Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

After walking out of the restaurant, Wei Ling took a deep breath and felt as if she had thrown away a large package, her body suddenly relaxed, and a smile appeared on her face.

Fade Chen quickly followed, laughing: "Sister Ling, so happy. Is it because of me!"

Wei Ling glared at Fade Chen, humming: "Who said you are too affectionate because of you. "

Isn't it because of me? Sister Ling, you made me sad too much. I thought that my move just moved you before letting you give up the blind date!" Fade Chen looked sadly, covering his chest, Looks like it hurts.

Wei Ling raised her lips slightly, then hummed: "You think too much, I just don't feel anything about Du Wei, I don't want to get married so soon. It has nothing to do with you."

"Really? Sister Ling, you When I blind dated just now, it seemed to have been watching me? "Fade Chen's eyes fluttered, like a thief.

Wei Ling's eyes flickered and said, "Who, who is watching you? You have taken a look, I didn't look at you."

"Really?" Fade Chen looked at Wei Ling's little girl-like charm Pretty, could not help but smile. In his view, Sister Ling's intentions are self-evident.

Wei Ling couldn't bear Fade Chen's thief's expression, his cheeks fluttered red, he quickly accelerated

his pace and walked forward.

Not far away, her phone rang, Wei Ling connected her phone, explained for a while, and finally hung up in a sigh.

Fade Chen came up and asked with concern: "Sister Ling is here, what's wrong? Alas, sigh."

Wei Ling stared at Fade Chen and said, "I'm not blaming you yet. I messed up my blind date. Now, my mother is playing The call came to scold me. "

" You just said you didn't want it now, why is it now that I've disturbed your blind date. The woman's thoughts, inadvertently exposed it! Hehe! "

Of course, these psychological activities, Fade Chen can only think about it in his heart, dare not say it.

There was an apologetic tone in his mouth: "Mrs. Wei blamed Sister Ling, let her scold me, it's me who messed up."

"What's the use of scolding you?" Wei Ling glared at Fade Chen and said, "Furthermore, my mother also said that she will come to the provincial capital tomorrow, give me a birthday, and talk about blind date."

"Ah!" Fade Chen was taken aback for a moment, then grabbed the point, "Sister Ling, Tomorrow is your birthday? "

" You only know? After tomorrow, I will be twenty-eight years old. Otherwise, my mother would not be

so eager to introduce the person to blind date with me. "Wei Ling sighed.

Fade Chendao: "Sister Ling, you are like a 28-year-old, you can't see it at all. Besides, Sister Ling, you are so beautiful, not to mention 28, even if it is 38 or 48, it is also a big beautiful woman, pursuing countless people. " "

Well, all this time, it still slick, pleases me happy. "Wei Ling hum," but how do tomorrow, ah, intimate things, think about the headache. "

Fade Chen looked at the amount of help Frowning Wei Ling said, "Sister Ling, otherwise, I will go to see your aunt tomorrow with you."

"You go with me!" Wei Ling looked at Fade Chen and said, "What identity do you have with me?" Let's go together? "

" This, this-- "Fade Chenzhizhiwuwu, if he pretends to be a boyfriend, it is definitely not appropriate, after all, Mrs. Wei knows about her marriage to Lin Qiuhan.

"Colleague, friend relationship--" Fade Chen looked at Wei Ling.

Wei Ling's eyes showed a slight disappointment, but then nodded and said: "That's fine, you're here, my mother won't approve me too hard. That's it, it's seven o'clock tomorrow night. It will appear on time! "

" Relax, Sister Ling, I must be on time. "Fade Chen patted his chest and promised.

This matter was temporarily resolved, and the two immediately relaxed and hung out on the street.

After not walking for a while, Fade Chen's stomach screamed, and then he took Wei Ling to find a restaurant on the street and had a meal together.

In the evening of the next day, Fade Chen was dressed up in a casual suit, which looked formal but not old-fashioned. Even his hair was treated by a professional hair stylist, which seemed quite energetic.

Touching a bit of the legendary cologne on his body, Fade Chen got out of the car with a smile on his face, and then looked at Wei Ling, who was wearing a milky white dress, and couldn't help but brighten her eyes and smiled, "Sister Ling, you are so beautiful today. "

Sweet mouth!" Wei Ling said, and then his eyes fell on Fade Chen, could not help showing a look of surprise.

After all, this man doesn't care much about clothes at all, so he never thinks he looks like this. But now I'm taking good care of it, but it looks quite handsome.

Seeing the surprised light in Wei Ling's eyes, Fade Chen laughed and joked, "Sister Ling, I was shocked by my handsomeness."

"You think more, go in!" Wei Ling and Fade Chen walked side by side and walked in Among the Titi Hotel.

Booked a private room, the two led by the waiter, came to the door of the private room. Knocked gently on the door, and then pushed in.

Wei Ling originally smiled at the corner of her mouth. When she saw the person sitting in the private

room, she couldn't help but be surprised.

Fade Chen was beside him, and his face also changed. In addition to Mrs. Wei, Wei Tian also came in the private room. What surprised him most was that the duo, Du Wei, who was here yesterday, also came at the moment. Beside him, there was a woman of the same age as Mrs. Wei, who was dressed up like a jewel, and looked quite dazzling, but The thick makeup is a bit tacky.

"Ling'er, you are here! Xiao Chen, you are also here, stunned what to do, come in and sit down!" Mrs. Wei greeted the two of them.

Wei Ling and Fade Chen nodded, then walked in and sat down next to Wei Tian.

"Ling'er, you're here. I heard that today is your birthday, so I said to Mrs. Wei, to celebrate for you, you won't blame Aunt Cao for not coming by yourself." The woman beside Du Wei People speak out.

Wei Ling whispered: "Where does Aunt Cao say? It's a blessing for you to give me a birthday. Thank you too late!"

"Ah, that's good!" Aunt Cao nodded and looked at it. His son Du Wei looked at Fade Chen again. Obviously, we already know the conflict between Du Wei and Fade Chen yesterday.

Wei Tian explained to Wei Ling in a low voice at this time: "Sister, you and Du Wei talked about the collapse, and the second aunt would have had the final say. But I did not expect that this afternoon, the Du Wei mother and son were looking for Come here and have to follow you to give you a birthday. I am worried that they do not want to give up. "

Wei Ling finished listening, and her eyes moved slightly, showing a hint of vigilance.

On the side, Wei Tian finished speaking and got close to Fade Chen and whispered: "Brother Chen, I will continue to call you Brother Chen, or your brother-in-law!"


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