Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 342

Chapter 342

Chapter 342

Chapter 342

During the talk, boss Hu received Huozi's bank card, and then issued a bill to Huolong. At the same time, I secretly prayed that the rest of you should never buy Sun Fengqin, even if you buy it, buy less!

But in the end, what happened was counterproductive, and Fire Dragon had just bought it. Yin Ning next to him immediately took out a bank card, and also photographed it, "Boss Hu, I also paid 100 million yuan to buy Sun Fengqin to win."

"Hee hee, these one hundred million yuan I saved for several years. This time Press it all down, earn some pocket money, and buy cosmetics or something. "Yin Ning said with a smile, almost sure in his heart, he could win by pressing Sun Fengqin.

Boss Hu is crying without tears in his heart at this moment, and pressing Sun Fengqin to win is one by one odds. In other words, Yin Ning will lose 10 million yuan if he loses 100 million yuan.

Despite a bitter smile in his heart, boss Hu quickly completed the procedures.

As a result, the younger brothers and sisters behind him also shot one after another. Although they were not as brave as Huolong and Yin Ning, they were also bought by tens of millions of tens of millions, and all of them bought Sun Fengqin to win. In an instant, the amount of money to buy Sun Fengqin increased by 500 million, pushing the total amount to 1.5 billion. But Fade Chen won only two million.

Boss Hu has done his own calculations. If he goes down like this, he will almost lose 150 million. Suddenly my heart was bleeding.

And Huozi several of them, regardless of boss Hu's heart. At the moment, the battle started with a smile.

"In my opinion, this battle has no meaning at all!" Fire Dragon said.

Yin Ning nodded and said, "It is indeed so, then Fade Chen will definitely lose. There is no chance at all."

"If it were not the first time the Sun's ancestors came out of the mountain for many years, they would not have attracted so many people."

" That Fade Chen was so stupid, in order to gain fame, he even promised to fight against the first master of the provincial capital, this is completely looking for death! "

These young young sons shook their heads one after another, disdainful. In his words, he despised Fade Chen very much.

Some people around couldn't hear it, so I couldn't help shouting at the moment, "Then Fade Chen is not as good as Sun Fengqin, nor as bad as you said!"

"Yeah, after all, that is the famous Chen Maniac in Longan City. Extinguished Wan The existence of the grandfather of the family. "

" Not only that, but also the genius disciple of Sanhe Sect Cui Yan also died in his hands. "

" Even Sun Yonghui, the owner of the Sun family, I heard that he was defeated in his hands, which won the Sun family . The ancestors came forward to challenge. "

" Such a person, the strength is definitely not to be underestimated! "

Listening to the voice of everyone, the dragon sneered sneered, and said loudly:" Ridiculous, these rumorless rumors, you actually take it seriously. Really One by one is so stupid to die! "These

words suddenly made the people around them look less beautiful, staring at the fire dragon one by one. If it were not because he was the brother of Huojia, I am afraid that many people would be directly beating people at this moment.

"Why do you say those things are rumors? Many people have said it, and many people have seen it with their own eyes. How could it be fake?" Someone asked with dissatisfaction.

Dragon Lengheng soon disdain glanced at the crowd, said: "I have heard many people, someone claimed to see, that really is the fact that it is similar to the false news, is still less do??"

To see the faces of the people there with grievances The color of the fire dragon snorted and continued: "You talk about, how old is Fade Chen? Less than twenty-five is the most. And according to your color, he killed Wanshan River and Cui Yan. Sun Yonghui was defeated. Well, that is to say, his strength reached at least the early stage of Xuan level. "

Everyone nodded, and indeed calculated according to the record, Fade Chen's strength should be at least the early stage of Xuan level.

Immediately, Huolong smiled and said: "An early Xuan-class less than 25 years old, do you believe it?

You know, we are already the top young geniuses in the province, and the strength is only from the late Huang level to the peak of the Huang level. The realm is around. "

" This "everyone could not help but dumbfounded, looked at each other, then shook his head.

Fire Dragon saw it and smiled: "I haven't seen it. Don't say that the 25-year-old Xuan-level master, who can reach the Xuan-level realm before the age of 40, is definitely a genius."

"Cui killed in the rumor Yan, in his thirties, is only between the peak of the Huang class and the early stage of the Xuan class. You know, he is a genius disciple carefully trained by the Xuan class forces Sanhezong. "

" The core disciple of this great force, It didn't reach such strength. Do you think that Fade Chen, who came out of a small place in Long'an City, can have this kind of strength? "

" This "is another burst of silence, even if some people who believe in Fade Chen, are now being fired like this. I couldn't help but feel a little uncertain.

At this moment, Yin Ning laughed again: "Even if Fade Chen really, as you said, did reach the early stage of Xuan level. But who is he playing against? The first master of our provincial capital. Senior Sun Fengqin, that is in More than ten years ago, the existence of the late Xuan-level was reached. "

" Even if her elderly people have not made any progress in the past ten years or more, do you think that Fade Chen in the early Xuan-level can defeat the old Sun Xuan-level? "

Furthermore, Senior Sun Senior is very likely to reach the level of Xuan level peak. Then Fade Chen is not even an opponent."

Listening to Yin Ning said, the last point believes that Fade Chen still has a ray of vitality. All disappointed. No hope for Fade Chen's victory at all.

In particular, some people who bet on Fade Chen are crying without tears at this moment. It seems that their own money is really floating and there is no chance to get it back.

The boss Hu next to it, after hearing this wave of analysis, was crying without tears. Originally, some people wanted to gamble on luck, overwhelming Fade Chensheng. However, after being analyzed by the Fire Dragons, no one else betrayed Fade Chensheng. On the contrary, many people bought Sun Fengqin Sheng with extra money.

"It's over, it's over. This time I'm losing money, I'm losing money!" Boss Hu is bleeding, but the reputation is here, and the business has to continue.

Just as boss Hu looked bitter, and Huolong and others looked proud. Suddenly, a burly middle-aged man strode over and took out a bank card, handed it to boss Hu, "I bought a hundred million"

boss Hu said, the blood in his heart began to whistle Too. It was another 100 million to buy Sun Fengqin Sheng, and he had to lose 10 million.

But the business had to be continued. Boss Hu wanted to cry without tears. He put away the bank card and said, "One hundred million, buy Sun Fengqin Sheng, I will invoice you."

As a result, Boss Hu's voice just fell, and the strong man across the road shouted: " Boss, you are wrong. I am not buying Sun Fengqin Sheng, but Fade Chensheng. "


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