Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 387

Chapter 387

Chapter 387

Chapter 387

The next day, the three got up early.

The air on the mountain looked exceptionally fresh. Taking a deep breath of misty air, the spleen and lungs were suddenly cool. The whole body was refreshed.

Fade Chen looked at the rising sun in the east, took a deep breath, and then exhaled.

The breath is like a dragon, like a white practice, flying a few meters away, and then slowly dissipating in the air.

Exhale like a dragon and last forever!

This skill alone, if it is seen by ordinary warriors, I am afraid it will be amazing.

Worked out along the mountain village, then went back inside and ate breakfast with Su Momo Lin Qiuhan.

Next, the three of them went to the top of the mountain for an entire morning. After lunch, they set off for the mountain and returned.

This time the road is very short and there is not much scenery. But for Lin Qiuhan, it was a rare opportunity to relax.

After all, the tremendous pressure on work at this time, as well as the matter of his mother and his

brother. All kinds of interweaving and oppression came over, even if Lin Qiuhan was a strong woman, she couldn't bear this kind of pressure, and her spirit almost reached the extreme of collapse.

At this time, Fade Chen was keenly aware of her anomaly and took her on such a trip to let her adjust her mind and the whole person came to life.

At this moment, it looked like a child, Fade Chen who was beating the mob and Momo. Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but have a smile on his lips. For the first time, he felt that his husband seemed really good, maybe he was his right partner!

However, she immediately thought of the fake marriage agreement she signed with Fade Chen, and she couldn't help but feel a haze, her face was covered with a cloud, and she couldn't help but sigh gently.

Fade Chen in the front, keenly aware of the sigh behind him, couldn't help but stop and turned to look over, and asked with concern: "Wife, what's wrong? Tired, I can't walk anymore. Otherwise, I'll carry you ! "

Lin Qiuhan shook his head, smiled and said:".. all right, I'm not tired is just sighed, "

Fade Chen did not leave, however, lie in the body before Linqiu Han squatting down, patting the back, smiles:" wife, come Let me carry you. You can rest assured that your husband and I can be very strong. Do n’t say

that carrying you down the mountain, even if you carry you all your life, it ’s not a problem. ” This unintentional love ca n’t help Lin Qiuhan trembling, it will just flow. Anxiety was thrown behind his head,

and a blush appeared on his face.

Seeing Lin Qiuhan still hesitating, Fade Chen took the initiative to attack, hugged his wife's thigh directly, and let his wife lie on his back, then got up and walked with his wife on his back.

Lin Qiuhan was taken aback, coupled with Fade Chen's rapid speed, suddenly a nervous, can't help but stretched out his arms around Fade Chen's neck. The curvaceous and delicate body clung tightly to Fade Chen's back, making him feel a gentle softness, and he was getting stronger.

Fade Chen not only carried Lin Qiuhan, but also deliberately changed his speed, jumping from time to time, and then came a fierce emergency brake.

In this way, Lin Qiuhan, who had always been a cold mountain, seemed like a child at this moment, so scared that there was a cry of exclamation, and the sound of silver bells echoed among the mountains.

At the same time, the soft and delicate body, along with Fade Chen's movement, constantly hit him, making Fade Chen feel relaxed and happy.

Walking all the way to the foot of the mountain, Lin Qiuhan felt that this trip was more exciting than the last ride on the roller coaster. His cheeks were red, a thin layer of sweat was on his forehead, his hair was a little messy, and his breasts were quickly undulating because of a severe gasp.

"Wife, are you happy?" Fade Chen asked with a smile.

Lin Qiuhan flew a blush on his face, did not answer, but gently hammered Fade Chen's back and said, "Well, let me come down!"

Fade Chen was guilty of the child's temper and hugged tightly. Lin Qiuhan's thigh smiled: "Wife, if you don't say it's fun, I won't let you down."

Lin Qiuhan suddenly felt helpless and only nodded: "Fun, fun!"

Fade Chen put his wife down happily. Don't forget to rub your hands, an intoxicated look.

Seeing this, Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but have a pretty pink face, glaring at Fade Chen fiercely, then bowed his head and walked towards the vehicle quickly. Pull down the car door and get into the position of the co-pilot. Fade Chen said after smelling the fragrance on his palm: "It's not too late, get on the train!"

"Yes, yes, my wife told me to get on the train immediately. "Fade Chen nodded with a smile, quickly trot over, smiled and opened the door, got into the driver's seat, fastened the seat belt, and then started the throttle, and then drove the car out with one breath.

This rapid departure suddenly scared Lin Qiuhan, and couldn't help staring at Fade Chen, and learned: "Slow down, don't panic!"

Fade Chen nodded with a smile, and then slowed down. It drove smoothly.

After driving for about a few minutes, the car drove a certain distance, and Fade Chen felt faintly wrong and frowned. He looked at Lin Qiuhan and said, "Wife, did we forget something? I always I feel something is wrong! "

Lin Qiuhan looked at the package, rummaged it, and shook his head:" You didn't take things less? You feel wrong! "

" Oh, don't take things less! How can I feel like I'm off? " What's wrong. Maybe I remembered it wrong! "Fade Chen shook his head and continued to drive.

At this moment, Lin Qiuhan's mobile phone rang, just pressed to connect, Su Momo roared from the end of the phone, "Sister, brother-in-law. Why did you drive away, I haven't got in the car yet!" "

Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan looked at each other for a moment, and then a little embarrassed smiled at each other, patted their heads, exclaimed:" So I really forgot what! "

Fade Chen hurriedly stopped the car, and then looked for Opportunity turned around and said with a smile: "I said I forgot something. It turned out that Momo was not in the car!"

Lin Qiuhan's complexion was also ruddy, and he comforted Su Momo on the other end of the phone: "Momo, don't worry, we Go back and pick you up right away. "

" Sister, brother-in-law, you show your grievances, forget me, woo woo! "The little girl almost cried.

Lin Qiuhan and Fade Chen suddenly coughed a few times and quickly turned around to pick up Su Momo.

Momo finally got into the car. The little girl sat in the back seat vigorously, thumping the back of the front seat, exclaiming angrily: "Sister, brother-in-law. You are so bad, you have fun and even forgot me."

"Mistakes, mistakes. There will definitely be no next time. "Fade Chen quickly apologized.

Lin Qiuhan also blushed because he made a mistake and quickly turned to apologize to Momo.


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