Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Lin Qiuhan was lying in Fade Chen's arms. After waiting for a while, Fade Chen didn't feel Fade Chen's movement to catch the mouse, but felt Fade Chen's salty pig's hand, rubbing on his body.

Suddenly, Lin Qiuhan's blushing hand pushed Fade Chen away, covering her chest, and said softly: "You, you go out!"

Fade Chen looked at his wife's beauty, her nose was hot, and a burst of blood seemed to spout. "Wife, this shop is not clean, there are quite a lot of mice. Otherwise, I will accompany you to wash it. Rest assured, I will go back and not look around."

"No!" Lin Qiuhan white Fade Chen At first glance, he didn't dare to move his hands, fearing that the spring light on his chest would be released, and he could only lift his legs and kick Fade Chen lightly.

As a result, this leg lift revealed a more private beauty, which suddenly made Fade Chen's nose swell with blood, and it flowed out.

Seeing Lin Qiuhan's appearance, his face suddenly turned red like a peach, and he could overflow the water with a slight pinch.

But at this time, Lin Qiuhan finally couldn't help Fade Chen's fiery straight-eyed gaze, and could not walk away, reached out and pushed Fade Chen out, then closed the bathroom door with a click, and deliberately locked it up.

Fade Chen wiped the blood from his nose and looked at the double bed in the hotel which was not


"Tonight, it appears that there is a good chance my wife and affectionate affectionate ah!"

"I did not expect to live this small hotel, as well as the benefits of this. After my wife out, seems to have singled Pensions live." "It's

over, it seems Forgetting to buy a small raincoat, this is troublesome. I remember that there seems to be a small supermarket downstairs, which should be sold. "

Just when Fade Chen was thinking about it, Lin Qiuhan had put on his clothes and wore his wet hair from Came out of the bathroom.

Fade Chen looked at the scene of his wife's beauty bathing, and suddenly felt the blood in front of her eyes, her nose just stopped, and itchy at the moment.

Lin Qiuhan took a look at Fade Chen and immediately pulled his clothes tighter. He said to Fade Chen: "I've washed it, go wash it!" After

hearing his wife's words, Fade Chen's heart flew again, "My wife let me Hurry to wash, do nā€™t you think about that too, so urge me to ā€œ

think of this, Fade Chen was very hot, quickly found the clothes changed from the bag, rushed into the bathroom, and shouted:ā€œ Wife, I will soon After washing, you can watch TV in bed for a while, and I will come right away. "

Then, Fade Chen rushed into the bathroom, blowing a whistle, and flushed with thought.

Worried about the smell of intimacy later, Fade Chen spent a lot of time, rubbed the shower gel twice, and washed it well. At last I felt myself fragrant, so I put on a pair of shorts and came out of the bathroom with my bare body.

After stepping out of the bathroom, Fade Chen almost couldn't wait to walk towards the double bed, preparing to be intimate with his wife.

But when I walked over and saw it, I found that the double bed was empty. There was no one. The TV was still on. There were signs of sitting down on the bed, indicating that my wife was still watching TV.

Immediately, Fade Chen looked at other places, but he still didn't find his wife. This small hotel is such a big place that it can be seen at a glance, and there is no place for Tibetans.

Fade Chen hadn't found his wife yet, and she couldn't help but wonder. "What's the matter? Where's the wife? Did you go out?"

Going to the door of the room, she found the slippers that the wife had changed, and Fade Chen determined her thoughts. "My wife really went out, it should be to buy something."

Fade Chen thought of what she had just thought of, and secretly said: "Did the wife also find that she did not bring a small umbrella, so went to the supermarket to buy it? Hey, it seems that today is a beautiful day. "

Fade Chen thought, also changed his slippers, went out the door, ready to go down to meet his wife.

Although the supermarket is right next to the hotel, it is not far away. But after all, in the unfamiliar field, Fade Chen still has to be cautious.

Fade Chen walked out of the room and turned a walkway, preparing to go downstairs.

But at this moment, Fade Chen saw his wife in the aisle in front, and it seemed that he had just bought something and was coming back.

Fade Chen was about to meet with a smile, but a 28-year-old man sprang up in the aisle next to him. He stopped Lin Qiuhan and shouted, "Which piece are you from? Whose man is it?"

Lin Qiuhan frowned, watching A glance at the fierce man said, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

Lin Qiuhan was going to bypass the man while speaking.

As a result, the man chased him and continued to stop Lin Qiuhan and asked, "This piece is our territory. Who let you come here for wild food!"

"I don't know what you are talking about, you let go!" Lin Qiuhan said in a deep voice.

Man frowning, cold channel: "It seems that you still quibble toast Monastic, you have to give this guy a lesson playing Yeshi, to know good and evil!."

Then, we must reach out to grab the man's Lin Qiuhan Wrist, the result was avoided by Lin Qiuhan. The man grabbed Lin Qiuhan's leather bag and dragged her out.

Lin Qiuhan suddenly screamed in horror, but the surrounding rooms were all closed and no one came

out. Some cleaning staff quickly avoided this side when they saw it, and left in a hurry, looking very afraid.

"Come with me." The man shouted, and he was forced to take Lin Qiuhan away.

At this point, Fade Chen just turned around and saw this scene. Suddenly angered, screamed, "What are you doing?" The

man looked at Fade Chen, raised his eyebrows and said: "Which piece of you? Do you know if you cross the border?"

"Cross your mother's world!" Fade Chen stepped forward and punched the man with a punch.

When the man looked at Fade Chen's hands, he suddenly got angry and threw his fists, and at the same time yelled, "Boy, you dare to do this. This is the territory of Brother Mantis, you want to die."

Fade Chen did not agree at all . He talked nonsense, "punched" with a punch, and hit the man's face. The huge force directly banged the loud noise of the man on the floor, making a loud noise.

The man suddenly bleeds from his mouth and nose, feels dizzy, and almost passes out.

However, Fade Chen didn't let go, and grabbed him with one blow. Suddenly, this guy screamed like a pig, and howled in pain.

Seeing that Fade Chen still had to start, worrying about getting his life, Lin Qiuhan hurried over and took Fade Chen, persuading him to forget.

Pulled by Lin Qiuhan, the anger in Fade Chen's heart was slightly reduced. He coldly asked the man with blood on his head and asked, "Say, who are you? Why did you just do it to my wife?"


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