Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

Zhan Qi is such a member; his strength is not as good as two bodyguards. At this moment, the two bodyguards were defeated by Fade Chen, how could he be the opponent.

For a time, Zhan Qi froze in place, his face looked embarrassed, he wanted to retreat, but his face was too great, he wanted to attack, but his skill was not enough.

At this moment, Zhan Qi's cell phone rang, and he answered the phone and said, "Okay, I'm nearby. Well, I can arrange to meet and eat, and I will come right away." I

said a few words and hung up. , Zhanqi hung up the phone, then turned around and said, "I still have something to do, let me go of you this time." After that, he fled and left.

Ning Nan and Xu Xiao were taken aback, and immediately ran away with their tails in between.

In such a scene, everyone suddenly saw a burst of laughter and could not help but slap.

Later, Liang Dong also left, and Fade Chen and Huo Dongwei's classmates continued to eat and drink.

At this time, everyone's attention was obviously concentrated on Fade Chen, asking various questions. Wondering what this young billionaire is!

In this way, until more than two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone finally finished lunch, and then left.

Fade Chen sent Huo Dongwei and Xie Xiaoyan back home, and after the second daughter's curious

questioning, they finally only revealed their identity before leaving, saying that they were one of the shareholders of the Autumn Group, and they had a winery in their name. Industry, money is just that.

After listening to the two, they couldn't help but be surprised. Fade Chen turned out to be the owner of the famous health wine.

Waving goodbye to Fade Chen, the two returned to the room. Suddenly there was chatter about Fade Chen.

Xie Xiaoyan held her hands in her hands, and little stars appeared in her eyes. "Weiwei, I didn't expect it. Some time ago, your career was unsatisfactory. As a result, the love harvest was so good that I found such a tyrant boyfriend. I am so lucky!

Huo Dongwei's cheeks were red. "Don't talk nonsense. Me, Xiao Chen and I are just ordinary friends. Besides, I don't know his identity at all. I don't know that he is so rich and such a big boss."

"Wouldn't it be more Okay, it means that you are true love. "Xie Xiaoyan smiled," True love, so tyrant, and very handsome. Such good conditions, Weiwei, don't miss it! "

" Miss what, I, we just Nothing, "Huo Dongwei argued, but his eyes were filled with water vapor, and his cheeks became red.

Seeing this, Xie Xiaoyan smiled and said, "I still don't admit it. If you look in the mirror, the spring in your eyes will overflow. And, when I came in the morning, your intimate behavior, I can see it clearly. "

" What an intimate move, it is a misunderstanding, it is a cure! "Huo Dongwei quickly explained.

"No need to explain, the explanation is to cover up!" Xie Xiaoyan smiled, and then came together mysteriously, "Wei Wei, you and Xiao Chen, you two, do you have any"

"Is there anything?" Huo Dongwei puzzled.

"Is that there?" Xie Xiaoyan raised her eyebrows softly.

"Which? You speak clearly, what is so mysterious." Huo Dongwei puzzled.

Xie Xiaoyan made a gesture with his left index finger and his right index finger. He concealed a bit in front of Huo Dongwei and raised his eyebrows: "This! To be honest, the two of you, did you?"

Huo Dongwei looked at this movement, and then suddenly recovered. , Suddenly her face was flushed, she picked up the pillow and slapped it on Xie Xiaoyan, saying: "Dead Xiaoyan, just think badly and think about those things. We are just ordinary friends. This is the second time we went out of Lingyun Mountain. How could it be possible to meet again? "

" Oh, the second meeting! It is indeed a little less, but the third meeting, I see it. "Xie Xiaoyan smiled.

"You are still talking nonsense!" Huo Dongwei's cheeks were flushed.

Xie Xiaoyan looked straight, "I'm not talking nonsense. I think your feelings are in place. The remaining step, breakthrough is also a matter of time. Besides, you are not too young, and wait for the best. Childbearing age. Do you have more experience if you finish it earlier? "

" Xiaoyan, you are too bad. I won't tell you this. "Huo Dongwei turned away, and the red glow on his

face became like fire now.

Xie Xiaoyan also wanted to tease Huo Dongwei, but suddenly, she thought of something, and suddenly changed her face, said: "Not good!"

"What's wrong?" Huo Dongwei asked.

Xie Xiaoyan's face sank and looked at Huo Dongwei, his mouth moved, and he seemed hesitant.

"What are you talking about? What's wrong?" Huo Dongwei face Hongxia still.

Xie Xiaoyan held Huo Dongwei's shoulders with both hands and said in a deep voice: "Dong Wei, you must be mentally prepared."

"What is the matter, you are so serious!" Huo Dongwei is puzzled.

Xie Xiaoyan said: "Then, that Fade Chen. He said he was a shareholder of the Autumn Group and the owner of a health winery."

"Yeah, isn't this what he just said?" Huo Dongwei said a little strangely.

"Love really makes people dizzy!" Xie Xiaoyan shook his head, sighed softly, and then said, "The owner of the autumn group should be a woman named Lin Qiuhan. He was originally from Long'an City, Later, she entered the provincial capital. Moreover, when she got married, her husband was called Fade Chen. "

Upon hearing this, Huo Dongwei's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly remembered the relevant

report. Indeed, the news that Lin Qiuhan and her husband Fade Chen entered the provincial capital together has recently been reported in the provincial capital business community.

It was just that Huo Dongwei hadn't thought about this before. At this moment, Xie Xiaoyan was broken, and it suddenly occurred to him.

For a time, Huo Dongwei's face sank, and his emotions lowered involuntarily.

Seeing this, Xie Xiaoyan couldn't help but sigh: "Look at your disappointed appearance and say you don't like the kid."

"I" Huo Dongwei wanted to explain, but when he spoke, he found his throat was dry and speechless. .

Xie Xiaoyan also wanted to persuade, but Huo Dongwei shook his head and said: "Xiaoyan, I'm tired, I want to go to rest, you play alone!"

Said, Huo Dongwei went back to the room.

Upon seeing this, Xie Xiaoyan could only sigh and helplessly whispered to herself, "Wei Wei, is this God's will, finally like someone, but the result is a married woman. Hey!"

Fade Chen did not know Huo Dongwei and Xie Xiaoyan Came to the company, prepared to look at his wife, and look at the winery by the way.

As a result, when Fade Chen had just arrived at the door of the company, his wife called. "Where are you? Are you free to come to the company?"

"I'm at the door of the company. What's wrong, wife?" Fade Chen heard Lin Qiuhan's tone was eager, and he immediately strode into the company.

"It's Xiaoxi's business, come to my office and say!" Lin Qiuhan said.

"Okay, I'll come over immediately!" Fade Chen hung up the phone and went upstairs quickly.


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