Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 377

Chapter 377

Chapter 377

Chapter 377

After moving into the room arranged by Gu Dafu, Fade Chen checked his wife's body and found that there was nothing wrong, but she fainted.

Fade Chen was relieved immediately, and gave his wife a real breath, allowing his wife to rest in bed in peace.

Later, he went out and came to the place where the Skeleton Captain was held.

Boss Gu was really powerful in Fuma Town. He even got a separate special cell at the police station and detained the Skeleton Captain inside.

Fade Chen walked into the cell and looked at the skinny captain No. 1 lying on the ground, leaning over to remove his mask.

Immediately, Fade Chen saw the cheek of a middle-aged man in his thirties. It looks different, but on both sides of the cheeks, there is a black skull pattern, which looks quite strange.

Standing in front of the man, Fade Chen said coldly: "I think, do you know what I want to ask? Say everything you know."

"Say it, can I live?" Captain No. 1 said weakly.

Fade Chen shook his head coldly, "No!"

"Why should I say that?" Captain No. 1 chuckled.

Fade Chen's eyes narrowed and said coldly: "Because you said, you can die less painfully."

"Torture, torture! Haha, my spirit and flesh are dedicated to God, no matter what kind of torture you have, right For me, it's useless. God will help me. "The Skeleton Captain said sincerely, looking at the bare ceiling with his eyes, but his eyes were very pious. It seemed that he really saw the so-called god in his mouth.

"God! Fanatic religious believers?" Fade Chen said lightly. "Then you will see, the god in your mouth will help you." During the

speech, a thin silver needle appeared in Fade Chen's hands, toward the skeleton The captain stabbed himself.

Captain Skull shook his head and said, "This kind of torture is useless to me. Let

's do something awesome !" "Really?" Fade Chen sneered, with a silver needle in his hand and pierced again Captain Skull chest.

"I don't feel anything at all. Is this what you call torture?" Captain Skull smiled.

But at this moment, the third silver needle fell. Captain Skull suddenly changed color, his body twitched suddenly, the smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly solidified, and then turned into a painful twitch.

"This is just the beginning, won't you do it?" Fade Chen sneered, and quickly pierced two silver


Captain Skull's body suddenly shivered violently, only a few muscles on his face kept twitching, and there was a very painful expression on his face, and he kept muttering in his mouth: "God, great God, save me--"

Fade Chen dropped several silver needles one after another. Captain Skeleton bounced directly from the ground because of the pain, and then fell heavily on the ground, his body twitching constantly.

At this time, he felt an unbearable pain from his skin, muscles, blood vessels, and even bones, which was pain that he could not bear at all.

Even the incomparable god in his mouth seems to have lost its function at this moment, making Captain Skull cry out and cry out, "Let me go, let me go, I said, I said everything. Please, please After pulling out these needles, I

said— " Fade Chen was almost ready, waved his hand, pulled out the silver needle on Captain Skull, and then said coldly:" Now, let's talk. What kind of organization are you? Why should I start with my wife Lin Qiuhan? Also, where did you take Lin Qiuyuan? "Pulling out the

silver needle, the Skeleton Captain sighed with a relaxed expression on his face and slowly said:" Our organization is called Skeleton Yes, we are all members of the Skull and Bones Association. "

"The reason for arresting Lin Qiuhan is a direct order from our superiors. We are only under the command of the executives. We do n’t know the specific reasons. As for Lin Qiuyuan, led by another team, he left after taking the photos. , I do n’t know where they took Lin Qiuyuan. ”

Fade Chen could n’t help but frown, coldly said:“ Just about this information? ”

Skeleton captain quickly explained:“ We ’re just small, we do n’t know the details Information. The plan was made above, and then we were directly ordered to execute it. The reason is not clear to us. "

Fade Chen stared at the Skeleton Captain for a few seconds and found no signs of lying. Can't help but sigh, secretly said: "This skeleton society seems to be more tightly organized than imagined. Moreover, the strength and power also seem to be larger."

"You know, the four teams are all mid-level metaphysics If you put it in the outside world, you can find a place at will, it is a big brother, and it is not a problem to enjoy the glory and wealth of the hand. But in this skeleton society, they are just the thugs of the task, almost the lowest level of existence. "

So what kind of strength does the superior of this skull and bones association have? Xuan-level peaks, prefecture-level masters, and even heaven-level masters may exist!" Fade Chen was a little horrified, and also a little puzzled. "The power of this level Why did Lin Qiuyuan and Lin Qiuhan start? You know, although Lin Qiuhan is a wealthy businessman, with billions of assets, but in front of Xuan-level masters, it is nothing. "

" Could it be that everything is the same as Lin Qiuhan's mother, unparalleled The Xie Lingshuang of the building is concerned? "Fade Chen suddenly thought of something. After all, Wushuanglou was a heaven-level force, and Xie Lingshuang's disappearance for no reason also seemed strange. .

It's just these questions. The little guy in front of me clearly has no answer.

Fade Chen shook his head and was about to wave the captain of the skull to death. But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something and asked aloud, "What kind of god is the god you just


"Ah!" Captain Skull froze, and then said, "Is it our God?"

"What is this God, or what image?" Fade Chen asked.

Skeleton Captain said: "That is our omnipotent god, everything can be achieved. As for the image, our god is the incarnation of all things, omnipotent, omnipresent."

Fade Chen shook his head in disappointment, feeling that this was completely crazy There is no rational cult organization, who can't ask anything at all and is ready to come to an end.

But at this moment, he suddenly glanced at the skull mask of the skull captain, and a small sapling sign was drawn in the center of his eyebrows, as if the buds broke out of the earth.

"What sign is this?" Fade Chen asked.

Captain Skull froze, looked at the sign, and then said: "No, there is no sign. The skull masks we organized all have this sapling, just a decoration."

"Is it just decoration?" Fade Chen frowned. There was a feeling of doubt in his heart, and at the same time he thought in his heart that he seemed to have seen a similar sign, but now he can't remember it at all.


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