Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 332

Chapter 332

Chapter 332

Chapter 332

Soon, the feedback from Dai's inquiry came back. Indeed, just forty minutes ago, a man named Zhan Qi ate in the Western Restaurant of the Five-Star Hotel and received the Sun family, including Sun Xi.

"Found it!" Sun Yongfei and Lin Qiuhan were delighted.

But then, another message came, making their expressions tense again.

Just five minutes ago, Zhan Qi and Sun Xi finished their meal. Subsequently, Zhan Qi opened a luxury suite directly in the hotel. Some hotel staff witnessed Zhan Qi and Sun Xi entering the suite together.

"No, that war is about to bully Xiao Xi!" Lin Qiuhan's complexion sank down at once, a dude, who opened the room in the daytime and took Sun Xi to the past, what good things can be done.

Sun Yongfei was also anxious, gritted his teeth and said with hate: "If Xi'er is hurt, I will fight with them."

They included in his words, not only that war. There are also people from the Sun family who took Sun Xi to a blind date. They accompanied Sun Xi together, and now Sun Xi was brought into the room by Zhan Qi. How could it be done without the consent of the Sun family!

Thinking of this, Sun Yongfei gritted his teeth again, a deeper understanding of the indifference and dirtyness of this huge family.

Fade Chen's face narrowed, and said, "Fortunately, it's not too far away. I'll rush over first, and you will come later!"

Then Fade Chen rushed out of the office without taking the stairs or waiting for the elevator. I looked directly at the window and looked down. I saw few people. My body flashed and jumped out of the window.

The body fell quickly from the tall building, Fade Chen rose up and raised a real breath to protect his body. In the last few meters, control the body to slow down and fall into the falling greenery.

Then, Fade Chen's legs seemed to step on the hot wheels, his figure pulled out a residual image, directly over the house, ditches, and roads, and ran towards the hotel with almost the shortest straight distance.

Along the way, Fade Chen's very fast speed pulled out the afterimage, which made some passers-by occasionally feel a flower in front of him, and an afterimage flew by.

Some people's eyes are soft, they think they are dazzled; some people think they are hitting ghosts, screaming and hiding back into the house; others think they are filming, shouting for Fade Chen to sign; even others think Fade Chen was an alien. He took out his mobile phone for shooting. As a result, Fade Chen was too fast. He only captured a residual image.

In the end, less than ten minutes, Fade Chen rushed to the five-star hotel. Asked about the location of the room, Fade Chen looked like a lightning bolt. He ran up from the stairs and ran toward Suite 818 on the eighth floor.

However, in the 818 suite at the moment, Sun Xi put his hands on his chest and looked at the war qi that was thrown at him in horror, his voice trembled: "You, what do you want to do?"

"The Sun family is good this time, even got it Give me such a tender little beauty, I must have fun. "Zhan Qi licked his tongue, a smile on his face, said to Sun Xi," Little beauty, I have brought you to open the room, you still don't Do you know what to do? "

Sun Xi suddenly looked white, holding the pillow with his hands, blocking his body, and said:" I, I am not familiar with you, you can't know me "

" What's not familiar! I met today The wedding date is also set. You are my woman, what else is impossible! "The evil smile on Zhan Qi's face became stronger and stronger, and he had taken off his upper body clothes.

Sun Xi's face panicked, and his body kept retreating. "I, we are not married yet, no. Don't come here, don't touch me."

"Little beauty, I didn't expect you to be so pure, still a young child!" War Qi's eyes brightened, and the light shone even more. "Relax, I have rich experience and good technology, and it won't hurt you."

Licking his tongue, Zhan Qi rushed towards Sun Xi.

Sun Xi screamed in shock, and rolled away, hiding on the other side of the bed.

As soon as Zhan Qi fell empty, the whole person rushed to the bed and hugged Sun Xi with both hands.

Sun Xi panicked, slammed the pillow with a pillow in his hand, rolled over and rolled off the other side of the bed, then ran towards the door, trying to leave.

Zhan Qi fell into the air several times, and his heart suddenly became angry. His face was cold. He walked down from the bed and walked toward Sun Xi with cold eyes.

Sun Xi was panicked and confused, and the door was completely unfavorable. Suddenly Zhan Qi grabbed his arm, pulled it over, and fell on the bed.

Three times and five times apart, Zhan Qi took off his trousers, and then stared at Sun Xi fiercely, saying: "Lao Tzu just suffocated his stomach at noon, and now you still provoke Lao Tzu. Look, what is a man. "

Then, Zhan Qi rushed towards Sun Xi fiercely, like a fierce evil wolf, and rushed to a scared little white rabbit.

Sun Xi was terrified, struggling and shouting: "Don't come over, don't touch me, otherwise our Sun family will not let you go. My cousin and cousin haven't gone far, they will come."

"Your grandchildren Home? "Zhan Qi sneered," Don't you know? I took you to open the room, but your grandfather agreed, they have already gone. Otherwise, if you think you have been up for so long, they have nothing Do you know? "

Wen Yan said, Sun Xi couldn't help but make her face pale, with a look of almost despair on her face.

"Little beauty, don't break this face, smile one! Rest assured, I will let you enjoy it, and I will guarantee that I will come twice and think twice, and I can't live without me." Zhan Qixie threw himself up with a smile and started Going to tear Sun Xi's clothes.

At this moment, "bang" made a loud noise, the thick door of the hotel was kicked open with a slam, and then a figure rushed in.

The war on the head of Qixing was terrified, and he turned around to see someone break in, and immediately screamed: "Who the hell dare to do bad things to me, I will kill you"

. "With a crisp sound, Zhan Qi slapped directly on her face, and her cheeks swelled quickly.

"Dare to beat me, Lao Tzu" Zhan Qi shouted, and immediately saw the man in front of him, suddenly shocked, exclaimed, "Why are you?"

At this time, he also recognized that the person who rushed in was just now The owner of the bracelet encountered in the private room. At that time, he was unable to buy a bracelet, and instead of showing off his wealth, Fade Chen was beaten by the face.

At this time I wanted to vent, but I didn't expect to be interrupted by this guy again.

For a time, Zhan Qi's face was filled with anger, "It's you again, a good thing that broke me."

"Good thing!" Fade Chen slapped his hand again and slammed on Zhan Qi's other face, staring fiercely He said sharply, "Bull my sister, you are fucking   looking for death!"


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