Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

The old woman really didn't dare to spit it out now. She was worried that she was shouting that she would be unlucky if she didn't know anything at home.

But at this time, the villagers around didn't dare to stare at Xu Zhihua. They were afraid that if he glanced at him, there would be bad luck at home.

However, Xu Zhihua was polite and opened the stack of documents directly before them.

Then, one after another, the punishment and complaint came one after another.

Some were expelled from the company, some small businesses were directly shut down, and some farms and vegetable fields in their homes were directly in violation of the regulations and had to be eliminated.

In short, almost no one in the whole city is okay.

Moreover, the reasons for their accidents are very strange, and some still say that some are purely trivial things.

But at this time, Xu Zhihua didn't let it go, and took it out one by one and put them all in front of them.

For a time, almost every villager's home received several indictments and court leaflets.

Ordinary small business is okay, but those who demand huge compensation are totally dumbfounded

at the moment.

The village chief Liu Yong suffered the most. The restaurant was closed and the customer was sued, and even bribed.

Suddenly, his face was full of anger, and he held the hoe in his hand tightly, shattered the indictment and court leaflets in his hand, and stared at Fade Chen fiercely, "I I do n’t believe you, all of you are fake, I do n’t believe it. "

" Even if it is true, your punishment is unfair, we don't agree, absolutely don't agree. "

Some village leaders took the lead, and other villagers suddenly shouted.

"Unfair, we don't agree."

"No matter what judgment you make, we will not fulfill it and will not agree!"

"Yes, not agree!"

"Want to demolish my house, crush it from me!"

"I fight with you!" The

village chief shouted Suddenly bruised, he stared at Fade Chen fiercely, his eyes full of resentment, he gritted his teeth and said: "It's all the ghosts he made, kill him, everyone go together, kill him!"

Suddenly, a group of villagers hula Charged towards Fade Chen.

The old snake and others suddenly turned their faces, and there was a ruthless expression on their faces. They surrounded the villagers, and they were about to start.

But this time Fade Chen, looking, of course, deliberately, cold look at the angry villagers, Chen Sheng said: "You can try hands, it is best not regret it."

"Kill me, look at me regret No! "The head of the village shouted, and when he lifted his hoe, he would hit Fade Chen.

But at this moment, a ringtone of the mobile phone rang. The village head froze for a moment, and then touched the phone. There was a burst of crying and crying on the phone: "Liu Yong, what the hell did you do, our two mothers would be killed by you."

"What's wrong, wife?" The village chief Liu Yong was nervous for a while.

There was a woman crying over the phone, "My store was closed, the health bureau, the industrial and commercial bureau, and the police are all here. Now I have started arresting people."

"What, I'm going to kill them— — ”The village head shouted angrily.

But at this time, Xu Zhihua coldly recorded: "Your current words are suspected of threatening the safety of others' lives, and I will write them down." The

village head was still stunned, at this time a burst of phone bells ringing, crying and swearing The sound rang one after another.

"Hey, what you did, I was fired from the company. The boss said it was your dad's sake."

"Mom, who are you messing with again! Xiaoyuan was expelled from school, saying that the documents are not in accordance with the rules, What else is there in the past. "

" My stall was smashed, and the person who smashed said you angered him. "

" Dad, I hung up a piece of paint from someone else's car, and the other party asked me to pay 200,000. "

Various When the voice came, the villagers were all stupid, standing staring at the spot, listening to the roar and cry from the phone, and looking at Fade Chen's eyes at this moment, full of resentment and fear.

The village head glared at Fade Chen, grinning, "You, you threatened us with your family. You are shameless."

Fade Chen sneered, "I am shameless? That's what I learned from you too. You can all touch on the road out of nothing." Porcelain blackmail, so I ’m not asking for your trouble, it ’s not too much. Besides, who made you yourself unchecked and caught the handle. ”

“ Those are just small things, many people do that. You, you It was deliberate retaliation. "The village head grumbled and gritted his teeth.

Many villagers also stared at Fade Chen fiercely, with dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Fade Chen snorted and said, "Small things, what I catch is little things."

"And, I have to tell you. This is just the beginning. In the future, as long as you have a little violation of the rules and regulations, I promise, I will immediately Someone came to the door to catch people. "

" So, you'd better be at peace and don't commit anything, otherwise, then-hum-"Fade Chen snorted.

The villagers could not help feeling cold all over, and there was a chill in their hearts.

Previously, their confidence was that they were located at the junction and were relatively remote. In general, the police do not care about minor matters. Even if they want to control, the villagers are united, the police can't control it.

Therefore, they were so unscrupulous, constantly breaking through the bottom line, and finally started this kind of blackmail.

But now, they encountered a hard rock.

This hard stone let them know what caused the really powerful person to end.

Not only themselves, but also their family and friends are all implicated. Moreover, you can't say that the other party is illegal, because the other party has found the most professional lawyer to find out where you violated the rules and the law, and then let the public officials catch people directly.

If they want to resist by force, this group of old snakes is not coming to watch the show, and then they will go out together. These villagers are definitely not their opponents.

At this time, these villagers finally felt what is called strength and what is called toughness. Finally paid the price for his shamelessness and rogue.

For a time, all of them stood in the same place with their mouths open, and their eyes were empty, with almost no expression.

Fade Chen waved his hand and said, "Catch people!"

Suddenly, the public security, industry and commerce, courts, and various departments jointly acted to arrest all the people involved. In particular, the village chief who led the troubles was unkindly handcuffed and stuffed into the car.

So, this group of menacing gangsters were all arrested at this moment, not daring to resist a little.

Upon seeing this, everyone around couldn't help but applaud for a while, and the gaze to Fade Chen was also full of admiration and envy. Obviously, this is not an ordinary person, otherwise, it is impossible to mobilize so many such great forces in such a short time.


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