Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 368

Chapter 368

Chapter 368

Chapter 368

After the two had breakfast, they went out immediately.

Although some boss Gu sent people to look for it, they couldn't just rely on others. Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan also wandered around the town, looking for Lin Qiuyuan's trail.

However, along the way, no trace of Lin Qiuyuan was found. Instead, I saw a lot of businessmen from the investment study group, among which I met a few businessmen who met in the car yesterday.

It's just that Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan deliberately changed their dress today, and the movement was very fast. They left without waiting for them to find out. So it did not elicit any lively onlookers.

I found it all morning, and had a casual meal in a small restaurant outside at noon, but found no clue.

In the afternoon, the two went to the other side of the town to find, but there was still no clue. The locals who saw the photos said that the clues they can see in the photos are really limited. In addition, the scenery seen in the windows is a lot on Fuma Town, so it is almost difficult to determine the exact location.

It turned around in the evening, and the day was about to pass. Lin Qiuhan's emotions could not help but feel a bit low. After all, there is only the last day left. If I can't find it again, I'm afraid my brother will really be traumatized.

Just when Lin Qiuhan was disappointed, Fade Chen's cell phone rang. At first glance, it was the boss who called Gu. Fade Chen was shocked, and he connected the phone. "Gu, boss!"

Gu's excited voice rang over the phone. "Mr. Chen, I found it. I found a clue."

"Really? Where?" Fade Chen excitedly said.

Gu Lao Avenue: "Below the Fuma Mountain on the west side of our town, the location should be in a small village under the mountain. The specific location should be a private house in the village."

"Mr. Chen, are you free? Let's meet, I will take the person Tell you personally. "Gu boss.

"You're free." Fade Chen said, "Where are you, boss Gu, let's meet."

Gu Lao Avenue: "Anyway to the hotel, or we will meet at a hotel and talk while eating."

"Well, yes!" Fade Chendao, "I'm not familiar with the town, which hotel do you say, Gu boss? In the past. "

Gu Lao Avenue:" Well, Haotian Hotel is not bad, we will meet there. "

" Well, yes. See you later ! "Fade Chendao.

"Okay, see you later." Gu Lao Avenue immediately hung up.

Lin Qiuhan looked at Fade Chen nervously and asked, "Is there a clue over Boss Gu?"

Fade Chen nodded and smiled, "There is a clue. Let's go to Haotian Hotel to meet and talk while


During the speech, Fade Chen called up the mobile phone map and found the location of the hotel. Not far away, that is, two streets away, Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan walked directly over.

Coming to the door of the hotel, it is a five-story building with a combination of dining and accommodation. Splendidly decorated, it is the most upscale hotel in the town.

The Haotian Hotel, where business is usually not good, seems to be a lot of excitement during this time because of the arrival of the investment group businessmen. The hotel is so busy that there are not many vacancies.

Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan stepped up quickly, chose Zhang's window, and ordered some tea, waiting for the arrival of the boss.

Just when the two had just sipped their tea, a group of people walked in and busted in.

Fade Chen glanced at it. Most of them were in suits and leather shoes, carrying briefcases.

They came in and sat, and a clear voice suddenly sounded, "Hello, brother and sister! Hello! I didn't expect to meet you here again."

Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan heard the sound and turned their heads. They saw that a young girl with short hair came out of the team of the team. It was Yao Ying who had met in the car before.

"Yao Ying, hello." Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan greeted each other.

Yao Ying smiled and came together, lowering his voice and said: "Brother, sister. You got off the car and left, then the police came, the people in the car told you about the matter, the police are still looking for you everywhere?"

Fade Chenjian When he knew that Yao Ying was reminding himself, he laughed: "We were in trouble at that time, so we left early. When the matter was done, we turned back to the police and said that it should be fine."

Yao Ying heard the words and smiled brightly, saying : "That's good! Brother and sister, I thought you were from another study group. Now it seems that it is not."

Lin Qiuhan also liked Yao Ying quite a bit and smiled: "My name is Lin Qiuhan, he is my husband Chen Fly. We are here to find loved ones. "

" Oh! "Yao Ying grinned and smiled sweetly," Sister Lin and Brother Chen are so good! Heroes are beautiful. "

Fade Chen heard that he could not help casting Yao Ying. Going for an encouraging look, "Little girl, can talk."

Then asked smoothly: "That one named Ji Ming, didn't you harass you?" When

referring to Ji Ming, Yao Ying could not help pouting and wrinkling her tiny nose Road: "Hmph, I haven't been with him again There are contacts. He still wants to haunt me, but I am now with my dad ’s delegation and he has no chance to come over. ”

“ Well, it would be better without harassment. ”Fade Chen nodded.

At this time, another pair of businessmen in suits and leather shoes came in, apparently also being a member of another delegation.

In this delegation, Fade Chen saw Ji Ming. At this time, this guy has a straight suit and a shirt and tie inside. He is quite formal and looks really like a business elite.

Of course, if he knew how ugly and weak he was at the time. Looking at him at this moment, it will only become more disgusting and more hypocritical.

Seeing Ji Ming, Yao Ying couldn't help but snorted coldly, don't overdo it, don't want to look at this guy again.

At this time, Ji Ming, who followed his companions, also saw Yao Ying, Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan. Suddenly, his face froze at once, unable to hold his fist.

Seeing this, his peers around Ji Ming could not help but ask: "What's wrong, Ji Ming?"

Ji Ming turned his head and shook his head: "It's nothing.

" Ji Ming, is n’t that your fiancee Yao Ying? Call and eat together! "

Because several of them are very close to Yao Ying, and Ji Ming also means pursuing. Therefore, his companions all directly call Yao Ying's fiancee.

As soon as the words came out, the companions around them turned their heads and looked at them, and they all cheered up.

"Yeah, Ji Ming, let Yao Ying eat it together!"

"Our brother, also meet the future sister-in-law, get to know."

"Ji Ming, what's wrong, shy? You are not like this usually."

Around 'S companions shouted loudly, but Ji Ming's face was getting ugly.

Finally, a companion found an anomaly and could not help asking; "Ji Ming, his face is so ugly, what's wrong? Your young couple are in conflict?"


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