Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Chapter 418

After listening to Zhu Qing ’s introduction, Fade Chen was sure that the war odds he had learned were members of the Hannan city fighters.

Foreign warriors entered Hannan City and challenged local warriors everywhere; then the warriors held this warrior conference at this moment and forced everyone to participate; there were also various actions of the military and police. Reminiscent of the background of the warriors, Fade Chen had to make them guess that the firebird organization's entry into Huaxia seems to be inseparable from the warriors.

Zhu Jie stood beside his father and said with a worried face: "Dad, what should we do now? The martial arts itself is very difficult now. If the warriors put pressure on them, I am afraid that my martial arts museum will be opened. I can't go on anymore. "

Zhu Qing looked suffocated, his expression is a bit ugly. Finally nodded and said: "This trip, I have to go."

"But Dad. If the warriors are mischievous, you will soon be in danger." Zhu Jie worried.

Zhu Qing shook his head and said: "This is an invitation from the warrior. I will not go now. The Yongqing Martial Arts Museum will die. But if I go now, maybe we still have a little life. So, for this invitation, I must go."

Zhu Jie knew that his father made sense, but he still had a moment of worry in his heart.

At this moment, Fade Chen said, "I'll go with

Zhu Zhuzhu !" Zhu Qing was stunned, and then looked at Fade Chen with great surprise, and also had some unbelievable looks, saying: "Mr. Chen, this- —The matter of Wuguan, I just troubled you, and this is

again— ” Fade Chen waved his hand:“ The host Zhu is welcome, this time I go. Not entirely because of Yongqing Wuguan, I also want my own plan. ”

Zhu Qing still bowed his thanks to Fade Chen.

Wei Jinlong heard the words and also stood up and said, "Since that is the case, let me be together!"

"Brother Wei, this--" Zhu Qing looked at Wei Jinlong.

Wei Jinlong laughed and said, "Brother Zhu, don't need to persuade me. I wanted to get out of the way, I wanted to learn more, learn more from the warriors, and discuss one or two. Since this is the warrior conference, the warriors who come will definitely not Less. How can I miss this opportunity? "

Zhu Qing heard the words and felt warm in his heart.

Although Wei Jinlong said so many excuses, the main reason must have been to help him Zhu Qing and Yongqing Wuguan.

So, Zhu Qing once again bowed his thanks.

The matter of the warrior martial arts conference is temporarily over. Then continue to interrogate Thompson, this guy is also a greedy guy who is afraid of life and death. He has all the internal structure of the Firebird organization, the related personnel arrangements, and the secret codes and signs of secret contact.

However, Firebird did not know about the reason why Firebird entered Hannan City.

There is no more useful information, Zhu Qing directly found Thompson in the martial arts place and locked it up. Then he drove away Bi Fei and Master Bi, apprentices, and finally prepared for the martial arts conference.

In the evening, Fade Chen and Wei Jinlong were arranged to settle down in the guest room.

Zhu Qing came back to the room, and her daughter Zhu Jie brought it over with tea. She felt distressed and said, "Dad, look at you. I'll give you a pounding shoulder!"

Zhu Qing smiled and sat down to enjoy her daughter's services. A smile appeared on his face, "It's still my daughter who loves Dad! It's comfortable."

Zhu Jie smiled, and at the same time, he was puzzled and asked Zhu Qing: "Dad, I know you are under a lot of pressure recently. Thanks to Uncle Wei for your help, but you are right Then Fade Chen, it seems too good, even more, respectful than Uncle Wei, and even seems a bit flattering. Why is this? "When

referring to Fade Chen, Zhu Qing's expression became serious, and quickly said to her daughter The gesture of shushing, said nervously: "Xiao Jie, speak a little quieter. If Mr. Chen hears us talking about him behind his back, he will probably anger him."

Zhu Jie was puzzled by his father ’s nervous appearance, and said, "Dad, do you need to be so nervous? I know Fade Chen is so powerful that he even defeated the middle-level bald foreigner. But, but You do n’t have to be so stubborn, after all, our Zhu family, but the Budo family, still have their own style. ”

Zhu Qing shook his head and said,“ I ’ m not humiliating, but I respect Mr. Chen very much. ”

“ Respect? ”Zhu Jie was puzzled, "How old is he, even if he is powerful, but the word respect is still a bit too much?"

"However, not at all." Zhu Qing quickly waved his hand, then sighed with emotion, "Xiaojie, you say this because you don't understand Mr. Chen and you don't know Mr. Chen's true identity. If you know, you can definitely understand my approach."

"Mr. Chen's true identity?" Zhu Jie frowned. puzzled expression, "? is Fade Chen is what the children of the rich and powerful, or after the door handing out"

Qing Zhu laments: "Mr. Chen's identity, but relying on their own strength to break out, not the other Rely on "

"?? Did playing out Fade Chen He is a famous martial arts master, "Zhu Jie guess," but I did not seem to have heard of such a martial arts master ah Han Nan! "

Qing Zhu said:" You did n’t hear it in Hannan City, that ’s for sure. Because of Mr. Chen ’s fame, it was present throughout the provincial capital. ”

“ What, the entire provincial capital? Dad, you are too exaggerated! ”Zhu Jie Some do not believe it.

Zhu Qing looked at her daughter and said, "Don't believe it. I tell you, Mr. Fade Chen Chen is the current provincial master."

"What, the provincial master is Fade Chen? How old is he? , How is this possible? Dad, did you make a mistake? "Zhu Jie was surprised.

Zhu Qing made a hush gesture to her daughter and said, "Sing a little. I can tell with certainty that I am absolutely right."

"Mr. Chen was in Long'an City before he became famous in the provincial capital. At that time, he had a nickname called Chen Maniac. Do you know this?" Zhu Qing asked.

Zhu Jie nodded hurriedly and said, "I am still able to survive the name of Chen Maniac. Not only in Long'an City, but also in the surrounding Hanjiang City, it is quite famous."

Zhu Qingdao said: "That's right. Your Uncle Wei is In Long'an, he is a member of Fade Chen. "

" What, Uncle Wei is only a member of Fade Chen? "Zhu Jie couldn't believe it.

Zhu Qingdao: "You don't know, how many people want to be Fade Chen's men now, have no chance. Your uncle Wei is now proud of this status!"

"And, this time the martial arts thing. If you don't have your uncle Wei matchmaking, How do you think a master like Fade Chen came back to help me such an ordinary person! "

Listening to his father, Zhu Jie felt shocked and unbelievable.

She thought of Fade Chen's strength and status. But he did not expect that his skill is so good.

Recalling the scene on the train that he thought was a conversation and refused, Zhu Jie couldn't tell what it felt like.


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