Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

Fade Chen accused him of moving his hand away from Lin Qiuhan's shoulder, and then looked at Xu Xiaoting, and said, "Xiaoting, you and Lin, please talk about the matter just now!"

Xu Xiaoting nodded and patted in shock. The nurse in the spot, Director Liu harassed them immediately, and Minister Wang favored the maintenance of Director Liu.

Listening to their words, Minister Wang suddenly recovered. Suppressing the curiosity about Fade Chen's identity in his heart, he quickly began to defend and said: "Mr. Lin, these are not true, I don't, I

just-- " Minister Wang still wanted to explain, but Xu Xiaoting glanced at him, and then looked at the nurse. Zhuo Dao: "Xiao Zhuo, take out the video I took and show it to President Lin."

Xiao Zhuo quickly operated it on the computer and clicked on a video, which was the scene of Director Liu's harassment.

These videos were taken by Director Liu after being harassed several times before, and Xiao Zhuo and Xu Xiaoting secretly filmed them with a computer camera in order to obtain evidence as evidence.

Now, the evidence comes in handy. When Director Liu and Minister Wang looked at the video in the video, their complexion suddenly changed, their mouths moved, and their faces changed at once.

Lin Qiuhan's complexion seemed somber at the moment. As a company leader and a woman, Lin Qiuhan has always hated workplace sexual harassment, and the punishment is also very strong.

Now that the evidence is conclusive, Director Liu ’s dismissal is definitely a matter of not running.

Upon seeing this, Minister Wang turned his eyes, stepped back quickly, and opened the distance with Director Liu around him, and at the same time excused himself: "Mr. Lin, Director Liu's matter, I don't know. This is just him Personal behavior, if I know it, I will not defend him.

I-- " Fade Chen heard, sneered, said:" Minister Wang, I just recorded everything you said just now. You want me to say one sentence Let it out? "

" This— "Minister Wang was startled, his face even more ugly.

Lin Qiuhan's eyes were cold and he said in a cold voice: "Minister Wang, please suspend your duties. All related business will be handed over to Vice Minister Xu. In addition, I will report to you and Director Liu, and you will be prepared! "Mr.

Lin, I didn't--" Minister Wang's face suddenly changed greatly, and he wanted to beg for mercy.

But Lin Qiuhan didn't give him a chance at all, waved his hand, and said to the security guard: "Bring them down!" The

security guards immediately turned away pale director Liu and Minister Wang.

Lin Qiuhan immediately turned around and explained the situation to Xu Xiaoting several of them, while expressing apology.

Later, Lin Qiuhan turned and went upstairs.

Seeing this, Fade Chen hurried to catch up and shouted: "Wife, look at the time, you are almost off work, you don't have to go up, go home!"

Lin Qiuhan turned to Fade Chen and said, "I still have something to do after work."

"Ah, wife. As soon as I came back, you couldn't accompany me well--" Fade Chen mumbled to catch up with Lin Qiuhan.

"The work has been decided long ago and cannot be pushed forward!" Lin Qiuhan said.

"Wife, let me go with you!" Fade Chen quickly stepped forward and walked side by side with Lin Qiuhan.

Behind them, the two nurses in the medical room were all dumbfounded at the moment.

"This, this, Dr. Chen, he turned out to be Mr. Lin's husband?"

"Mr. Lin, an iceberg beauty, was actually married, I really didn't expect it!"

"Xiao Ting, how could you know Mr. Lin's husband?" "For

a time, Xu Xiaoting was surrounded by nurses, and all the problems were covered.

Xu Xiaoting glanced at the figure of Fade Chen who had entered the elevator and said to the nurses: "When our autumn group was still in Long'an City, Dr. Chen and Lin were always married. Moreover, Dr. Chen was not only a doctor Simple, he is still a master of martial arts. He

immediately " Xu Xiaoting told some of Fade Chen's deeds in Long'an City, and suddenly let the nurse marvel and envy, almost star appeared in his eyes.

"I did not expect, and Dr. Chen so much. No wonder the energy coupled with the total forest!"

"Hero with beauty, so romantic!"

"This kind of identity Dr Chan, just for us but also so approachable, great character."

Fade Chen Not knowing what the nurses said about themselves, they followed Lin Qiuhan to the president's office.

Sitting across from his wife, Fade Chen looked at his busy wife and said, "Wife, don't you really go home after work? I came over and waited for you to come home together?"

Lin Qiuhan gave Fade Chen an apologetic look and said, : "I have a customer appointment and have dinner together after work. I really can't push it."

"Customer, have dinner together? Men or women?" Fade Chen asked nervously.

When Lin Qiuhan saw this, he couldn't help but laugh for a while. Fade Chen gave a white glance and said, "It's just a customer, what are you doing so nervous? Besides, the other party is a woman."

"Women are just fine!" "Wife, let's go like this. I'll go with you to see the client after work, and go home after talking."

"You don't understand business matters, go with me!" Lin Qiuhan gave Fade Chen a blank look.

Fade Chen walked over and gave Lin Qiuhan his shoulders, and smiled: "I don't understand business, but I can be your wife, your secretary, you can pour tea and pour your shoulders."

"Of course, the kind of secretary who has something to do, and the secretary who doesn't have to do anything will do. As long as your wife gives you an order, I am willing to dedicate my soul and body." Fade Chen smiled and winked.

"Who wants your flesh--" Lin Qiuhan took a sip and immediately gave Fade Chen a blank look, just about to vomit.

At this moment, when a phone rang, Lin Qiuhan immediately connected the phone, said a few words, and then hung up. He raised his head and said to Fade Chen: "Okay, don't be stubborn. Time is up, let's go!"

"Yes, President Lin." Fade Chen looked respectfully, picking up a briefcase for Lin Qiuhan and a secretary Looks like.

The two went downstairs and boarded the car together, and walked towards the agreed hotel.

In the car, Lin Qiuhan briefed Fade Chen about the customer.

"This time I came to the owner of Ningyuan Group in Ningxi City, the neighboring province. Ningyuan Group is a cosmetic giant in the next province. It was founded very early, and it was established by a state-owned unit more than 30 years ago. The performance has declined somewhat, but years of old reputation and a strong mass base have made them sell well in small cities and rural areas outside the

metropolis. This is the biggest advantage of Ningyuan Group. "

" We and Ningyuan Group want to Talking about cooperation is to promote each other. For Ningyuan Group, they enhance the brand fashion and transform. For our autumn group to lay the market

in third and fourth tier cities and expand the scale of operations. " Fade Chen listened carefully and kept nodding records It really looks like a secretary.


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