Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 356

Chapter 356

Chapter 356

Chapter 356

Killing this group of old guys yourself, even the shareholders on the scene, is just a hands-on thing.

But after killing them, the result was not what Fade Chen wanted to see. After all, what he wants to control is a grand family that makes money for himself, not a turbulent explosive bag.

Moreover, after killing this group of old guys, it is almost impossible for Sun Yongfei to become the helm of the Sun family. After all, there are still many supporters of this group of old guys in the Sun family. They were killed. Supporters will definitely oppose Sun Yongfei.

If you are still there, you may still be able to suppress them with force and prestige. And once he left, Sun Yongfei would definitely be unable to control the situation.

Therefore, Sun Yongfei must be shown enough prestige to suppress them at this time, and he dare not have a second heart.

Prestige can be said to be the most lacking point of Sun Yongfei.

Huang Zhen grasped this point, so there was no fear, and at this moment he looked at Sun Yongfei and those old fellow Sun family confidently.

You know, he persuaded these old guys to go out and face Fade Chen fearlessly, but it cost a lot. After all, this group of old guys is not really daring to die.

Just when Huang Zhen thought he had the upper hand and was ready to move on to the next step.

Suddenly, Fade Chen looked at the time and said lightly: "Look at the time, it's time to come!"

" Well , who should arrive?"

There was also a hint of worry on Huang Zhen's face, and he secretly said, "Does Fade Chen still have any cards?"

However, he had just emerged this idea, then shook his head, secretly said: "Isn't it? Sun Yongfei is an unknown soldier in the Sun family, how can it not be possible to enhance prestige. Unless there is a big brother of the Sun family to support him. Those who were powerful in the family were already driven away by Fade Chenquan. The remaining old guys were basically enveloped by themselves. There can be no strong people who support Sun Yongfei. "

But just in Huang Zhen Just thinking about it, when my heart was slightly relaxed.

There was a footstep at the door, and then an old man walked in slowly.

When everyone saw the old man, he was shocked suddenly, his face showing surprise. Especially those seniors of the Sun family with decisive faces are stunned at the moment, revealing the color of panic.

Because the person who came was not someone else, it turned out to be Sun Fengqin who had never appeared after the defeat.

After Sun Fengqin came in, he glanced at everyone, and then said in a cold voice: "It seems that in the

past few days when I was away, everyone's minds are very active!" As

soon as the words came out, the old men and some shareholders suddenly felt He was so soft that he almost fell to the ground.

Because of the coercion and fear that Sun Fengqin has brought to them, not only the strength, but also the tremendous psychological pressure brought by these decades.

Therefore, when these people saw Sun Fengqin, they were even more afraid than Fade Chen. For a time, they were trembling and speechless.

At this time, Fade Chen glanced at Sun Fengqin, and Sun Fengqin said, "I already know the matter of the Sun family re-selecting the helm. Sun Yongfei is good, I support him, how do you feel?"

Huang Zhen heard his face, and suddenly his face Changed, the expression is a bit unnatural. Sun Fengqin came forward to support Sun Yongfei, so it was more difficult for him.

But the matter has come to an end, he can't give up like this, he can only gritt his teeth and say: "Lao Sun, I don't agree with you. Sun Yongfei's experience and prestige are not enough to bear this responsibility. I feel responsible for everyone. , Choose a more suitable person at the helm. "

" So who do you think is appropriate? "Sun Fengqin said coldly.

Huang Zhen looked at several shareholders who had negotiated with him. They suddenly said: "I recommend Mr. Huang!"

"Me too, Mr. Huang is very suitable for both experience and prestige."

"This is a choice for the Sun family, all our shareholders, and all shareholders. "

" Is that right? "Sun Fengqin narrowed his eyes and looked at Huang Zhen." Do you think you are stronger than Sun Yongfei? "

Huang Zhen nodded.

" That's true! " " That's not necessary! "Sun Fengqin sneered, and Huang Zhen was about to speak out. .

But at this moment, a footstep approached again. Everyone couldn't help but shudder, and they were a little worried.

In their gaze, a man in his sixties came in. Before he could introduce himself, there was a shareholder in the room who looked at the man in shock.

"Here, this is Mr. Shi Yongshi! The richest man in Xishan Province! How did he come here?"

In everyone's surprised eyes, Shi Yong smiled and then said: "Sister Sun and I are also considered Old acquaintances. This time the Sun

family was renewed and the helmsman was re-elected. My old friend, come and take a look, and support it by the way. " Then, Shi Yong looked at Sun Yongfei and smiled," You are Yongfei. " Yes, in the future business, we Shijia must have a lot of dealings with you. "

Sun Yongfei was overjoyed and quickly thanked.

Huang Zhen and his face looked dull at the moment. Shi Yong, the top rich man, came forward at the moment to express his support for Sun Yongfei and promised business contacts. This time, Sun Yongfei's position was stabilized.

After all, no one wants to lose such a huge business partner of Shijia.

But such a thing is not over yet. A well-maintained woman walked in with no smile on her face, nodded to Sun Fengqin, and said coldly: "I am Gong Ling, and our family supports the decision of Sister Sun "

" The Gong family, the head of the family family in Fuhai Province. Gong Ling, a famous female swordsman in Fuhai Province. The reputation and status are not inferior to Sun Fengqin. "This kind of big man also expressed support for Sun Yongfei and Huang Zhen's face, The expression is no longer visible.

Afterwards, a wealthy businessman, dignitaries, or warriors came in, all expressed support for Sun Yongfei, and promised to do more business with the Sun family in the future to help each other.

A total of twelve people before and after expressed their support. Such a huge situation, as well as the huge power behind them, made Sun Yongfei's position stable, and no one could shake it.

Fade Chen said again at this time, "Now, do you still have opinions?"

No one said anything, and everyone shook their heads, saying they had no opinion.

Fade Chen nodded and said: "Since this is the case, then let's get together." The

people unanimously prepared to leave.

Huang Zhen sighed and got up to leave, feeling a pity of regret in his heart. But when I think about it, I'm not too disappointed. After all, he is also the major shareholder of Sun Family. Sun Yongfei has met so many rich people and developed the Sun family. He can also profit from it. This is also a kind of compensation for the unsuccessful seizure of power!


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