Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 366

Chapter 366

Chapter 366

Chapter 366

In the noisy voice, the mantis brother came to

Fade Chen with a sneer, "You just said, let me come and apologize to you?" Fade Chen looked at him coldly, said: "Your people, in Here is my wife. You should apologize. "

Brother Mantis sneered:" What's wrong with your wife? In this place, no one has ever dared to let me apologize. "

" So, you admit this matter and you Related? "Fade Chen asked coldly.

Brother Mantis patted his chest and said, "It's related to me, what's wrong?"

"Don't just push your wife, even if your wife strengthens your wife, can you do this?" During the speech, Mantis looked at Lin Qiuhan When he came over, he suddenly showed a stunning look, "Hey, I didn't expect your wife to be a big beauty. It seems that I'm going to enjoy it tonight."

The younger brother behind him suddenly made a wicked laughter.

"Boss, this is the best ah! Blessed tonight."

"Boss, you enjoy complete, we can not forget ah!"

"The best, the boss you eat meat, we will meet some soup."

Laughing In the sound, Brother Mantis reached out and moved Fade Chen away and walked towards Lin Qiuhan.

Upon seeing this, the boss of the tattoo showed a look of anticipation in the corner of his eyes, hoping that Brother Mantis could teach Fade Chen a lesson, which would be considered a relief for what he had just done.

However, the situation is not clear at this moment, he did not dare to express his position in advance, so he kept silent, unlike those who are fooling around, laughing and talking unscrupulously.

Seeing that the mantis brother's hand was about to reach Fade Chen, at this moment, Fade Chen's right hand protruded like a lightning, pinched the mantis brother's hand, and then forced back.

Suddenly, there was a crisp click, and the right hand of Brother Mantis directly passed away with an incredible anti-angle.

Brother Mantis screamed in pain, a layer of sweat oozing from his forehead. Shouted: "Kill me to death, hurry, to kill him!"

Suddenly, a bang, dozens of younger brothers brought by Brother Mantis rushed in and launched a fierce attack on Fade Chen.

Fade Chen snorted, protecting his wife behind him, then raised his arm. Raising a strong wind directly, without waiting for these gangsters to get close, just blow them down to the ground, one by one can't get close.

They fell, and Fade Chen then moved forward, facing these guys in a violent beat.

Suddenly, there was a wailing sound inside and outside the hotel door. In less than five minutes, dozens of younger brothers brought by Brother Mantis fell to the ground and groaned more than once, companionship with the boss brought by the tattoo boss.

As for Brother Mantis, it is completely silly at the moment. The anger in my heart also turned into a fear chill from the bottom of my heart, and the gaze looking at Fade Chen also flickered with it.

Fade Chen turned around, grabbed Mantis's collar, and lifted him up, said coldly: "Now, are you willing to kowtow to apologize?"

" Yes , willing, I will!" Brother Mantis quickly seemed like a chicken peck Mi nodded.

When Fade Chengang let go, Brother Mantis was afraid of hitting and kneeling on the ground and moved to Lin Qiuhan. He began to bang his head and then apologized: "I'm sorry, what I just said is our fault, I'm sorry. Please You forgive me. "

Lin Qiuhan was not used to this occasion and looked at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen gently hugged Lin Qiuhan, and then said coldly to the mantis brother: "From now on, dissolve the people you have, similar businesses, all will stop for me. Understand?"

"Ah, this" Brother Mantis felt a little difficult when he heard that he wanted to dissolve his people and business.

But as soon as he saw Fade Chen's cold eyes and fists clenched, he felt a chill in his heart, and his

body shivered involuntarily. Then quickly nodded and said: "I understand, understand, and dissolve immediately!"

Fade Chen coldly said: "I will be in your Fuma Town during this time. I will verify the situation here, if I find out again "

No, absolutely not." Brother Mantis quickly waved his hand.

"It won't be the best!" Fade Chen said coldly, "Come on!"

Brother Mantis heard the sound, and even walked and took his own person away.

The tattoo boss gave Fade Chen a glance at the moment and couldn't help but feel trembling. He secretly thanked himself that he hadn't expressed his revenge just now, otherwise, it would be miserable now.

At the same time, he had to sigh in his heart that this time it appeared to be a raptor. Put down the ground snake like Brother Mantis, I am afraid that Fuma Town will have a bigger storm next.

Fade Chen cast a warning look on the boss, then went upstairs with his wife and returned to the hotel room.

After a little exercise just now, there was some sweat on my body. Fade Chen rushed into the bathroom again and quickly took a cold shower. Suddenly the anger and blood in his brain calmed down.

Then, Fade Chen looked at the close-fitting clothes that his wife changed in the bathroom and couldn't help getting up. Thinking of the imagination he had just taken in the bath just now, he couldn't help

getting hot.

So, Fade Chen didn't even wear shorts, surrounded the key parts directly with a towel, then rushed out of the bathroom and walked towards the double bed.

Lin Qiuhan, who was sitting on the bed watching TV, looked at Fade Chen's dress, and suddenly blushed, but couldn't help but blame: "Why don't you dress well!"

Fade Chen smiled and said, "With your wife, you don't have to be so serious." During the

talk, Fade Chen sat on the bed and lifted the quilt into it.

Lin Qiuhan accidentally glanced at the scenery under Fade Chen's towel while Fade Chen was acting, and found that he didn't wear anything at all, and suddenly blushed so that he would drip water, turned his head directly, covering his eyes, shyly said: "?. Oh, how could you even do not wear underwear quickly get dressed,"

Fade Chen smiled and said:. "wife, anyway, have to sleep, but also wear clothes to do,"

"the hour is late, and his wife , You have to rest early too! "Fade Chen patted his side.

Lin Qiuhan pouted: "You're dressed, otherwise I won't sleep."

Fade Chen laughed: "Wife, we are all husbands and wives, what's so shy! Besides, you just went downstairs to buy that No need to cover up. "

" What's that? "Lin Qiuhan wondered.

Fade Chen made a gesture with his fingers and blinked at Lin Qiuhan. He said: "Little raincoat!"

Lin Qiuhan suddenly blushed and stared at Fade Chen fiercely. He said: "What are you thinking about, I am not going to buy That one. "

" So what did you buy? "Fade Chen asked.

"I, I won't tell you." Lin Qiuhan said blushing.

Fade Chen smiled, "Don't tell me, that's because I really bought a small raincoat. Wife, come on, don't be shy."

Seeing Fade Chen rushing over, Lin Qiuhan hurriedly gave up and shouted, "Don't mess up, I really didn't buy that. "

" Even if I didn't buy that, I can control it. "Fade Chen nodded firmly and said that he threw it over, hugged Lin Qiuhan, and his hands were not honest.

Lin Qiuhan suddenly looked blushing, and his body was a bit soft. He knew that he would definitely lose his position. He quickly pushed away Fade Chen and hurriedly said: "No, not today, my relatives are here."

"Isn't that coincident?" The movement in the hand stopped.

Lin Qiuhan took out a pack of sanitary napkins and said: "It's true, I just went downstairs just to buy this."

Fade Chen was so helpless that he could only sigh, "God, do you want to be so ugly, play me Ah! "


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