Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

The bullet whistled towards Fade Chen's heart, and it was about to penetrate the body.

But at this moment, Fade Chen stretched out his left hand and pinched two fingers in the air, even squeezing the bullet into his hand.

Such a scene. Everyone at the scene was stunned. They couldn't believe what was happening and couldn't help rubbing their eyes.

The head of Huang also changed his face instantly, and the gun in his hand shivered slightly at the moment.

At this time, Fade Chen's right hand finally pulled out something from his pocket.

Upon seeing this, Huang Tuan was shocked again, raised the gun and shouted: "Preparation"

However, before he finished drinking, Fade Chen revealed something in his hand and said coldly: "Look clearly at my hand Things, you decide again, you can’t shoot! "

Head Huang looked at him, suddenly his body shivered, his eyes were rounded, his expression was unbelievable, and his speech was stuttering." You, you, you too… The soldiers are from the Linglong Special Forces, and they are still in the rank of major general. "

" Why, do you need to check the authenticity of my certificate? "Fade Chen.

Leader Huang quickly shook his head. As an old soldier, he certainly knew how to judge the authenticity of the documents. Especially for the documents of special forces such as Linglong, it is even more difficult to forge, so the first time Fade Chen took out the documents, he could be sure that the documents were true.

Head Huang was suddenly embarrassed and nervous, and quickly put away his pistol, and then paid a military salute to Fade Chen, shouting loudly: "Good

commander !" Seeing that the soldiers under his head were still stunned, Head Huang quickly shouted, "What are you still doing?" , But just came to say hello to the head. "

The soldiers then put away their weapons, stood up to salute, and said in unison:" Good head! "

At this time, the Sun family who was originally going to watch the show was completely dumbfounded. They didn't even think that Fade Chen, who confronted them with the head of the Huang regiment, suddenly changed his identity and became a military person, and he was still a major general, more than one level higher than the people on the scene. .

For a time, the smile on the Sun family's face was completely frozen, and the laughter was stuck in the throat too.

As for Zhan Qi, looking at Fade Chen with pain and seriousness at the moment, his face was full of unbelievable expressions.

Fade Chen snorted coldly and collected the documents. He glanced coldly at Zhan Qi and said coldly: "This kind of person, Zhan Qi, will not need to stay in the army in the future."

Then, he turned to Huang Tuan, Cold voice: "As for you, after you go back, report the error to your superiors and accept the punishment."

"Yes, the head!" Huang Tuan and others shouted in salute with a bitter meaning on his face.

Immediately, they dragged the war and left.

Fade Chen glanced at the dumbfounded Sun family, and then took Sun Xi and Sun Yongfei away from the Sun family.

Just after Fade Chen left, the Sun family fell into chaos.

Sun Yonghui, a family member, was lying on the bed injured, and is still vomiting blood and unconscious. Young Master Sun Ning, who had his legs cut off, is still in emergency treatment in the hospital. Even if he survives, he will be regarded as a waste on the way of martial arts, and there is no future for development.

Coupled with the fact that Sun Yongfei and Sun Xi left the Sun family, it made many other branches, at the moment, the hearts of the people are floating, and the meaning of leaving the Sun family is also in my heart.

After all, the current Sun family can be said to have been scrapped by Fade Chen, and half of the rest is still in chaos.

Coupled with the identity of his opponent Fade Chen, he also revealed the identity of a major general that they did not expect at all, which made the Suns even more afraid.

Just when the Sun family was panicked and confused.

An old silver-haired old man, with a cane in his hand, walked back to the Sun's house in a erratic pace.

Looking at the majestic house of the Sun family, the old man showed a smile on his lips and whispered to himself: "It seems that I am still more attentive. She has been away for so long, it is very likely that she will die long ago. It seems that it was just an accident. "

" Although it took more time to go out this time, I can almost be sure that she is dead and will never come back. My Sun Fengqin will never need to worry again "

Thinking of this, the silver-haired old man could not help but show a smile.

Immediately, she thought of something again, her eyes dimmed and said to her indifferently: "Since I am back, the last grudge should also be settled. A Maotou kid, who brought Yu Pei to my grandson's family, made trouble It hurts my son and grandchildren. This is a

huge insult to the Sun family, and my Sun family will definitely get it back. " During the speech , Sun Fengqin came to the house.

At this time, she felt a sense of something wrong. Because during the daytime, the door of the house was closed tightly, and the chaos and quarrel in the house could be heard faintly, and the footsteps of many people felt the chaos in the house.

"What's going on?" Sun Fengqin frowned and pushed the door into the house.

Immediately, she saw the scene in front of her and suddenly made her brows frown, revealing a dissatisfied look.

Because at the moment, many houses of the Sun family are open, and some of the children of the Sun family are fighting for things in the house. Some are carrying redwood chairs, some are taking Qing Dynasty porcelain, and some are even carefully scraping the gold foil on candlesticks and other objects.

Many of those quarrels occurred because of contention. There are even people fighting for the items. The whole Sun family is a mess.

"What are you doing! Don't stop me!"

Sun Fengqin shouted loudly, and the old voice suddenly sounded like thunder and exploded in everyone's ears.

Let the crazy and panicked Sun family be shocked, froze in place, and then turned to look at the silver- haired old man who came in. Suddenly, many people were so frightened that they knelt on the ground.

"Old ancestor!"

"I've seen my old ancestor!"


Old ancestor, you, you are back!" Sun Fengqin glanced coldly at the kneeling person at the scene, and said in a cold voice: "Wait, let yourself be punished, don't let I started. "

" Yes, the ancestors! "Everyone said in unison, in front of the ancestors, they did not dare to have any resistance.

Sun Fengqin, walking on crutches, came to the bedroom area in the back with frost. Entering his son's room, Sun Fengqin saw Sun Yonghui lying unconscious on the bed. At once, her face sank. "What's going on?"

Yang Shuhong, who was taking care of Sun Yonghui, turned to look at the old ancestor's return. Shocked, and immediately overjoyed, he knelt on the ground with a click and cried, "Old ancestors, you are finally back, you have to make decisions for Yonghui and Ning'er! We need to make decisions for our Sun family, we

" Don't cry, get up and make things clear! "Sun Fengqin frowned and sneered.


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