Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 413

Chapter 413

Chapter 413

Chapter 413

However, thinking of the enemy to face next, Zhu Qing still smiled at Master Bi, apologized, and welcomed Master Bi into him.

Bi Fei followed Master and looked at the back of Fade Chen who had entered the martial arts hall. His brows could not help but wrinkled in his heart and said secretly, "Who is this kid? Why did Zhu Zhuzhu greet him so enthusiastically? What kind of celebrity? "

Thinking, Bi Fei followed Master into the martial arts hall, through the courtyard, and into the living room.

At this time, the advanced Fade Chen had sat down and was chatting fiercely with a burly middle-aged man. Obviously they knew each other. Beside Fade Chen, Zhu Jie was standing upright, serving tea for the two, with a respectful attitude.

Upon seeing this, Bi Fei couldn't help but burst into a sour heart, and snorted gently.

Zhu Qing sat down with Master Bi and Bi Fei, and did not turn around. He directly opened the door and said: "This time everyone comes to help me in Yongqing Martial Arts Museum. Zhu Qing is really grateful. I have Zhu Qing in my heart for this kindness. "

First of all, let's get to know each other." During the

speech, Zhu Qing began to introduce several people.

"This is Master Bi Yongbi, a master of martial arts in Linghai City, and his strength in the early stage of Xuan is admirable." Zhu Qing introduced.

"This is Master Fei's disciple Bi Fei, who also has the strength of the later stage of Huang, which is awesome." Then, Zhu Qing introduced Bi Fei again.

Master Bi and Bi Fei listened to the introduction and raised their heads slightly, their faces showing pride.

However, Fade Chen and Wei Jinlong on the opposite side did not have any special expressions. Obviously, the so-called masters of this strength were not taken into consideration.

Upon seeing this, Master Bi and Bi Fei could not help narrowing their eyes, revealing an unpleasant expression.

At this time, Zhu Qing introduced Wei Jinlong and Fade Chen, "This is Wei Jinlong in Long'an City, my friend. He has the strength of the yellow level peak."

"This is Mr. Fade Chen Chen, come here to help I am really grateful for Zhu Qing. ”

Master Bi and Bi Fei were slightly surprised when they heard Wei Jinlong ’s name. Because the extremely hot Chen Maniac was originally from Longan City, everyone in the martial arts world still has some impressions of this name.

However, after hearing that Wei Jinlong ’s strength was only at the top of the Huang level, Master Bi immediately showed a faint smile, and secretly thought: "It seems that this time Zhu Qing's troubles

mainly depend on us. Once things are done, it will be time But I can make more requests. "

As for Fade Chen, he didn't mention his strength and identity. Obviously he was an unknown pawn who couldn't make it. The disdain on Bi Fei's face was even stronger, and he looked at Fade Chen provocatively for a few moments, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, Fade Chen didn't pay attention to Bi Fei's expression at all. So Bi Fei's expression, shown to the air, had no effect at all.

A few people know each other, the next step is to talk about business.

Zhu Qing couldn't help but sigh and said, "Things have to start from a month ago--"

Zhu Qing then clarified things clearly.

Fade Chen listened attentively, which was similar to what he had heard before, except that there were more details.

In the end, Zhu Qing said with a serious face: "And, after this period of investigation, I suspect that these foreigners are very likely to be organized and premeditated. After our trouble in Yongqing Martial Art Museum, they went to other martial arts museums. It caused a lot of trouble and injured many people. Some martial arts museums were even forced to close their doors. Similar things happened in the surrounding counties and cities. "

" Organized and premeditated! "Hearing this, several people could not help but wrinkle Frowned.

However, Master Bi immediately snorted and said with pride: "No matter what premeditated they are,

how big the organization is. Come again, I will defeat them directly."

Bi Fei immediately answered: "Master Zhu is assured, As long as my master takes action, there is absolutely no problem. Only a few foreigners, how can I compete with my long-established Chinese martial arts. "

Zhu Qing smiled, but still reminded:" Master Bi, still can not be underestimated. These foreigners The strength is really extraordinary. To be honest, I was one of the bald veteran diplomats, and as a result, I was not his opponent, and I was injured. "During the

speech, Zhu Qing lifted his sleeves, revealing a cut Bruises.

Seeing this scar, Zhu Jie couldn't help but show concern and distress, and stood next to his father and said, "Dad, I'm going to fight too."

Zhu Qing glanced at her daughter and said, "Xiaojie, don't be willful, You do n’t have enough strength. If you play, you wo n’t be able to help much. Instead, you will be in danger. ”

Zhu Jie was a little dissatisfied, but when she thought that she had only mid-Yellow strength, she could only shake her head.

Upon seeing this, Bi Fei stood up directly and patted his chest to ensure: "Xiaojie, uncle, you don't have to worry. My master told Xuanji early stage, Xuanji and Huangji, that is not a level at all. They come again, My master shot, they will definitely

lose . " Although Zhu Jie didn't like Bi Fei's high-profile, Master Bi's strength at the early stage was a real existence. I couldn't help but feel a smile, then nodded gently.

Upon seeing this, Bi Fei's eyebrows were all flying, very happy.

But Zhu Qing didn't pay much attention to Bi Fei's words, but turned his eyes to Wei Jinlong and said: "Brother Wei, Mr. Chen, what do you think?" When

asked, Zhu Qing set his eyes on Chen Fly on. Wei Jinlong also looked at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen said slightly, "According to Zhu Zhuzhu, defeating these foreign warriors is not a problem. However, it is also important to understand why they come to Hannan City and why they challenge the martial arts for no reason. The reason behind this is worth investigating. " novelbin

Zhu Qing nodded and agreed.

Bi Fei dismissed his lips contemptuously and whispered: "It's nice to say, if my master is not there. Do you dare to say that kind of thing? The reason behind it is mysterious, as if solving a case. Directly It ’s okay to beat it. ”

Master Bi seemed to be a little unhappy, and said,“ Master Zhu, those foreigners, come here tomorrow. If there is nothing else, I ’ll go to rest first, and I ’m a little tired by car all the way. "

Zhu Qing nodded." There is nothing else. I arranged a table of thin wine in the backyard for everyone to catch the wind and dust. "

" Then go! "Master Bi hummed and nodded slightly. , Quite satisfied with Zhu Qing's arrangement. Immediately, Bi Fei also stood up.

But at this time, Zhu Qing glanced at Fade Chen, with inquiring eyes. After seeing Fade Chen nodded in agreement, Zhu Qing took several people to the backyard.


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