Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

"That's of course, your brother-in-law's craftsmanship, it's not a blow, it's definitely full of color and fragrance, and it's nutritious. Ten miles of fragrance, the monk smelled and wanted to be vulgar, the emperor tasted and kept talking, and the gods ate after eating Come on! "Fade Chen boasted.

"What are you waiting for, let's go, let's do it!" Su Momo heard the saliva flowing out, and pushed Fade Chen into the house.

Fade Chen suddenly silent, said: "! Do not ah, the family is not material to cook, have to go buy food ah"

!! "Amount

Fade Chen was speechless. "Momo, if you want to buy food, you have to put down your luggage first!"

"Oh, oh." The goblin turned into a little greedy at this moment. Fly out to buy food.

When driving out to buy food, there is no shortage of money. Naturally, Fade Chen does not skimp on the materials. He goes directly to a high-end fresh food store and buys fresh ingredients.

As a result, I looked at the route and found that it was not far from my wife's company. When I looked at the time, it was not far from work. So, Fade Chen simply drove the car to the door of the company, and then said to Momo: "We will wait for your sister to get off work and wait to buy food together, see what you like to eat, and buy what you like."

Su Momo looked at it. Fade Chen, in a surprised look, said: "Brother-in-law, I didn't expect you to care about my sister so much! When I was in Long'an before, I saw you cold, I thought you were a fake couple!"

"To start At that time, it was really a fake couple! "Fade Chen could not help wiping sweat, secretly said this little demon is really unpredictable!

The reason why he wants to bring his wife to buy vegetables together is secondary to eating, mainly because Momo helps his wife relax and relieve the depression and stress in his heart.

So, the duo waited for the company to get off work, and then rushed to the president's office as soon as possible. Lin Qiuhan was pulled out by a soft and hard bubble.

Then, Su Momo took Lin Qiuhan's hand and tweeted to the fresh supermarket.

So, the three began to buy ingredients. Fade Chen asked the second daughter what she liked to eat, and then quickly bought a bunch of things.

In the end, the three men pushed things slowly, preparing to check out. As a result, when passing by the fruit area, Momo's eyes suddenly turned, his footsteps slowed down, and his eyes continued to wander in the fruit area.

Seeing this, Lin Qiuhan said, "Momo, what kind of fruit do you like to eat? Buy it."

Su Momo pulled Lin Qiuhan to a fruit, pointed, and whispered: "Sister, what do you think of this? "

Lin Qiuhan looked at the pile of papayas, and was a little puzzled, and said:" Momo, didn't you dislike the taste of papayas before? Why

now-- " Su Momo stared at Lin Qiuhan's chest, then pointed again. Pointing at his position, he said: "Sister, I heard that eating papaya can become bigger. I want to be the same as you, so I want to

try-- " Lin Qiuhan didn't expect Su Momo to think this way, and suddenly blushed. , Said: "Momo, you are young, you don't have to pursue size."

Su Momo pouted: "However, I remember that when you were my age, you were older than me! So, I hurry up to make up. "During the

speech, Su Momo grabbed two papayas and put them in the cart . After thinking about it, he caught two more and threw them in.

Lin Qiuhan sighed with help, and looked down at his clothes. It seemed to be very strong.

"Momo, that's enough, you bought so much! Did you eat it? You don't like the taste of papaya."

Su Momo immediately pouted his mouth when he heard Lin Qiuhan's words, complaining: "Oh, what's the matter? What? I do n’t like to eat papaya, and I want to grow bigger. This is really awkward! "

Lin Qiuhan looked around with a guilty conscience, and covered Su Momo's mouth, and whispered: "Momo, this is outside, don't talk

nonsense ." Su Momo pouted and pulled his clothes, Pouting, "Sister, you see, when you

pull your clothes, they are all flat!" Lin Qiuhan, an iceberg president, usually talks about this problem in such a public place. At this moment, the cheeks could not help but feel warm, and the surrounding eyes seemed to be different.

At this moment, a faint voice rang next to him, "Momo, in fact, yours is not small, you don't need to increase it deliberately."

Su Momo looked at Fade Chen when he spoke, and was immediately excited: "Brother-in-law, Is n’t it really small? But compared to my sister, it looks a lot smaller! "

" Did you say that she has a pad in it, so it looks big, but it is actually not big. Brother, you must know the actual size , Tell me quickly. "Su Momo couldn't stop as soon as he spoke.

Lin Qiuhan suddenly looked pretty pink and gave Fade Chen a fierce look.

Fade Chen coughed and quickly changed the subject, "Momo, actually! There are many ways to do this papaya, I know a way, it's delicious, and it definitely fits your appetite?"

"Really?" Su Momo looked surprised.

"Absolutely!" Fade Chen nodded quickly.

Su Momo suddenly smiled, but then thought of something, and was a little worried, "Brother, your approach will not lose the nutrition of the papaya, lose the effect!" While

talking, the little girl pulled her own clothes.

Fade Chen couldn't help but glanced over. As a result, he looked at his wife's calm face and hurriedly said: "Momo, you can rest assured that you will not lose nutrition."

"Besides, if you want to get bigger, the papaya effect is not the best. What crucian carp soup, peanut stewed pig's trotters, white fungus are all good! Of course, there are some massage techniques-cough, this is not necessary. Fade Chendao.

"Really, those foods are effective?" Su Momo excitedly said, "Brother, please make a copy later!"

"You're exhausting me!" Fade Chen burst into tears, but On the lips, he could only promise, "Relax, my brother-in-law will do it for you."

Finally, the little beauty was stabilized. Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan hurriedly stepped up, pushed the shopping cart to check out, and then ran home.

They were afraid that Su Momo, the little beauty, was outside, and said something terrifying.

Back home, Lin Qiuhan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Get off the bus and help bring the food to the house.

Then she was going to talk to Su Momo and let her pay attention to it later. After all, she was already a big girl. Don't just say that.

As a result, Lin Qiuhan had just entered the house and saw Su Momo taking off his coat at a glance, wearing only a T-shirt, standing in front of the mirror and pulling his clothes, stroking his size, and his mouth was still muttering: "Hey It ’s not too small to touch. Why does it look so much smaller than my

sister ’s? ”

Lin Qiuhan suddenly had a black thread and quickly took his coat to put on Su Momo.“ Momo, how can you only wear it so little, there are people in the family "

Su Momo muttered." Sister, the brother-in-law is not an outsider, afraid of anything. Besides, the brother-in-law is

not— "Fade Chen, who is cooking in the kitchen, hears this, his heart jumps out Too. Afraid that this little Nizi had a big mouth, and she said something. At that time, he was tragic.

Fortunately, at the last moment of Su Momo, his mouth grunted and said: "Sister, brother-in-law has not seen you."

"I said to you, how did you pull me." Lin Qiuhan suddenly flushed his cheeks and pulled Su Momo towards the room. "Go, come back to my room with me, I will talk to you."

Su Momo Suddenly he was helpless and was pulled into the room by Lin Qiuhan. At the last moment, he did not forget to make a grimace to Fade Chen in the kitchen.

Fade Chen immediately wiped a sweat from his forehead. He secretly said that the goblin was definitely saying that intentionally, the purpose was to scare himself.


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