Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 428

Chapter 428

Chapter 428

Chapter 428

Holding Wei Ling, comfort for a while, this slowly let Wei Ling's mood calm down.

Then, Wei Jinlong also came over and comforted her daughter softly, which finally made Wei Ling's mood completely calm down.

The current situation is not suitable for Wei Ling to stay here, so Fade Chen asked Wei Jinlong to take Wei Ling to find a place to rest.

And Fade Chen, his eyes cold, swept to the many martial artists on the scene. The cold eyes suddenly made everyone on the scene cold, and there was a frightened and timid expression on his face.

His eyes glanced over them, and Fade Chen's eyes fell on the war tiger behind the crowd. With a cold sip, "Come out!" The

war tiger was suddenly thrown out by the trembling, like a dead dog in front of Fade Chen. Lying on the ground, trembling constantly, his mouth murmured: "I'm wrong, I don't want to kill me! I'm wrong, don't kill me!"

Fade Chen grabbed War Tiger's neck and raised him When he got up, he said coldly, "Say, this Firebird mercenary regiment, and what purpose does your warrior have? I have recruited them from the ground?"

At this moment, the war tiger, how dare you hide anything. Fade Chen asked aloud, he immediately confessed all of them.

The thing is that when Fade Chen abolished Zhan Qi, Zhan Hu was resentful because his son was abolished. Knowing that the cousin War Dragon would return, he contacted his cousin in advance and learned his cousin's information.

Knowing that War Dragon is now the deputy head of the famous Firebird Mercenary Corps, and intends to return to the country to expand its influence, expand the territory of the Firebird Mercenary Corps to the territory of China, and let the Firebird Mercenary Corps grow into a world-wide The largest mercenary regiment within.

Zhanhu wanted Zhanlong to take revenge for his son, and wanted to hug Zhanlong's thigh. After learning the news, he immediately started arranging arrangements and secretly advised Zhanlong.

Eventually, this strategy was established to allow foreigners to enter Hannan City and concentrate on challenging nearby warriors in a short period of time. Finally, I plan to open my identity at this warrior conference, deter the warriors near Hannan City in one fell swoop, and take down these people directly.

In order to complete this plan, War Tiger collected a lot of relevant warrior information in advance and provided it to War Dragon's Firebird Mercenary Corps. Eventually, the plan will almost be completed.

As a result, Xu Ning annoyed Fade Chen because Xu Ning kidnapped Wei Ling. Eventually, the entire plan fell short and failed completely.

After listening to the whole plan, Fade Chen was cold, and there was a anger in his heart. These foreign forces, even wanting to enter China, are even more lawless.

With a cold snort, Fade Chen continued to ask: "What role did your warrior play in this matter?"

Zhanhu quickly said: "This matter has nothing to do with the warrior. In fact, it has always been I was in contact with my cousin, and the entire plan was basically prepared by the two of us. It had nothing to do with the rest of the

fighters . " " Really? "Fade Chen said coldly.

"Really, absolutely true!" Zhanhu whispered, "The old man and they are all separated by us. Most of the remaining fighters are working in the army, and they don't know about the family. "

Maybe it's to keep the reputation of the family, or maybe to find a new life, and the Tiger is resolute on this issue." Fade Chen seemed to believe in the words of War Tigers when he saw the attitude of the people around him.

Without tangling in this, Fade Chen continued to ask: "The last question, what the War Dragon said lastly, what does it mean that the Firebird Mercenary Corps will not let me go? They still have masters here? Or, someone gave The Firebird Mercenary Corps reported the news? "

Zhanhu was shocked and froze for a moment, then waved his hand:" No, no— "

Seeing this guy's expression, Fade Chen slammed and directly raised his finger gently, severing one of the hands of the war tiger, and said coldly: "Don't tell the truth?" The

severe pain made the war tiger almost dizzy. In the past, but in the face of the demon-like Fade Chen, he dared not hide it, endured the pain, and nodded: "Firebird Mercenary Corps, there are indeed

masters in China." novelbin

"Uh!" Fade Chen raised his eyebrows, but somewhat Unexpectedly, "what master, where are the people?"

Wei Ling reminded Fade Chen that although his strength is strong, it is impossible to protect all his friends and family from harm at all times. Therefore, now that we know that there are enemies in China, Fade Chen will eliminate them at all costs, and he will not be given the opportunity to hurt his family and friends again.

Zhanhu hesitated a little, then looked at Fade Chen and said: "You, you promised to spare me a life, I will tell you the news."

"You are not qualified to talk to me about the conditions!" Fade Chen burst out with a fingertip With a strong breath, he looked at the War Tiger coldly.

The War Tiger shuddered for a few seconds and hesitated for a few seconds. When Fade Chen frowned a little impatiently, the War Tiger finally said: "Two of the four top players of the Firebird Mercenary Corps are just away from Hannan City. On a cruise ship on the high seas recently. "

" They were waiting for the success of the matter here, and the Dragon Warrior sent a message back. And now, the Dragon Warrior can't send the message back again. They will soon know that this side is out. Question, I will definitely come over to investigate the situation. "

Wen Yan, Fade Chen frowned lightly, and then continued to ask:" What are the four masters of the Firebird Mercenary Corps, what level of strength? "

Tiger Tiger explained:" Zhanlong and I said that the firebird mercenary regiment, the most powerful leader is naturally Firebird, and the second position is not his deputy leader, but the mercenary regiment. The four great masters inside. These four masters are all powerful and comparable to prefecture level masters. Even my cousin thinks that they are not their opponents. "

"Moreover, their methods are more fierce and vicious than my cousin, because they grew up in war places and have long been accustomed to killing and bloody life."

After listening to the words of War Tiger, Fade Chen did not respond. Many warriors couldn't help breathing.

The strength and fierce means of Zhanlong have made them feel scared and unimaginable.

And now, there are two masters who are more terrifying than Zhanlong, not far away, which makes them feel cold in their hearts, and a sense of silent fear comes up. For a time, everyone's eyes turned towards Fade Chen, who couldn't help looking.

Fade Chen frowned lightly. He didn't feel good about this kind of perverted killing madness. Because they have no bottom line, they do whatever they can to reach their destination.

In other words, they are likely to threaten Fade Chen's family and friends in retaliation for Fade Chen. Thinking of this, Fade Chen burst into a chill in his heart, and said to himself coldly: "I don't care who you are, it's better not to act rashly, otherwise, there is only one way to die!"


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