Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 375

Chapter 375

Chapter 375

Chapter 375

Fade Chen stared at Gu Dafu's eyes, looking at his expression, making sure that he was not lying, and snorted, saying: "Send someone to look for Lin Qiuhan immediately. If something happens to her, you will definitely die. If you just said, half The sentence is false, and you will certainly die. "

" I, I will send someone to find it immediately, immediately! "Gu Dafu endured the pain and hurriedly shouted," Absolutely no lies, absolutely no. "

" Best not! "Fade Chen Leng snorted, then flashed out of the meeting room.

At this time, there was silence in the conference room, only Gu Dafu's painful voice and the voice of calling people were ringing.

Everyone else looked at this scene in disbelief.

Ji Ming, in particular, was so trembling at the moment that he dared not look up. As he looked up, he would see the bloody scene in the venue. He is worried, that is a portrayal of his future.

Ji Ming's father was beside him at the moment, and his face was blue, and he felt so regretful in his heart that he wished to beat the son in front of him.

He provokes troubles outside, but did not expect to provoke such a ruthless character. He even put himself in. If Fade Chen returned to God to calculate their affairs, their Ji family could never escape.

After all, just now, they were the first company to stand up and express their support for Gu Dafu to

drive Fade Chen away.

The other corporate consortiums are also frightened, and they are frightened and worried.

Only Yao Ying's family, Yao Ying's father regretted this moment. At the time, his daughter asked herself to help Fade Chen speak, but he did not agree. It now appears that he missed a huge opportunity to hold his thigh.

The people in the meeting room were silent, but Fade Chen, who had walked out of the meeting room at this time, looked very green and anxious.

He blamed himself for being too careless this time, and even unreservedly believed that Gu Dafu, a stranger, left his wife alone here, and ended up in the enemy's tricks, putting his wife in a dangerous situation.

"Half an hour, the other party has already set off for half an hour. I must hurry, otherwise the time is longer, then I can't find the trace of the other party at all." Fade Chen was anxious, but also somewhat helpless, he could not be sure of the other party at all. Where did it go?

After all, the town is surrounded by mountains on three sides and there is a road leading to the outside world. The other party can leave the road by car or take Lin Qiuhan directly into the forest.

Just when Fade Chen was very anxious, suddenly, a ray of light soared into the distant forest.

It was a crimson flame. The flame burst into the sky and burst directly into a brilliant spark.

As soon as Fade Chen looked at the fire, his eyes lit up, and his heart was overjoyed, "Here there", and then he moved quickly, and his figure turned into a residual image, chasing him towards the mountains and forests.

Because I got the spark just now, when Fade Chen made the ice silk bodhi amulet, he specially drawn a small array in the amulet. Has the role of alarm and deterrence.

It should be that the other party accidentally triggered the amulet, so it caused a spark to explode and reminded himself.

Of course, this also shows that Lin Qiuhan's current situation is not optimistic.

At the moment in the mountain forest, four figures wearing black robes and skull masks, carrying a comatose young woman, are rushing quickly.

As a result, one of them accidentally triggered the bracelet amulet on Lin Qiuhan's wrist, triggering the fire just now.

Suddenly, the silhouettes of the four skull masks were shocked. The other three were furious and glared at the man who accidentally triggered the amulet.

"What do you do? I don't know to be careful!"

"It was silent, and now directly to each other, made a signal, these how to do?"

"Do you want to change lines, or continue to move forward according to the original lines."

Was rebuked the hearts of some people unhappy, and the channel: "I It ’s wrong, but you do n’t have to be so nervous. Then Fade Chen does n’t know where? Maybe he did n’t find the signal at all. ”

“ Anyway , even if he finds it and chases it, then what happens. All four of us It ’s a mid-level master of Xuan level. Under the joint team, are you afraid that he wo n’t succeed! "

" No. 2, you make a mistake, you don't have to make an excuse. Immediately speed up and follow the original route. " Screamed out loudly.

No. 2 murmured, but obediently accelerated the speed and moved forward quickly.

Behind them, Fade Chen almost exploded in the strength of heaven-level peak level, and his figure was like electricity. Everyone couldn't see his mark at all, as if a gust of wind was blowing in front of him, like a phantom, he quickly ran across the entire town of Fuma and ran away in the direction of Lin Qiuhan.

Four skeleton mask figures, the action speed is not slow after accelerating. But compared with Fade Chen's speed, it is not a level of existence at all.

So, after less than five minutes of marching, they noticed that a fierce martial arts breath came quickly behind them.

Suddenly, the four couldn't help but suffocate and turned their heads to glance. Found a residual image quickly approached.

Captain No. 1 took

the opportunity to say decisively, "Stop moving, the other party chases over, and immediately prepares for battle." The four put down the unconscious Lin Qiuhan, and his body moved. Fade Chen.

Fade Chen chased over, and at the moment also detected the breath of the four people. His face cooled down, and he rushed over the number two at the end of the diamond formation, with a cold killing in his eyes.

Captain No.1 felt this fierce killing intent, he choked in his heart, the secret road was not good, he quickly shouted: "No.2, back, No.3, No.4, attack from the left and right sides."

No.3 and No.4 act immediately Then, from the two ends of the other side of the diamond-shaped formation, they came to Fade Chen diagonally.

But No.2, who was supposed to retreat, did not retreat at the moment, but rushed towards Fade Chen.

After seeing this, Captain No. 1 couldn't help but anxiously shouted: "No. 2, what are you doing, come back soon!"

No. 2 said: "Captain, don't be so troublesome. Let's go and destroy him directly. Then Wait to watch a good show! "

No. 2 is facing Fade Chen, and it is the front end of the original, so it is the closest to Fade Chen.

He rushed out at this time and was the first to approach Fade Chen. The distance between the two sides is less than 500 meters. The No. 2 can already clearly see Fade Chen's anxious and cold face.

There was a sneer on the face under his skull mask, a claw-like a skull appeared in his palm, five

streamers were drawn, and he rushed towards Fade Chen fiercely.

"Go to death!" No. 2 shouted loudly, and the skull claws grabbed Fade Chen's chest. If he was hit, that might be the lightest.


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