyan looked at Xu in disbelief. Xiao, "You have a way to help Xie Xiaoyan? Xu Xiao, although you have a good family, you can't get involved in the entertainment industry."

"That's not necessary!" Xu Xiao smiled mysteriously, and then took out a contract and handed it to Huo Dongwei, then said directly, "Dong Wei, I won't turn around and just talk."

"This is The new contract that Mr. Liu provided to you, as long as you agreed to that matter. Mr. Liu immediately helped you get in touch with the cold storage in the company and vigorously pushed you. "

Huo Dongwei had some slight expectations, but when he heard this, he looked Suddenly sinking down, staring at Xu Xiao coldly, said coldly: "You are the one sent by Liu Xi?"

This Liu Xi is no one else, it is the senior of Huo Dongwei company, want to unspoken rules Huo Dongwei failed, then The one who blocked it.

Xie Xiaoyan also knows about Huo Dongwei, and when he heard the name, it suddenly burst, "Xu Xiao, you are really not a thing. Wei Wei was bullied by that Liu Xi, anyway, Wei Wei's classmate, not helping Wei Wei, but helping that. Liu Xilai threatened Wei Wei, it's really not as good as a beast. "When the

surrounding students heard this, although they didn't know the details, they also heard Xu Xiao helping bully Huo Dongwei. Suddenly, everyone's face sank at once.

Xu Xiao didn't take it seriously. Instead, he didn't even need to pretend. He said directly: "Dong Wei, I think we are old classmates. Let me tell you the truth. You female stars, sleep with bosses and rich businessmen, It ’s a normal thing. Even if it ’s passed on, it ’s no big deal. Instead, it can be used as a gossip hype to help your popularity rise. ”

“ Again, Mr. Liu is a member of the board of directors and a major shareholder of Ans Entertainment First, with his support, your career can definitely go further. Even if you rush to the front line, it is not impossible. "

" Compared to these gains, what is a sleep. What do you know that many girl stars take the initiative to find Liu In general, Mr. Liu did n’t give them a chance. This time Mr. Liu looked at you, that ’s your blessing! ”

Huo Dongwei did n’t expect Xu Xiao to say such shameless words, flushed with anger and shouted, “ Go away, You ’ll get out of here! "

Xu Xiao also got hairy and got up and yelled angrily: "Huo Dongwei, you are all a lot of age, almost out of breath, what kind of innocent little girl is still here. What's wrong with sleeping with President Liu, it's

not like your boyfriend It's much stronger. "

Xu Xiao and Fade Chen were also scolded.

"You, you are shameless!" Huo Dongwei didn't expect her old classmate to be so virtuous. Angry, she directly slapped Xu Xiao's face.

"Bitch, dare you hit me!" Xu Xiao suddenly looked down, and he would draw back to Huo Dongwei with his backhand.

But when he started, his wrists sank, and he had always been like the big hands of iron tongs. He squeezed Xu Xiao's wrist tightly, making him unable to move.

Xu Xiao looked at it and it was Fade Chen, who was so angry that he suddenly shook his hand and wanted to break free. But he found that he couldn't get rid of Fade Chen's steely wrist.

Suddenly, he yelled angrily: "Huo Dongwei, let your boyfriend let me go, otherwise, wait for President Liu to completely block you to death!"

"Slap!" Fade Chen kicked directly on Xu Xiao's Kicked him out on the stomach.

Xu Xiao cheek pain suddenly twisted up, pulled out his cell phone, said: "I dare you call me now give Mr. Liu, you Huodong Wei completely blocked, you also see how arrogant!?"

Wen Yan, Huodong Wei could not help looking for a Dark, Xie Xiaoyan's face also showed anxious look.

At this moment, Fade Chen cast a soothing look at Huo Dongwei, and said softly: "It's okay, I'll solve it!"

Xu Xiao saw this and sneered: "A poor Chinese medicine doctor, what can you solve? Joke!"

Fade Chen directly took out Mobile phone, dialed a number, and then said: "An An, I am Fade Chen. I am Huo Dongwei's friend, I want to know what she was blocked."

No one on the other side of the phone is really a giant in the advertising and media industry in the provincial capital. The An Shi Entertainment where Huo Dongwei is located is the industry of their family.

Upon listening to this, Mr. An immediately understood what was going on, and quickly said: "Since Mr. Chen's friend, there must be some misunderstandings. I will solve the problem immediately."

"Well, trouble, Mr. An." Then hung up the phone.

Xu Xiao sneered at Fade Chen's phone call and said with a sneer, "Pretend to be who you think you are, and you want to solve the problem with a phone call. Ridiculously, Liu is always a person of any status. Huo Dongwei can be blocked to death. "

However, for a while, Xu Xiao's outgoing call has not been connected.

Xu Xiao's face suddenly dimmed, "Maybe President Liu is in a meeting, it is not convenient to answer the phone, I will wait to call again, the effect is the same."

But at this moment, Xie Xiaoyan suddenly exclaimed, and then looked overjoyed, handing the phone Huo Dongwei, shouted in surprise: "Weiwei, look, look at this!"


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