Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

A bit scared, Wei Ling then turned around to see behind trotting towards his chase of Fade Chen could not help but surprised a moment, then the mouth can not help but raise up, "how did you come back? Car drop?"

Fade Chen to catch up, Laughed: "Sister Ling, I just went to find a place to park, and then got off to stroll with you!"

Wen Yan, Wei Ling somehow, felt a warmth in her heart, just lowered her eyes At this moment, it rose, and it seemed a little more smiling. However, he still said in a strange way: "You drove out the car at once. I don't know if you want to go shopping with me, or hate talking to me."

"Who would hate talking to a beautiful woman like Sister Ling! Ling! Sister, you wronged me. I was watching that parking space was about to be occupied, so I hurried to grab a parking space. "

" Okay, no explanation, I know it. "Wei Ling said with a chuckle. Then he looked at Fade Chen and said, "However, I didn't go out shopping today."

Fade Chen and Wei Ling walked side by side, laughing: "I have time anyway, no matter what you are doing, Sister Ling, I will Accompanying you. "

Wei Ling smiled, but then sighed and said," I'm here on a blind date, do you want to accompany me? "

" Blind! "Fade Chen was surprised, and then smiled," No Maybe? Sister Ling, will you make a blind date? "

Wei Ling looked at Fade Chen and asked," Why wouldn't I have a blind date? "

Fade Chen scratched his head and said," Sister Ling, you are beautiful and have a good figure, Good personality and work, how can such an almost perfect woman need a blind date. Miss you, I am afraid that the city can be discharged from the Long An provincial capital went. " "

Besides, Ling Jie you are young, do not worry at all ah! "

No woman is not like the others boast of their own, Wei Ling hear With a smile on his face, he glared at Fade Chen strangely, and gently pushed her, and said, "You're slippery, you know I'm pleased."

"It's a big thing to please Sister Ling!" Fade Chen laughed.

Wei Ling smiled, but then looked serious, and said seriously: "What I said just now is true, I really came to the blind date today."

"Ah!" Fade Chen was really surprised, "Sister Ling, Why did you go on a blind date? Who is the other person? What do you look like? Personality? Work, preferences, etc. "

Seeing Fade Chen's somewhat panicked look, Wei Ling somehow felt sweet in her heart : "I was on the other side and chatted for a few micro letter, which have not met yet know so much?."

"Besides, I'm not very young, do not get married now for twenty-eight, to become. The old lady daylily that no one wants is now. "Wei Ling sighed.

Fade Chen said with a smile: "Sister Ling, you have twenty-eight. I looked at it and thought I was only eighteen!"

"I knew the rhetoric!" Wei Ling smiled and pointed to the elegant restaurant in front. , Said, "It's there, I'm going in."

"Really?" Fade Chen was a little stunned, looking at Wei Ling who was walking towards the restaurant, and then he followed.

Seeing this, Wei Ling asked, "My blind date, what are you doing here?"

Fade Chen leaned close to Wei Ling and smiled: "Come and give Ling Ling you a boyfriend! When I was in Long'an City, I didn't I pretended to be once, and beat Nayya Geng away. "

" Who said you want to pretend to be your boyfriend! That time, Wei Yageng haunted me, this time is different, a serious blind date. I want to bring my boyfriend Blind date, what does this look like, my mother will say mine. "Wei Ling said.

"Your mother blames you? Was the target of the blind date introduced by Mrs. Wei?" Fade Chen said.

Wei Ling nodded and said, "It was my mom's introduction. Now, my dad is not at home, and Wei Tian is busy all day. My mom has no other business, so he is busy introducing me to people."

"Ah, this!" Fade Chen scratched his head a little.

Wei Ling stared at him: "Now, I know why I don't pretend to be my boyfriend!"

"Don't pretend to be true," Fade Chen laughed.

Speaking of his real boyfriend, Wei Ling couldn't help but shudder, but then he sighed and said, "Don't be kidding, I'm going in and see you again."

Watching Wei Ling walk into the restaurant and look around And then walked towards a tall and handsome man. Fade Chen inexplicably felt a sour feeling, gritted his teeth, rushed in, and quickly caught up with Wei Ling.

Wei Ling was shocked when she saw Fade Chen chasing her, and then gave birth to a strange emotion that did not know whether it was happy or something.

"What are you chasing over? I said, don't pretend to be a boyfriend."

Fade Chen raised his head and pouted: "Sister Ling, I didn't chase you, I came to eat. This is a restaurant, who All can come. "

Wei Ling looked at Fade Chen who was playing with a child's temper, and he really didn't know what to say.

At this time, the tall and handsome man greeted him with a smile and said with a smile: "Miss Wei, this is Du Wei, please here."

Wei Ling glanced at Fade Chen, then nodded slightly and followed Du Wei away In the past, sat down at the dining table.

Fade Chen glanced at him and glanced at Wei Ling's position beside the table.

But helplessly, this restaurant's business is really good, Wei Ling's table, there is no free space.

Seeing that Wei Ling had sat down, Du Wei was talking and laughing and started to order.

Fade Chen gritted his teeth and walked directly to the table closest to them. Then he said to the guests at the table: "Can this table be given to me?" The one

who was eating was a little unhappy and looked up at Fade Chen. , Said: "Who are you, why do you want me--"

Before he finished talking , Fade Chen directly withdrew a stack of ten thousand banknotes and handed it to the man, said: "This table is for me, these are just It ’s all yours. ”The

man froze, and then glanced at each other with the opposite companion, quickly nodded, and said with a smile:“ Okay, okay, we will let you, let you. ”

Fade Chen gave money to men Xizizi took the money to find another place, after all, their table, that is, more than a thousand yuan, now get 10,000 directly, definitely overturned.

As for Fade Chen, he sat down in a position close to Wei Ling with a click.

He didn't order food or eat anything. He didn't even drink a little water, just staring at Wei Ling.

Although Wei Ling did not visit Fade Chen deliberately, she paid attention to the situation here. When she saw Fade Chen smashing money to grab a position, and then the child was usually naughty about

herself, she couldn't help but feel amused, and at the same time, she could not help but gave birth to some other kind of emotion.


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